Thread: Pit Bulls
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Old 12-10-2012, 09:22 PM   #60
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I think this thread should be directed to the firearms thread... I have 4 dogs and if a neighbors dog did that to one of mine it would disappear in the night...

I have owned many dogs, the toughest one being a chessie. My jake was an angel, had him since he was 8 weeks and he was the best chessie I had ever met. Many vets and groomers were scared of him as they are known to be bull headed, not loving, and sometimes aggressive but certainly not fierce like a pit bull. He turned out to be loyal and lovable. He was focused and a bit intense when it came to his toys but beyond that my kids could climb all over him. He lived to be 14, a good long life for a Chesapeake.

I was mauled by a black lab as a kid, it roughed me up pretty bad. It's a miracle I like dogs as much as I do. I have been attacked by rotties and pit bulls before so I have no love for either.

Our 4 dogs are all family friendly. My leonberger is a moose and has a bark that could wake the dead, but is a teddy bear. The rest are all sissies.

Sorry for your loss. Awful...


(Codeman, otherwise named Cody, was my golden retriever and probably the best friend I have ever had)
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