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Old 07-21-2010, 12:12 PM   #45
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Default Engine running rough.... Here we go again !

Reaching for that 1/2"wrench of mine ! Ready to switch to 'Sail' !

My problem with boat has reared it's ugly head again....
After 3 successful outings on boat w/o any problems (more than an hour each outing), my engine started to display signs of coughing, backfiring, and stalling.

The three ladies onboard did not appreciate the ride, but I was able to limp back to the dock w/o being towed. I did manage to get in a swim first!

Was only on the water for about 45 min. Had engine at 3/4 throttle to half speed for half the time, then down to wake speed going through Governor Island bridge and back. Soon as I passed NWZ on Varney Point side of GI bridge I opened her up, that's when the trouble started !

Now, I just replaced the Ignition Module in Distributor. Since that time all has been well, up until now. That part/circuit board, was definitely bad, corroded, rusted, etc.

I think I have indicated all the parts replaced, and things checked.

FYI, I am still running on some of last Fall's gas (40 gal tank). My suspicion is that some slug at bottom of gas tank is getting sucked into Fuel pump, filter, or Carb. causing the symptoms mentioned at beginning of this email.
BTW, I changed the fuel filter beginning of season.

Some Forum members suggested that they thought this issue was related to a bad Coil, and when running for a while and heated up causing the problem. But others had stated that when a Coil goes, 'it just goes', and dies!

So what is everyone's thoughts at this point. Need some good suggestions.

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