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Old 01-04-2011, 08:00 AM   #382
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
Here's a little question that I want to throw out: What's up with Ward's nickname "Lauchy" as was printed in the LaDaSun, the other day? Anyone know where he got that nickname which is supposedly pronounced Locky. Now Locky sure seems like an unusual nickname? Also printed in the LaDaSun article it said something like Ward always carried his .45 Sig concealed and never went anywhere without it because he had a concealed carry permit and it was his right to do so.

Is "Lauchy" a nickname that was derived from Locky as in Lock & Load, or Locked & Loaded, or Locky & Loadied or something? Is "Lauchy" some type of a Moultonborough, way-out-in-the-country, down-a-long-dirt-road nickname for Ward because he was always locked & loaded? "Yes, Ward is always locked & loaded so one day we just decided to start calling him "Lauchy" and it stuck, plus he seems to like the name?"

.....or something like that?
I don't answer your question because I think you might actually care what the real answer is, but there might be some decent people reading this who do care. Ward got the nickname handed down to him from a relative. I don't recall if it was a Great Grandfather or a Great Uncle.
I know it isn't as colorful or degrading as your sarcastic speculation but is does have much more honor and meaning than I suspect your capable of understanding.
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