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Old 04-21-2010, 08:08 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by secondcurve View Post
No Regrets:

News Flash: If one doesn't drink and speed in total darkness in the middle of the night his/her chance of having a "momentary lapse" on the lake are greatly reduced.

This trial is all about money. More specifically, it is about Erica trying to avoid a large judgment in Civil Court for causing the death of Stephanie B. Unfortunately, she was found guilty of negligence by a jury of her peers and she now will face the consequences which will likely include both jail time and a subsequent monetary judgment.
This trial was not about money, it was about a jury of her peers hearing evidence provided by the State of NH. Is money involved?? Yes it is. The prosecutor is getting paid by the state to do his job and the defense attorney is getting paid by the defendant to do his job.
I am sick of hearing about "the best defense money could buy" and how Erica and her family have "money" and that is why she is not going to do any jail time. Well you know what...any one of us if put in the same situation would hire the best defense attorney we could afford. That is what she did.
Her attorney did what he was supposed to do. He defended her within the parameters of the law. He showed reasonable doubt.

If all of you out there crying for blood in this case want to play the "best that money can buy" card, maybe you should look at the prosecutor and ask yourself if he did the best job he could for the State.

I am not a friend of Erica's. I hardly know who she is (other than seeing her at the gas pumps a few times over the years) but IMO she and her family worked for what they have, they were not handed the money, they did not win the lottery, so if they choose to use their money to defend Erica, so what?? Anyone complaining about her being a "rich girl" is (IMO) reeking of jealousy.
In about 30 minutes, she will be sentenced and then you can all rejoice (if she gets jail time) or continue to complain (if she does not) but I say...let it go. Get a life. Three families’ lives have been affected forever, we have all had our chance to vent, and I don't think that you need to keep this story alive anymore.
Personally I will remember what happened that night every time I get behind the wheel of my boat (or car for that matter) but that has nothing to do with the postings on this forum, but rather the event itself.
This is a boating forum, the season is here, let's talk boating
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