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chasedawg 12-05-2019 02:47 PM

Pier 19 store opening?
I have been informed that there is a new buyer for the Pier 19 store. This one seems legit. The sale may be pending waiting for permitting from Tuftonboro Plannng Board and other approvals.

As I was told, there was a meeting Monday with town officials. The person that informed me was at the meeting.

The new owners are going to renovate it bring it up to current standards. It will operate as a convenient store plus other creative ideas. Their thinking is to have it remain open year round.

If this comes to fruition let's welcome the new owners and wish them great success.

thinkxingu 12-05-2019 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by chasedawg (Post 323606)
I have been informed that there is a new buyer for the Pier 19 store. This one seems legit. The sale may be pending waiting for permitting from Tuftonboro Plannng Board and other approvals.

As I was told, there was a meeting Monday with town officials. The person that informed me was at the meeting.

The new owners are going to renovate it bring it up to current standards. It will operate as a convenient store plus other creative ideas. Their thinking is to have it remain open year round.

If this comes to fruition let's welcome the new owners and wish them great success.

This would be AWESOME! I'd have a (much) closer place to grab ice cream (on my new jetski)!

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MAXUM 12-05-2019 03:26 PM

Must be some VERY creative ideas because I cannot see just a convenience store alone overcoming a seven figure acquisition cost, never mind the renovations... at least in this century.

The Real BigGuy 12-05-2019 03:27 PM

Great news!! I’ve really missed it.

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Sue Doe-Nym 12-05-2019 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by chasedawg (Post 323606)
I have been informed that there is a new buyer for the Pier 19 store. This one seems legit. The sale may be pending waiting for permitting from Tuftonboro Plannng Board and other approvals.

As I was told, there was a meeting Monday with town officials. The person that informed me was at the meeting.

The new owners are going to renovate it bring it up to current standards. It will operate as a convenient store plus other creative ideas. Their thinking is to have it remain open year round.

If this comes to fruition let's welcome the new owners and wish them great success.

That would be wonderful for those living in that area, but it’s a tough go, trying to make the numbers work for a year-round business. Hopefully, they have done their homework realistically, without stars in their eyes. They will certainly be welcome there. 🤞🤞🤞

Descant 12-05-2019 04:52 PM

Baskin-Robbins AND KFC! What could be better?

tis 12-05-2019 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by chasedawg (Post 323606)
I have been informed that there is a new buyer for the Pier 19 store. This one seems legit. The sale may be pending waiting for permitting from Tuftonboro Plannng Board and other approvals.

As I was told, there was a meeting Monday with town officials. The person that informed me was at the meeting.

The new owners are going to renovate it bring it up to current standards. It will operate as a convenient store plus other creative ideas. Their thinking is to have it remain open year round.

If this comes to fruition let's welcome the new owners and wish them great success.

I heard about the store too and was very happy. We were thinking maybe they could do something with snowmobilers in the winter-a stopping place? Would love to see it succeed.

chasedawg 12-05-2019 08:10 PM

Pier 19 Creative suggestions

Originally Posted by Descant (Post 323613)
Baskin-Robbins AND KFC! What could be better?

Let's help the potential new owners be successful and suggest to them what you would like to see the store offer that would be to your liking. Many here on the forum and the community want them to succeed.

OK let's hear what would work for you to go to their store to purchase your favorite item to come back again.

Open forum.....suggestions Let them know!

TiltonBB 12-05-2019 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by chasedawg (Post 323616)

Originally Posted by Descant (Post 323613)
Baskin-Robbins AND KFC! What could be better?

OK let's hear what would work for you to go to their store to purchase your favorite item to come back again.

Open forum.....suggestions Let them know!

I would like to buy a winning lottery ticket! That would keep me coming back!

thinkxingu 12-05-2019 08:44 PM

I'd like ice cream and a few covered picnic tables. I also think a few benches by the docks would be keen.

