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Old 11-03-2009, 09:32 PM   #242
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Default EL you are a piece...

Originally Posted by elchase View Post
Yosemite Sam,
Please don't get discouraged or scared away. Consider the source when you read criticism on these Anti Speed Limit threads. This is a very small cult of cowboys who think that boats should be able to go as fast as the driver wants on a crowded lake, any time he wants, day or night. They let their 6 year old kids pilot their 5-ton speed boats. They somehow contend that as long as they are drunk, it is ok to go really fast. They call run-abouts and canoes "speed bumps". They say smaller boats should be limited to "safer" lakes. They brag about their law-breaking escapades and give each other virtual high fives. They send PM's to inform you of the time they have spent in jail, and use screen names that tell you of their gun caliber preferences and social diseases. The word "maturity" has a whole different meaning to this small little gang. They dominate these threads because it is the only place where they fit in and appear normal. It is the only place that gives forum to law breakers and allows them to boast unlimited of their crimes, while limiting participation by the mainstream.
Your views are spot-on. Keep them coming.

And when you have some time, have a look on the internet and you will see what happens on lakes where the citizens have not organized to take back control. Simple searches reveal thousands of cases where boats like these, driven by cowboys like these, have killed people like you and me. Innocent boaters and bystanders, sometimes while asleep in their waterfront homes, are being killed all over the country and world by boaters like these with the "need for speed" who insist on showing off in their "look at me" boats driving at "look how fast I can go" speeds. Take comfort in the fact that Winnipesaukee used to have fatal accidents like these until we enacted a speed limit, and that our legislature (as much as I cringe at the other things that they have been doing) is not going to repeal a law that has worked so well.

Here are examples of what was and would again be happening on Winnipesaukee if we eliminated the Speed limit;
These two accidents in NY sound identical, except that
3 died in this one;
and ONLY one died in this one;
of work- you have chosen to not believe a thing that has been written by anyone with an opposing view. I will say it again- THE MAJORITY OF SL OPPONENTS DO NOT OWN A BOAT THAT CAN EXCEED IT. Is that clear enough? I guess not.

Most of us own and use those things you refer to as speed bumps, however, we do know there is a time and place for everything (I for example choose not to run on Rt 109 even though it is legal).

The only PM I have sent you is to offer condolences on your mother's passing (unacknowledged BTW but according to Emily Post you have a year to do so)

Where did anyone say it was OK to drink and boat??

I bet my 14 year old son can out boat you any day of the week- he learned from a young age, from watching, from sitting on my lap, from listening.
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