Thread: Pit Bulls
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Old 12-19-2012, 06:17 PM   #77
Resident 2B
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Originally Posted by donthasslemeimlocal View Post
I understand you're grieving but change the tables, how would you feel if your varmint hunting terrier dog killed my kid's pet rabbit? and I vowed to to murder your dog because of it??
Pit Bull Terriers were originally bred for bull-baiting and later thrown into dog fighting pits together (this is all back in the late 1800's) They were not bred to be people aggressive and actually wiped from the gene pool if they did. Yes, today you have the people out there raising their dogs for terrible reasons but its not just pit bulls being abused. Both of you are at fault here. The first time that dog showed any sort of aggression it should have been humanely put out of it's misery. I can almost guarantee that dog is not fixed, was not properly raised and probably was allowed to live as the dominant pack member. Pit Bulls need a structured routine in their life, they cannot think they're the alpha in the houseor horrible incidents like this CAN happen (same as any dog) but also, shame on you for being a careless owner and letting your dog run free. If your dog had been ran over by a car would you seek revenge on the driver as well??

Do everyone a favor and read up some on some unbiased articles on American Pit Bull Terrier (yes....Terrier. Just like your Jack Russel terrier. They both come from the same blood line, Imagine that )

If you really do your homework you'll learn that most of the dogs covered in news articles or tv stories arent even purebred American Pit Bull Terriers, they're inbred, improperly raised and cared for mutts that have a big skull. The media likes to drop the 'pit bull' name because they know it keeps people interested aka ratings. They did it with Rottweilers, Dobermans, Sheppard's and now Pit Bulls.
"With a recorded bite force of 235 PSI, pit bull terriers bite at only 71 percent of the strength of Rottweilers. Pit bulls have a false reputation for being a dangerous breed, and evoke more irrational fear than any other domesticated dog. Contrary to the myth, this muscular breed has a mild temperament, and if raised like any other house pet, can make a loyal addition to the family.
Read more: Strongest Dog Bites |"

To go around persecuting certain dogs because they're some bad reports makes you just as ignorant as your stupid neighbor for not properly caring for their dog. Do your homework before you open your trap. If I find out anything has happened to any pit bull type dog whether it actually be a pit bull or your ignorance thinking some mutt looks like a pit bull, I will personally make sure you face the consequences for your nescient comment.

While we're on the subject, take a look at the photo and tell me which dog is a pit bull.....

OH! And what a horrible show this was too! Espeically when Pete ate all the kids.....

Or what about when Helen Keller's pit bull lead her into a dark room only to maul her to death.... oh wait....

I know you're too hell bent on revenge right now to even comprehend the amount of information I've just supplied by hopefully some day you and anyone else will think back on this and realize what a bunch of morons you look like saying such horrible things.
Really? Wow!

I also understand you cannot fix stupid.

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