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TheTimeTraveler 12-05-2019 08:49 PM

How about Gasoline; not only for boats but also for cars.

Also, a public restroom would be a nice thing where one can wash their hands!

chasedawg 12-05-2019 09:41 PM

Pier 19 store

Originally Posted by thinkxingu (Post 323620)
I'd like ice cream and a few covered picnic tables. I also think a few benches by the docks would be keen.

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It might not be widely know beyond Tuftonboro but the town is attempting to get permitting to expand the public Union Wharf pier where the fire boat is docked. From what I understand the proposal and request from the state is to enlarge the wharf and make it more conducive to tie up to the wharf which would would make it easier to tie up even in shallow water areas. Permitting will not come easy. It is all about State controlled waters and grandfathering.
Looking for support to best approach this state project. It would benefit the store; the store customers; general public who launch at the ramp and the town.

chasedawg 12-05-2019 09:47 PM

suggestions for Pier 19 store

Originally Posted by TheTimeTraveler (Post 323621)
How about Gasoline; not only for boats but also for cars.

Also, a public restroom would be a nice thing where one can wash their hands!

Great suggestions. Marine Patrol would love that as well. Keep them coming!

Roy_Hobbs 12-05-2019 11:05 PM

Pizza / any good takeout food would be great. If I can put reality aside, a rooftop deck with a small bar would be brilliant

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thinkxingu 12-06-2019 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by Roy_Hobbs (Post 323624)
Pizza / any good takeout food would be great. If I can put reality aside, a rooftop deck with a small bar would be brilliant

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GREAT idea, and a takeout runner, so docking isn't too much of an issue--remember, there are only a few spots there.

As I think about this, if they could do a Town Docks kinda thing AND find a way to capitalize on the winter snowmobiler thing, they might be able to do very well. There are some restrictions with the property, though, right? I just hope the Pier 19 association is flexible--I gotta think this would be a good thing for them (though it'll increase traffic...)

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tis 12-06-2019 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by chasedawg (Post 323623)
Great suggestions. Marine Patrol would love that as well. Keep them coming!

I think the public restroom was a problem with having any business needing that. The land is very low and the septic is limited- rumor anyway. It seems they can do a lot with septic systems today, but I don't know.

ishoot308 12-06-2019 06:56 AM

In my opinion, in order for that store to survive, gas pumps would be a must. By doing this, it would certainly bring in more customers including snowmobiles and ice fishermen during the winter. While the profit margins on gas are tight, getting people into the store to buy other things would be beneficial.

I wish them well!


Peter 12-06-2019 08:34 AM

Pier 19 ideas
I heard the same background about a possible new buyer. Hopefully everything proceeds to a new store opening. Having gone to the store since I was a kid for ice cream, worms and other important summer time needs, I hope it works out. Owning a dock spot there too, makes it more convenient to pick up a few last minute items before heading home.

Since a new gas tank was installed just before they closed, I think it would be a no brainer to start up selling gas again. Tough to think how they can have a profitable business all year round but I am glad there is someone interested.

DEJ 12-06-2019 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by Peter (Post 323637)
Since a new gas tank was installed just before they closed, I think it would be a no brainer to start up selling gas again. Tough to think how they can have a profitable business all year round but I am glad there is someone interested.

FYI, I believe the gas tank was repaired, not replaced with a new one.

chasedawg 12-06-2019 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by DEJ (Post 323639)
FYI, I believe the gas tank was repaired, not replaced with a new one.

That is correct. The gas tank was not replaced. Just the lines to the tank.

chasedawg 12-06-2019 08:41 PM

Pier 19 gas docks?

Originally Posted by TheTimeTraveler (Post 323621)
How about Gasoline; not only for boats but also for cars.

Also, a public restroom would be a nice thing where one can wash their hands!

The new owner of the Pier 19 store may not be interested in buying the gas docks. So what becomes of them?

