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Old 09-08-2010, 10:13 AM   #6
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Default Your not going to like this but

So here is the thing.... people often tell me I am cruel and uncaring and I don't know maybe I am. But I only know of one way to deal with feral "wild" cats, or dogs.... and that is to put them down... we forget that man domesticated these animals long ago, however they are originally pack animals and when left alone the revert back... of course we have Politically Corrected the term wild to Feral because it sounds better. Makes us feel better and less cruel. Unfortunately once animals revert back to there primitive selves the best thing to do, is to continue to allow them to be wild. And do what we do to control the rest of the wild animals in this country, allow them to be trapped and hunted.

Nope certainly in this country cat and Dog isn't a entree that most would want, so the best bet would be to catch them and then just put them down..... Sure it may make some people sad to see this happen, and I am not saying that it doesn't bother me some... But I would rather see an animal put down, then know that I am trying to contain something that doesn't want to be contained.

Folks need to keep one thing in mind, is the idea of keeping feral animals alive for the good of the animal, or so that you can rest easy at night....

(now just so none of you jump down my throat, I have had several animals growing up, dogs, cats, gerbils, etc etc... currently my wife has a cat, and we just got a dog.... nope they are domesticated and I plan on keeping it that way..... but when the time comes that they have grown old or gotten injured to the point that I can't reasonably heal them.... They get put to sleep.... so they don't suffer.... I have the ability to mentally heal, from the truma, they may not...)

Unfortunately not every animal can be or should be rescued.... its a sad truth, and before Cat populations explode to uncontrollably people need to face the fact, and put some of them down.
Life is about how much time you can spend relaxing... I do it on an island that isn't really an island.....
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