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Old 06-23-2011, 10:45 AM   #54
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I am sure you spend alot of $$$ when you come on vacation! Most vactioners and tourists do. I am in no way insulting you. My point is, the Weirs sees approximately 20,000 to 30,000 bikes on average EVERYDAY of Bike Week! There are not enough vactioners to compete with that! Its just numbers! Even if the bikers only spend an average of $5 per person per day (way low) its a major amount of money! I see no reason why some rules cannot be relaxed for this one week! Especially if it helps the local economy! They already relax some rules now for Bike week. While they enforce other in Draconian fashion! I say cater to your customer! During Bike Week cater to the Bikers! Before and after Bike Week cater to the tourists and vacationers!


I am in agreement with you! I just dont want the Weirs to become Meredith.... I think the honky tonk flavor should be preserved but updated. Cool bars, Cool Music, Funky shops.... make the Weirs a destination not just some old arcades and pizza! Let people sit on a bench and watch the boats on the lake with a beer? Is that soo harmful? Walk down to the Lob Pound from the Gringo and maybe stop into a new key west style open air bar in one of the old arcades on the way....


There is PLENTY of backup.... I could understand if Bike Week was a notoriously rowdy event. But its just not. There are plenty of cops walking around. I am not opposed to staging a few cops close by "just in case"! But the Police presence is truly overwhelming for the number of people....
The only way to eliminate ignorant behavior is through education. You can't fix stupid.
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