Cobalt 25 12-06-2019 11:37 PM

home made chocolate chip cookies

Best of luck to the new owners!

TheTimeTraveler 12-07-2019 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by chasedawg (Post 323660)
The new owner of the Pier 19 store may not be interested in buying the gas docks. So what becomes of them?

Interesting question..... My guess is that the "could" be sold off to a third party who would then try to make a go of just selling seasonal boat gas, but it's highly unlikely that anyone would want to buy that (not enough income).

However, it is a small draw to get people to come into the store, so it's actually best if the store owner keeps control of the gas dock and continues selling gas.

If the store doesn't want to continue with the gas dock then I would guess at some point the town (or state) would require the removal of the pump and tank in an effort to eliminate any potential lake pollution issues from the abandoned equipment.

bobkatfly 12-12-2019 10:32 AM

Pier 19.....Farm Island???

Originally Posted by chasedawg (Post 323606)
I have been informed that there is a new buyer for the Pier 19 store. This one seems legit. The sale may be pending waiting for permitting from Tuftonboro Plannng Board and other approvals.

As I was told, there was a meeting Monday with town officials. The person that informed me was at the meeting.

The new owners are going to renovate it bring it up to current standards. It will operate as a convenient store plus other creative ideas. Their thinking is to have it remain open year round.

If this comes to fruition let's welcome the new owners and wish them great success.

I live fairly close to 19 mile bay and drive by the vacant building almost everyday. Like others, I would love to see it operating again (so would my granddaughter:banana:). Can't help but wonder if it's tied in someway to the Planning board subdivision approval of Farm Island in October. Are the developers involved or maybe someone with a little vision of increased traffic in the future?

DEJ 12-12-2019 11:10 AM

The prospective buyers of the store are not affiliated with the people purchasing Farm Island.

The Real BigGuy 12-12-2019 12:07 PM

If the new owners choose not to reopen the gas dock, I wonder if they retain the responsibility to maintain the insurances on the tank & pumps?

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DEJ 12-12-2019 01:02 PM

The store and gas pump are owned by two different groups of people. I do not know why they did this but that is the scoop.

TheTimeTraveler 12-12-2019 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by The Real BigGuy (Post 323888)
If the new owners choose not to reopen the gas dock, I wonder if they retain the responsibility to maintain the insurances on the tank & pumps?

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Insurance on equipment not being utilized doesn't make a lot of sense. As such
my guess is that the tank and pumps would be 100% removed if they elect to no longer pursue the gasoline part of the business.

JTA 12-12-2019 05:21 PM

Years ago when the store on Moultonborough Neck became JoJo’s, one of the first things the owner did was to hire a fantastic butcher. Folks along the neck bought their meats there as the quality was high. Didn’t mind paying higher prices. I hope the new owners can find such a niche and that folks in the area will support the store through the winter.
I’m assuming gas service will be restored and that a deal will be struck with the association to allow store docking along the side dock as in the past.
I for one will welcome an opening of a “new” store there.

DEJ 12-12-2019 06:14 PM

JTA, the woman who wants to purchase the store wants nothing to do with the gas dock or the association docks. We will have to wait and see what her plans are.

SAB1 12-12-2019 06:31 PM

Lotta issues there with this property. Not running the gas docks would be a fatal error in my opinion. If there was good profit to be made there it would have sold long ago. I’d love to see it open since I live right there but I’m not doing cartwheels thinking it’s a go or it it survives long if it opens .

The Real BigGuy 12-13-2019 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by DEJ (Post 323916)
JTA, the woman who wants to purchase the store wants nothing to do with the gas dock or the association docks. We will have to wait and see what her plans are.

Seems strange! Sounds like “boat traffic” isn’t a big part of he plans. On the other hand, if her business plan is successful without boaters, adding it at a later date will only be a plus.

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chasedawg 12-13-2019 04:49 PM

Store plans

Originally Posted by DEJ (Post 323916)
JTA, the woman who wants to purchase the store wants nothing to do with the gas dock or the association docks. We will have to wait and see what her plans are.

