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Old 05-22-2012, 12:17 PM   #238
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Default It will be years....

Again, I will say it like I did in an earlier post. My prediction and I am sorry to say it. It will probably be years before anything is done with that property. Its already been what, 2 years? You have to keep in mind the calibler of people we are dealing with here. The Baldi's would probably spend the equivalent in attroney fees that they would to raze the structure.

Remember, for every attorney that was at the top of their class, there was an attorney at the bottom of thier class. Those are the ones who represent scum like this crew.

They are all about the money. Even if they finally tear it down. Even if they rebuild it. Do you think the people in the Lakes Region are going to embrace them re opening and support their business? I would hope not. Even if they were to rebuild, I am sure at the end there will be a list of people that they didn't pay and a list of people they screwed over. They screwed the company John Carter Sprinkler Company out of $36K for their sprinkler system. Never paid him a dime for all the work they did there.

But hey, lets all hold hands and go to the Drive-In. Better yet, how about some Laconians go to some public hearings and see about getting some vendor space permits denied for Bike Week.

Remember....sometimes some people just suck!!
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