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Old 08-11-2005, 10:11 AM   #11
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“The TONIMAR” Excerpt from “Winnipiseogee Heritage” prepared by the Junior History Class at Alton High School - circa. 1975. Page 13 - No copyright.

“Captain Lawrence Beck started operation the mailboat out of Alton Bay in 1929. The mailboat went into operation on June 15 and ran to September 15, making about 35 stops, which included summer camps, islands and other places having no postal service. The route eventually averaged about 60 miles per day, starting at 8:00 a.m. and finishing at 3:00 p.m.

In 1941 Mr. Beck purchased a new boat, the “Tonimar’; in Bay Head, N.J. It was sailed up the Atlantic coast to Portsmouth and then transported on a 16 wheel tractor trailer to Wolfeboro.

The mailboat carried about 35,000 pieces of mail during the three months’ summer season. It was literally a floating post office, with sale of stamps conducted on board. Mail was run through a cancelling machine, then sorted into pigeonholes for the various camps, islands and other stops. Mailsacks bulging with letters from parents of homesick campers took up much of the space on the boat.

Captain Beck recalled weathering a twister a few years ago on Winnipesaukee. Important in such emergencies was the navigation and communication equipment. There was a depth finder, compass and radio on three frequencies.

Captain Beck and the mailboat retired in 1966, after twenty-nine years of faithful service.”

Postmark - 1959
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