We should find out what are her plans are for the store this week.

Wifi-1 12-14-2019 04:57 AM

This thread seems to be loaded with: "I know something you don't know"

thinkxingu 12-14-2019 07:06 AM

*singing* "All I want for Christmas is...19 Mile Bay to have an ice cream stand!"

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chasedawg 12-14-2019 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by thinkxingu (Post 323948)
*singing* "All I want for Christmas is...19 Mile Bay to have an ice cream stand!"

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The ice cream stand may turn into a boutique. We shall hear more of the new owners plan this coming Thursday when she presents her application to the Tuftonboro Planning board.

thinkxingu 12-14-2019 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by chasedawg (Post 323951)
The ice cream stand may turn into a boutique. We shall hear more of the new owners plan this coming Thursday when she presents her application to the Tuftonboro Planning board.


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Descant 12-14-2019 11:25 AM

I hope "Boutique" is French for Hagen Daaz.

thinkxingu 12-14-2019 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Descant (Post 323962)
I hope "Boutique" is French for Hagen Daaz.

Right?! Though I don't need no foofy ice cream, just gimme some good ol' Candy Bar Explosion!

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chasedawg 12-17-2019 07:51 AM

Store plans

Originally Posted by chasedawg (Post 323942)
We should find out what are her plans are for the store this week.

Just found out that the Tuftonboro Planning Board meeting to review the Pier 19 store has been rescheduled until January 2, 2020. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend. Talking to a friend of mine who sat next to the possible new owner said she is going to bring the store back and add a couple of twists. One would be a section of the store would have an area where local folk could bring their craft items in to sell. And the other being a boutique, but not a beauty parlor.

I would expect the Planing Board would approve the application unless there was a request to increase or change the septic system. Tuftonboro officials want the store open and become profitable.

skprbob 12-17-2019 03:20 PM

The Tuftonboro town web site says that the PB meeting is still this Thursday, 19 Dec. Anyone know for sure?

chasedawg 12-17-2019 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by skprbob (Post 324059)
The Tuftonboro town web site says that the PB meeting is still this Thursday, 19 Dec. Anyone know for sure?

I will call the admin for the Planning board and let you know.

skprbob 12-17-2019 06:54 PM

meeting confirmed
Phone call to the Tuftonboro town clerk - confirms the meeting has indeed been moved to 2 January, 7:00 PM. The town's web site was incorrect and will be updated ASAP.

chasedawg 12-20-2019 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by chasedawg (Post 324047)
Just found out that the Tuftonboro Planning Board meeting to review the Pier 19 store has been rescheduled until January 2, 2020. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend. Talking to a friend of mine who sat next to the possible new owner said she is going to bring the store back and add a couple of twists. One would be a section of the store would have an area where local folk could bring their craft items in to sell. And the other being a boutique, but not a beauty parlor.

I would expect the Planing Board would approve the application unless there was a request to increase or change the septic system. Tuftonboro officials want the store open and become profitable.

I was fortunate to spend some time with one of the Tuftonboro ZBA board members. I was told the "hopefully" new owner stated that the store would open like it was before including opening the gas docks that has two slips. The take out window including ice cream"Sunday Explosions" in some fashion would be offered including other good items to eat. Another idea was to have sitting inside with windows providing a great view out onto the lake.

The whole store footprint would be utilized again. In the back of the store would be for outside vendors to sell items. I think that is a great idea because we have many local folks and beyond who sell items they make to sell on the internet and now locally at one spot. She is also trying to come up with other ideas that benefit all in the community and the store. So your ideas again are welcome I would think.
There was a question from the ZBA about hiring help. That was not a concern for her so she claimed. She said that many family members were willing to help.

