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Old 01-08-2011, 03:39 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by MAXUM View Post
Well the free market says otherwise. Apple has been around LONGER than Microsoft if anything Apple should rule the operating system world yet why don't they if the product is so superior? The consumer market has rejected it for a reason. Proprietary software that runs on a proprietary platform where the cost point is not competitive.
No offense, but you sound very ill-equipped to argue one side or the other in this conversation.

In most product markets the volume leader is NOT the highest quality product, it is the product with the mid-point price.

Microsoft has been steadily losing market share while Apple has been steadily gaining. If you are talking about operating systems, then they are both equal amounts of "proprietary". I'm not sure how you counter that Apple hardware is proprietary, in fact a moderate group of people buy Apple laptops for their higher aesthetics and build quality, and then run Windows on them. Seems like if it was a proprietary platform you wouldn't be able to do that so easily.

The length of time either company has been in existence is also of little real concern. The consumer personal computer business didn't really start in significant volumes until the Internet become popular in the mid-90's, long after both companies had been established.
[insert witty phrase here]
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