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Old 06-14-2010, 12:26 PM   #37
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Default Maybe its the greatest generation spoiled brats.

Originally Posted by Kracken View Post
When exactly did this country turn into a bunch of woosies?

That is too loud.
That is too big.
That is not fair.
That is unhealthy.
That is wasteful.
That is inappropriate.

That offends me because…blah, blah, blah. Enough already!!!

What is beauty to one may be butt ugly to another. It seems like the majority (or maybe it’s just the most vocal) of people are offended by something and what societal change to remedy it.

A lone kayak crossing the Broads at sunrise may be beautiful to one person and yet another person may be offended by it. Maybe they are offended because it is made from petroleum, or perhaps the kayak is red and that is the color of the truck that ran over their great grandmother on Flag Day 6 years ago.

Bottom line here is: Everybody gets offended by something or somebody, everyday.

If you don’t like the channel…change it.
If something is unhealthy…don’t do it.
If something is to loud…go sit in your Prius and crank NPR (thanks Sunset)
If something is unfair…well get use to it, life isn’t fair.
Maybe its the greatest generation spoiled brats or even worse there kids kids..
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