Thread: Slug-gos
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Old 07-28-2005, 12:27 PM   #4
Jeff Furber
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Default Sluggo

The alewife color, which is I think a light brownish color on top and grey on the bottom is good. Lots of people love the dark reddish maroon color and white. The best size is the 6" I think and you need Sluggo type hooks to go with it. These are available at most tackle shops that carry sluggos or directly available from Sluggo manufacturer.

Short story years ago when they had just come out(sluggos), I was fishing with a guide on Winnie, I had been on Winnie many, many times but you learn so much from the guide, both about fishing at Winnie and boating in general, that I hired him even though it was expensive. Well worth the money.
We fished a cove or two in the late afternoon and it was raining quite a bit and we got into a big school of smallies and we each caught 25, the smallest being 3lbs. The largest was about 4lbs which was caught by my guide Rich Lillegard, who is a great guide and good friend and terrific guy to fish with.
We stayed an extra hour on the water to keep on fishing this area. It was like one of the story's you read about, we were there, the fish were ready and we had the right bait for the right time. We wore out a big bag of sluggos that day.
These days sluggos can be fished on the surface or on the tail end of a Carolina rig or with a nail in the head of the sluggo to get down deeper.
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