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Old 05-12-2005, 07:15 AM   #15
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Question "Akwa Wolfeboro"?

Since it was warm, sunny, and calm yesterday, I took a boat ride around The Broads to have a look-see. There are some changes. Rattlesnake Islanders are getting new addresses: One home is marked with both "116" and "983".

Now that a sunny day's comparison with Walgreen's with its neighbors can be made, I don't think the Walgreen's property is as "confrontational" as others nearby. One residence -- under construction nearby -- looks like a new Home Depot. Another has a serious landslide for a lawn. (Still another has a florescent, cardinal-red, roof -- a trend?)

Some aluminum scrape-marks on Walgreen's rocky underwater ledges have been silted-over since just last week. There is a new navigation marker this year, too. (And it doesn't appear on my new-this-year, 6th-edition, BiZer's).

The airport is as active as ever -- with Cessnas and helicopters landing as I watched. A huge swath of giant white pines has been "harvested" from one end of the runway. Except for the abandoned "stump field" there, the airport runway may actually be safer for landings and take-offs. OTOH, the Walgreen's 40-acre property nearby has a diamond-shaped sign indicating it is a "Tree Farm". Go figure.

Are the airport- and the Walgreen- owners both looking for a Akwa-Vista-style buyer?

I've heard that one dug well nearby produces excellent water; however, my own observations of the new cellars being dug in the neighborhood of the Walgreen's indicate that the soil is eight-foot-thick clay -- and rock -- and is not suitable for the suggested wholesale, private, drainfields. (Clay will shed septic drainage into Winnipesaukee).

The narrow roads won't handle construction traffic either, and the owners fronting the roads (including a public beach) may have something to say about that.

Now (Thursday) I'm getting word that the Winnipesaukee real estate market is going to get bad for us lakefront owners. More on that when I get a clarification on that "doomsday" e-mail.

First today though, I've got to refill my tank with another 2 gallons of expensive gasoline. Where to go???
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