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Old 11-14-2009, 04:57 PM   #505
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Sunset on the dock wrote:
I havn't thought about it long enough to know what I believe, the part about winnfabs wanting to get rid of big cruisers that is, but I find it extremely hard to believe that the level of public outrage against the cruisers would be feasable to get such a measure passed. You probably know my big issue with the GFBL's has been noise, more so possibly than speed. I think this is one area where the public has indeed been outraged, IMHO. Typically when a big cruiser cruises past where I live, people come out on the dock and say things like "I wonder how many bedrooms it has?" or "I bet it's got a nicer kitchen than the one in our home." Then the kids all jump in the water and ride the big waves with their long wavelength. Any thoughts about erosion are fleeting or non existant. Compare this to when a noisy GFBL goes by...this would be the gist of the conversation: "Those @#$%& noisy boats ruin any semblance of tranquility left on the lake. ", "What did you say, I can't hear a @#$%&* word you're saying?"
One of the arguments I have read from some SL supporters that I never understood was the one in which they link fast boats with big wakes and erosion. A boat on plain makes a smaller wake than one plowing through the water like a cruiser. I have also heard reports that WinnFabs has another bill ready to go that would limit the size of boats on the lake, I don't know exactly what they are targeting but as someone pointed out very well, that is one of the big reasons that those of us who don't have a boat that can violate the speed limit are fighting so hard. Once that can is opened...

As far as High Performance boats being loud I agree and I think working toward allowing what they call a switchable exhaust in NH might go a long way toward solving that problem, but as I understand it the law prohibits a High Performance boat from having an exhaust that can be quited down. Something we can work on.

Even if you can't make the meeting (neither can I) keep in touch and I'll bet we can come to a meeting of the minds.
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