Thread: Got Boats?
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Old 03-28-2004, 06:44 AM   #119
Belmont Resident
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Default Re: Got Boats?

Unfortunately this site although it can be very informative at times is probably more noted for it's bashing qualities. More than once the subject of toning down the content has come up. There is a point when the responses become down right nasty and should not be allowed. But then I suppose it would have to become a full time job just weeding out the trash responses. It would be a much better site if the subject matter stayed with the subject instead of venturing off to bash a particular boat type or owner.
You are probably a very responsible driver when your on the lake like the majority are. But there are others who drive high profile boats like your's who are not so in tune with what's around them.
Remember this, the family boat owner/drivers out number the performance boats on Winni. by at least 20 to 1. As do the infractions written up by the Marine Patrol. The next biggest violation group would be the jet ski owners.
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