Now why did I put in quotes:" Hopefully" new owner. One of the Tuftonboro local residents said to me that he drove past the store and the for sale sign was still up. It didn't say or have any kind of wording that "under agreement". If you go on the listing web site it still is listing as For Sale and does say anything about under agreement. So what is it...still for sale....or waiting for terms of agreement yet to be signed. All that was told me could still change. We shall see...

tis 12-21-2019 06:04 AM

That sounds great. I think it will pass and I hope she succeeds. As far as the under agreement signs, I notice quite often they never put those up, it just depends. I don't think that means anything. However, in this case, maybe Frank wants to keep it out there in case this doesn't materialize.

thinkxingu 12-21-2019 06:16 AM

About the help, thing: I've mentioned it before, but I would think connecting with the local high school would be a great way to secure help year-round. A bunch of businesses in the towns I live and work rely on late high school/college students for year-round/summer employment.

The local crafts idea is a solid one, especially if they could come up with a cool "series" like the iBoat thing a couple years ago or the 4K Reclaimed Purpose thing ( Making bank!

Finally, and I think I mentioned it above, it would be nice to have some shade if the ice cream/food is on the lake side. That area gets baked in the sun.


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tis 12-21-2019 08:15 AM

It might be hard for her to hire high school kids. You have to be very careful how many hours you give them and what they do.

TiltonBB 12-21-2019 08:47 AM

A local business was using high school kids after school to clean and wax boats. The state cited them because the kids were using electric buffers and they are not allowed to "operate machinery".

Your tax dollars at work!:look:

thinkxingu 12-21-2019 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by tis (Post 324146)
It might be hard for her to hire high school kids. You have to be very careful how many hours you give them and what they do.

Right, but a mix of juniors and seniors would be perfect for checkers, ice cream servers, dock attendants. Maybe even teachers?! [emoji6]

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tis 12-21-2019 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by thinkxingu (Post 324152)
Right, but a mix of juniors and seniors would be perfect for checkers, ice cream servers, dock attendants. Maybe even teachers?! [emoji6]

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Yes in the summer the hours aren't as much of an issue.

MAXUM 12-21-2019 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by TiltonBB (Post 324151)
A local business was using high school kids after school to clean and wax boats. The state cited them because the kids were using electric buffers and they are not allowed to "operate machinery".

Your tax dollars at work!:look:

Are you freaking kidding?!?

So does that mean you can't employ the kid down the street to cut your grass either?

I would expect that kind of stupidity in Mass but not NH.

TheTimeTraveler 12-21-2019 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 324159)
Are you freaking kidding?!?

So does that mean you can't employ the kid down the street to cut your grass either?

I would expect that kind of stupidity in Mass but not NH.

Sadly that is true. For example kids under 16 can't operate slicers in the Deli Section, nor can they handle a knife to cut meats.

I think it has to do with a lot of "Federal" type regulations that were set up in the depression era (to enable adults to have the jobs) as well as safety issues.

These type of laws and regulations are all over the nation (not unique to NH or MA).

JanN 12-24-2019 03:32 PM

Christmas Wishes

Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 324159)
Are you freaking kidding?!?

So does that mean you can't employ the kid down the street to cut your grass either?

I would expect that kind of stupidity in Mass but not NH.

Merry Christmas from MA despite the rude comment!

The Real BigGuy 12-24-2019 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 324159)
Are you freaking kidding?!?

So does that mean you can't employ the kid down the street to cut your grass either?

I would expect that kind of stupidity in Mass but not NH.

Wow, and a Merry Christmas to you too. I wonder why some people stereotype people from NH.

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MAXUM 12-24-2019 08:15 PM

If y'all want to take that comment personally I guess go for it, however it was merely pointing out that MA tends to set the bar for nanny state laws is all comparatively speaking.

Merry Christmas to all ;)

garysanfran 12-24-2019 09:29 PM

Where is this society going to be...
100 years from now?

