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Old 02-09-2011, 02:57 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by lawn psycho View Post
Skip, where you a radioman? I started out life as a nuke electrician on fast-attacks. Way back in the day a bunch of the EMs and ETs on board got the ham bug. We all sat for our tests and then had piles of gizmos to make stupid sound transmitters and other annoying toys.

Of course back then we had no money. We had no limits to our imagination on what to make but there was no internet to order stuff online and it was expensive as hell to make any of the really cool stuff.

I shudder to think about what we could do today
I was a boomer sailor (ballistic missile submarine for you landlubbers) in my distant youth, 640 class boats. That's where I received my electronics training (courtesy of Uncle Sam...thank you) and last served active duty as a Sonar Supervisor (STS1/SS) on th e SSBN-645 (James K. Polk). Afterwards I served a couple of tours as a reservist with a Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare Unit out of Portsmouth, NH until the unit was dissolved and transferred a distance I didn't want to travel on a monthly basis. And as you infer....I shudder also to think of what we could do today with the internet as a resource!

At least you're not a skimmer puke!
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