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Old 03-25-2004, 02:08 PM   #27
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Default Re: Winnisquam & Maine - Winnipesaukee fisheries

Yes, Champlain is extra big so it will take decades, however NH Resident, I'll have you know that I have 18 years behind me on the NH Tournament trails, I am just being honest and realistic now. We MUST for NH and the sake of it's fisheries go to a LOTTERY system for Tours and have only REASONABLE amount of events on each water body per year. It is going to happen in NH and hopefully sooner than later, Maine is surviving with this LOTTERY permit system, so NH can too. As far as the 8 bag limits of 25 LBS fro John/NH, these are getting rare, anyway, can they please explain why there are not 10-25 8 fish bags of 24 lbs or better anymore ? ? ? Too much pressure = too much mortality.
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