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Old 08-05-2010, 09:46 PM   #56
Resident 2B
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Originally Posted by Tallyho View Post
I find no humor in Cpt. Quints posting, " I'll never put on a life jacket again". As a veteran, I consider it an insult to the crew of the cruiser USS Indianapolis. The dialogue was obviously taken from the movie Jaws, but the event actually happened. See below:

The Worst Naval Disaster in US History

At 12:14 a.m. on July 30, 1945, the USS Indianapolis was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine in the Philippine Sea and sank in 12 minutes. Of 1,196 men on board, approximately 300 went down with the ship. The remainder, about 900 men, were left floating in shark-infested waters with no lifeboats and most with no food or water. The ship was never missed, and by the time the survivors were spotted by accident four days later only 316 men were still alive.

The ship's captain, the late Charles Butler McVay III, survived and was court-martialed and convicted of "hazarding his ship by failing to zigzag" despite overwhelming evidence that the Navy itself had placed the ship in harm's way, despite testimony from the Japanese submarine commander that zigzagging would have made no difference, and despite that fact that, although over 350 navy ships were lost in combat in WWII, McVay was the only captain to be court-martialed. Materials declassified years later add to the evidence that McVay was a scapegoat for the mistakes of others.

I have to totally agree.

As a veteran from Viet Nam, I see nothing funny in the post by Capt. Quint. Capt. Quint, please respect those that served and gave their lives and remove your grossly distasteful post.

Webmaster, please remove this post if Capt. Quint feels it should remain.

Thank you.

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