Thread: E15
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Old 03-08-2011, 07:36 AM   #11
Blue Thunder
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Originally Posted by Steve Di. View Post
I owned a truck that would typically achieve from 16.5 to 17.0 average miles per gallon. When ethanol arrived on the scene, I noticed my fuel economy dropped to 14.0 average m.p.g.

If the intent of ethanol is to reduce our oil consumption, then I think they missed the mark and are exacerbating the problem. While using ethanol my fuel economy dropped by 18%, even though I was buying 10% less oil per gallon of fuel purchased. By doing the math, I realized my OIL consumption increased by 8%

The only people benefiting by this program is the government by the taxes reaped by the increase in consumption, and the farmers who are receiving the government subsidies.

One other thing, per mile driven, I believe I am also pumping more pollution into the atmosphere. This program is a loser no matter how they try to spin it.
I went to great lengths to try and figure out what was going on with my '04 truck and the drop in mpg a couple of years ago. After tons of research and a whole lot of diagnosis that I wasted time on, turns out it was E10. I'll leave the politics out for now because that will turn into a rant.....

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