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Old 09-01-2009, 06:14 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by gto View Post
i counted 43 boats there a couple of saturdays ago. A total zoo! Oh and where do the people that don't have porta potties on their boats go to the bathroom? Go a few feet into the woods there and you'll find out. Its always nice to be taking a walk and see the pile of toilet paper behind the tree. Of course, i'm sure when parents are taking their young ones on a nature hike, it should be easy enough to explain to them what that tampon is inside the sandwich bag. Yes, its there! And someone mentioned the music coming from boat(s). I heard one of the boats from the other side of the bay..don't get me wrong, i was a dj for 6 years and love music but i don't need to listen to yours. This isn't the naswa! Not only that...but your choice of disco music really sucks. Ok, now go for a snorkel in the nice warm waters of the cove. Go on a scavenger hunt for a few beer bottles, plenty of red plastic cups...and my favorite....the pile of chicken bones on the bottom. Oh but wait, i do want to thank the person that must of accidentally dropped their $200 pair of maui jim sun glasses overboard. I look great in them now. I believe that whole lot of land there is owned by the danes. I'm sure they would love to see what their land was being used for. Idiots like this are why there are no rafting zones.
hey gto thanks for finding my jims where can i meet you so i can get them back...
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