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Old 11-03-2009, 07:50 AM   #207
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Originally Posted by OCDACTIVE View Post
"...HEAD GASKET!...Could have been bad gas from what I was told.. Sorry to disappoint APS that it wasn't abusive driving... LOL
Yup. Those head gaskets always "just go bad".

Originally Posted by VitaBene View Post
"...My 72 year old father doesn't know an open end wrench from a socket but I have been tearing motors down since I was 12 years old..."
It's putting them back together that's tough.

Originally Posted by VitaBene View Post
"...Abuse? There isn't a motor built in this country that can't run at WOT for 12 hours..."
Can? Or can't? Maybe you haven't witnessed "The 12-hours of Sebring".

Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
This case was interesting in that the "driver" launched his GFBL off a wave in a boating channel (!) and "stuffed it".

("Pitchpoled"—as used among experienced boaters).

As reported, the family aboard was killed, but what is widely unknown, is that the boat split at the bow, and shells (and other sealife) were found jammed into the gelcoat seam at the bow.

The bow of this boat had struck the bottom—in eight feet of water!

Originally Posted by VitaBene View Post
BTW: "...I used the donate button..."
Just one donor from all of these dozen+ bandwidth users?
Wait!...Did you donate?

Originally Posted by VitaBene View Post
"...Did you use the donate button? You are using more BW than anyone else on this forum by "parsing" text and attaching that silly image to everyone of your posts..."
1) If you were observant, you'd see I select that image for use at the boating threads—only. I expect to change it eventually, but I'm confused as to what's "silly" about it—is it the photo part—or the message part? The photo part, I see every day on the water.

2) I am a regular contributor

Originally Posted by VitaBene View Post
"...You on the lake today?? I was and didn't see a single sailboat out there especially one with someone wearing a hat with 2 Nat King Cole CDs glued to it..."
My boat's been out of the water for two weeks, as I wrote elsewhere here.

Y'know, distancing yourself from the "Winnipesaukee Belle" crowd isn't going to win you any more friends.

My music taste runs to acoustic guitar with vocals. (Otherwise, Ray Charles', Oh beautiful for spacious skies "gets me" every time).

The discarded CDs I use have "Ethernet" and "AOL" graphics on them.

Originally Posted by elchase View Post
"...They should consider a boating speed limit in VA, where accidents are on the rise...I guess "education" and "enforcement of existing laws" didn't do the trick for them either..."
VA definitely has a problem with agressive driving: that's the state that has to use state police cars as "rolling roadblocks" to tame the aggression. My guess is that D.C. is nearby and people who perceive they have greater power will drive in a manner to endanger "lesser citizens".

Originally Posted by OCDACTIVE View Post
"...How do you know those were taken on the lake...?"
A denial would have been good to read here....

Originally Posted by hazelnut View Post
"...Everyone wants to ban everyone else's activity because THEY don't enjoy it..."
Skydivers, Harley riders, snowmobilers, and ice-fishermen don't appear in Criminal Court anywhere near as often.

Originally Posted by hazelnut View Post
"...Sky Divers like to dive out of prerfectly good working planes...???"
Something I learned from the late Dr. Joe Davis at the Metropolitan Dade County morgue, is that a skydiver who hits the ground without the benefit of an open parachute, will break every bone in his body. The body doesn't go "splat". At the time, we were viewing the body of a 13-year-old boy who had just been wheeled out from being x-rayed—still wearing his helmet.

Originally Posted by BroadHopper View Post
"...In 2001, I had the opportunity to go to the Cigarette 'Top Gun' school. That was the most rewarding experience in my life! To be able to work and be trained by professional performance drivers. Their primary goal is SAFETY..."
You deserve congratulations on achieving some measure of "education at speed".

I've been a "continuing student" of auto racing schools and, until last year, have been instructing race car drivers since 1984. (Getting PAID to instruct AND go fast—WHEE!). Unfortunately, the Porsche GT3s were just added to the MY mix on the track, and their overtaking speeds have dissapated my previous enjoyment at the track. (My BMW, at 130-MPH, is no slouch, either).

This is a closed track , with no chance at drowning .

Originally Posted by hazelnut View Post
"...I have seen the MP having trouble at speed. I remember the time when one of the MP ran over a small whaler in Alton Bay. And the MPO was put on administrative leave and eventually quit...
Be careful who you call immature...!"
You know what happens to US Navy skippers who even (just) run aground, right? That's the end of their US Navy career.

Originally Posted by hazelnut View Post
"...Don't even TELL me that APS is on a crusade to rid the lake of us irresponsible parents who let our kids sit on our laps and "drive" the boat...The APS' of the world cluck their tongues and shake their heads, tsk tsk, that is unsafe behavior. How Sad..."
Maybe you haven't seen parents on Jet-Skis with infants on their laps. I regard that as reckless as well.

Citing my experience at the Dade County Morgue once again, I'll say that adults look very dead (when dead), and children who are dead...look like they're asleep.

When I read, "He died doing what he loved", I think back that living is far more important than any hobby. Unfortunately, we can no longer interview the deceased for his opinion of his former "sport".

Among those things guaranteed to us Americans is "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".

Your particular "pursuit" shouldn't take the most important of these away—and that is "Life".

Originally Posted by DoTheMath View Post
I'm going to go with "reaching" - I could be wrong, but even APS seems more sensible than that...
Few here have seen things and events that I've seen, and things and events—once seen—can't be "unseen".
Is it
"Common Sense" isn't.
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