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Old 02-12-2011, 06:06 AM   #42
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Angry The "Times", They are A-Changin'

Originally Posted by NoBozo View Post
Since we are TOTALLY off topic, maybe with some interest in old submarine Sea Stories.. I'll relate this: ...Anyhow, we had a couple of Bubbleheads who were either Retired or recently separated from the Submarine Service. At the same time, the Clancy book "Hunt For Red October" had just come out. I seemed to be the first to find a copy. Before long everyone in the office had a copy and was reading the book during lunch...people in the office started asking him questions about such things as "Sosus".. and other little tidbits in the book. His Response: Just a smile and a shrug. Sub Sailors are "Debriefed" when leaving the service. They are sworn to NEVER talk about what they saw or did during their service. I know a few of them. They will NOT respond. One of them has been a friend for over 40 years. NO Comment on Sub OPS. This friend was on a boat that was Cable Tapping the Soviets in Russia during the cold war. All he will admit was he was on a particular boat. "Blind Mans Bluff" told me what his boat had been doing. As we used to say back then: "Negative Further". THEY are patriots. NB
1) Tom Clancy gets plenty of classified data into his books: all it takes is one to "talk" over a bottle or three.

2) "Sosus" got corrupted, and Toshiba caused the waste of billions of US taxpayers' dollars. I have Navy friends who won't touch Toshiba products. (I own none.)

3) TIME magazine has published accounts of many of our still-classified operations, costing us even more billion$ in American "intellectual property".

This is not to mention America's "Newspaper of Record".
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