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Old 08-06-2011, 04:30 PM   #14
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Default Paws Crossed

Sure hope they can capture Nicky. It can be very difficult with a newly-adopted dog. When we rescued our 2nd, we discovered he was an escape artist. There's nothing quite like running around the neighborhood, calling a dog that doesn't even know his name yet! Can't count the number of times my heart was in my throat.

Not sure this would work, but has anyone tried just sitting quietly in the area he's been seen, with some great-smelling food handy? Takes a lot of time and patience, but I have heard of this working in the past so it might be worth a try? The other thing is if Nicky is dog-friendly, to get someone with another dog-friendly dog that might entice Nicky to approach? I have also heard of some success with this method.

Good luck to Nicky's family, and paws crossed for a happy outcome.
"Don't breed and buy while shelter pets die." - from a Shelter Manager
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