Thread: Pit Bulls
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Old 12-22-2012, 12:03 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by Belmont Resident View Post
Lowes does allow dogs. In fact when my Rascal was a puppy if I showed up at Tilton Lowes without her the girls were disappointed.
I often bring her to Gilford and many workers there know her by name.
I have never been asked to remove my dog from a Lowes store. I do however from time to time get looks from obvious none animal lovers with a look that says why do you have a dog in the store.
I would however never bring a dog into a store that needed a leash. To much work, but that is why we have lap dogs.
Oh FYI for those interested I bought my wife another JR puppy for Christmas. It doesn't replace pirate but it sure helped put a smile back on her face.
I like that about Lowe's then. I wonder if all Lowe's allows them? I was thinking I saw a sign once that said no dogs allowed. I only go to Lowe's and HD when I can't find something somewhere else anyway. We have taken our dogs in stores and when we do, people always say how good they are and how they wish kids that came in were that good. Ours don't move a muscle as long as they are being held.

I am glad you got your wife a new puppy. It is so true, it doesn't replace, but it sure does help you get your mind off it and you love the new one just as much!
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