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Old 05-11-2011, 03:03 PM   #61
Bear Islander
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Originally Posted by Chimi View Post
She forgot to add the big "THANK YOU" to the Reps for disposing of the bill that would have required boat renters to have a full Boater Education Certificate. The big money has spoken again. She had better hope and pray that one of these renters with the marina-issued temporary licenses (read: toilet paper) does not run over and kill an innocent swimmer, boater, kayaker, fisherman, etc.

PS: Where's Bill Berthold when you need him? I recall him questioning whether someone was a registered voter in Gilford. Is Sandra Helve a registered voter in Meredith, Mr. Berthold? NOT!
When you don't have good arguments against speed limits the next best thing is personal attacks against people that support them.

Sandy does live in Meredith, I have been to her home. She probably is not registered to vote in Meredith, but on the other hand she NEVER claimed to be.

And where did you get the idea that Sandy was against the Boater Education bill? Because I suspect you just made that up to try and make her look bad.

Bear Islander
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