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Old 11-14-2009, 04:49 PM   #504
sunset on the dock
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Originally Posted by hazelnut View Post
No worries sunset.

I just want to make one thing very very clear to you. I assumed you had some affiliation to winnfabs. It is clear to me now that you don't. You don't have to take my word for it, by your response I can see you haven't. Talk to one of their members. They are in fact, not on the record mind you, looking to target large cruisers and large horsepower vessels next. Search the forums. Bear Islander, an extremely knowledgeable person on the subject by the way, has confirmed this in prior posts. This is not fear mongering, I swear to you it is not. I understand why you would call it that as I now know you probably did not know the agendas of their membership. Can you see now why some of us with nothing to gain or lose in this battle do not want to concede this one?
I havn't thought about it long enough to know what I believe, the part about winnfabs wanting to get rid of big cruisers that is, but I find it extremely hard to believe that the level of public outrage against the cruisers would be feasable to get such a measure passed. You probably know my big issue with the GFBL's has been noise, more so possibly than speed. I think this is one area where the public has indeed been outraged, IMHO. Typically when a big cruiser cruises past where I live, people come out on the dock and say things like "I wonder how many bedrooms it has?" or "I bet it's got a nicer kitchen than the one in our home." Then the kids all jump in the water and ride the big waves with their long wavelength. Any thoughts about erosion are fleeting or non existant. Compare this to when a noisy GFBL goes by...this would be the gist of the conversation: "Those @#$%& noisy boats ruin any semblance of tranquility left on the lake. ", "What did you say, I can't hear a @#$%&* word you're saying?"
I probably will not attend the January meeting with you guys for a number of reasons (see future post...dinner guests are due here soon and my wife wants me to get off the computer and help). I received a very magnanimous and classy PM /invitation from one the SL opponents( I'm being serious, not my sometimes sarcastic self) regarding that meeting and other things. One reason why I would not attend is that I feel passionate enough about the topic before a couple of beers that I would probably not do the cause any good by discussing it after refreshments. I would more likely get together some time in the future for a couple of beers when the SL discussion is forbidden...get to know people's other passions and things we might all have in common(and to perhaps prove that SL supporters don't have horns, a spiked tail, and a spiked pitchfork...I'll take my hat off to prove the part about the horns, you'll have to take my word for it on the spiked tail). Gotta go, duty calls.
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