Although, I'm more worried about the next 20.:eek:

DEJ 01-03-2020 11:48 AM

Did anyone attend the planning board meeting last night regarding the application to open the store?

skprbob 01-03-2020 01:56 PM

planning board
Planning board has approved the plan. There are still some relatively minor items involving the state, but they are evidently not an issue. The town seems very happy.

thinkxingu 01-03-2020 02:54 PM

Any new details on what will be there?!

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DEJ 01-03-2020 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by thinkxingu (Post 324665)
Any new details on what will be there?!

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Sell groceries/convenience items, takeout food, ice cream, sell gasoline. repurpose a portion of interior space into four retail kiosks.

The Real BigGuy 01-04-2020 08:18 AM

Happy, Happy, Happy! I hope we all patronize the store when it opens. I will be there every morning for coffee & the paper as well as buying all my boat gas there. Hope Spider Web sells fresh veggies at one of the kiosks

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bobkatfly 01-04-2020 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by DEJ (Post 324666)
Sell groceries/convenience items, takeout food, ice cream, sell gasoline. repurpose a portion of interior space into four retail kiosks.

So, same as before but with the addition of the kiosks?

DEJ 01-04-2020 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by bobkatfly (Post 324741)
So, same as before but with the addition of the kiosks?

What I posted was their statement on their letter of intent. Time will tell but yes it sounds similar to what was/is there now.

Janet 01-04-2020 08:54 PM

Yay. Afternoon ice cream after a day on the boat!!!!🍦😀

SAB1 01-05-2020 03:54 PM

Glad it reopens. Not to be negative but hope it survives. Nothing else has. They need to keep gas dock open year round to attract snowmobiles and ice fisherman. I’d put a bait tank somewhere and keep it full of shiners all winter long. Hot food and beer for the ice fisherman.

knowit 01-07-2020 10:01 AM

I wish Skelly’s would open a second location there! Love Skelly’s!

tis 01-07-2020 10:51 AM

Maxfield Real Estate had a picture on Facebook with the new owners.

thinkxingu 01-07-2020 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by tis (Post 324938)
Maxfield Real Estate had a picture on Facebook with the new owners.

Gooo Pier 19!!!

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hemlock 01-07-2020 06:06 PM

Congratulations to the new owners.

I hope they do well in their venture.

I understand also that separately the Town of Tuftonboro is in process of getting permitting for repairs of Union Wharf. Hopefully they are farsighted enough to do some dredging on the North side of the wharf which is really shallow. The Town fireboat and Fish and Games big boat use up a lot of space on the south side.

Also does anyone know if Pier 19 condos will allow the store to use the dock spaces that they used to use?

Janet 01-08-2020 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by knowit (Post 324936)
I wish Skelly’s would open a second location there! Love Skelly’s!

Probably better that Skelly's doesn't have a second location that could be reached by boat. We'd all be bigger than we are now!!!!:laugh:

JTA 01-09-2020 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by hemlock (Post 324963)
Congratulations to the new owners.

I hope they do well in their venture.

I understand also that separately the Town of Tuftonboro is in process of getting permitting for repairs of Union Wharf. Hopefully they are farsighted enough to do some dredging on the North side of the wharf which is really shallow. The Town fireboat and Fish and Games big boat use up a lot of space on the south side.

Also does anyone know if Pier 19 condos will allow the store to use the dock spaces that they used to use?

From what I gather, I don’t believe the Pier 19 dock owners will go back to opening up the north side of their dockage for store patrons. The gated system allows them to secure their boats, where as previously anyone could have access. I guess there have been problems of thievery in the past. .

CateP 01-09-2020 08:34 AM

I would love to sell my water color paintings and prints there. Who can I contact?
I also think the store should be a traditional grocery store so people in that area don’t have to go all the way to Wolfeboro or Ossipee for basic needs. Sell products from local farms as much as possible.

