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Old 09-11-2011, 05:21 AM   #20
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I was an administrative assistant for one of our hospitals in the Dallas area. I was completing some paperwork for the director of the psychiatric unit. Walking back to my office I overheard one of the patients on the phone telling a friend a plane had crashed into the WTC. I immediately wondered what medication she was on. It wasn't until I got to my office and called my sister who confirmed what this patient had said. Having been born and raised in New Jersey we had been to the WTC and knew the area quite well. Of course hospitals can't stop work and at the time TVs were only in patient rooms so I kept informed with calls to my sister. I'll never forget her saying, "they're gone, those buildings are gone". A friend of mine in New Jersey said one of the saddest things was to drive by the train stations and see the same cars sitting in the parking lot of the Park and Rides day after day waiting for their drivers who never returned.
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