LIforrelaxin 01-09-2020 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by JTA (Post 324998)
From what I gather, I don’t believe the Pier 19 dock owners will go back to opening up the north side of their dockage for store patrons. The gated system allows them to secure their boats, where as previously anyone could have access. I guess there have been problems of thievery in the past. .

Time will tell on this. I don't think that thievery was all that much of an issue. I think that when the store closed, the yacht club took measure to ensure that the dock space didn't become a gathering point, and a means of free public dockage.... I would look for them to make some-type of financial arrangement with the new owners, and likely allow the docks to be used.

TheTimeTraveler 01-09-2020 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by CateP (Post 325000)
I would love to sell my water color paintings and prints there. Who can I contact?
I also think the store should be a traditional grocery store so people in that area don’t have to go all the way to Wolfeboro or Ossipee for basic needs. Sell products from local farms as much as possible.

I would suggest you call the Tuftonboro Town Hall and speak with someone in the Planning Board.

The approval of the new owners is a public record so I would think they would provide it to you.

Another source would be the Real Estate Brokerage who sold the property. They likely want to see this deal succeed so they may be willing to steer you in the right direction. I believe it was Maxfield Real Estate.


tis 01-09-2020 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by CateP (Post 325000)
I would love to sell my water color paintings and prints there. Who can I contact?
I also think the store should be a traditional grocery store so people in that area don’t have to go all the way to Wolfeboro or Ossipee for basic needs. Sell products from local farms as much as possible.

It sounds like you would be a perfect fit for what she wants to do.

skprbob 01-09-2020 10:51 PM

This afternoon, Waste Management placed a large dumpster at the rear loading dock. Looks like work is starting.

JEEPONLY 01-10-2020 12:28 AM

One of those Threads...

Originally Posted by skprbob (Post 325025)
This afternoon, Waste Management placed a large dumpster at the rear loading dock. Looks like work is starting.

If you've only read the last 5-6 posts, you might ask yourself if Cate's paintings/prints are being moved in/moved out!

Hope the whole store thing works out!

skprbob 01-12-2020 10:31 PM

Friday, had a nice meeting and chat with the new owner. Apparently, the old owners left a lot of the equipment in pretty sad shape and a lot of it will need to be replaced - display racks and some of the refrigeration and freezer units. Also left some merchandise, now long past any expiration dates. There's lots to clean up to do. Stay tuned.

ApS 01-13-2020 08:43 AM

Library, just up the street...

Originally Posted by CateP (Post 325000)
I would love to sell my water color paintings and prints there. Who can I contact?
I also think the store should be a traditional grocery store so people in that area don’t have to go all the way to Wolfeboro or Ossipee for basic needs. Sell products from local farms as much as possible.

The Tuftonboro Library encourages month-long displays--nicely framed.

TheTimeTraveler 03-18-2020 12:33 PM

It's been a few months since anyone has discussed the goings on with the new ownership of Pier 19.

Does anyone see any activity or renovations currently taking place when they drive by?

Has there been any talk of an actual opening date?

KPW 03-18-2020 01:06 PM

They are working on renovations basically 7 days a week. They have a ways to go.

SAB1 03-19-2020 03:45 AM

With what is going on now in the Country as a result of the virus makes opening a business scary. Let’s hope these folks can endure this and survive it. I wish them well as I’m sure they are excited.

thinkxingu 05-14-2020 06:26 PM

Any updates on the store?! My daughter is asking for ice cream...on the jetski this weekend!

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bobkatfly 05-15-2020 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by thinkxingu (Post 334756)
Any updates on the store?! My daughter is asking for ice cream...on the jetski this weekend!

Sent from my SM-G950U using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

New roof is on, lots of work going on inside. Sign outside says opening soon. Don't have an actual date though. Been meaning to stop and ask but they haven't been outside when I'm going by. I'll post if I hear.

thinkxingu 05-15-2020 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by bobkatfly (Post 334773)
New roof is on, lots of work going on inside. Sign outside says opening soon. Don't have an actual date though. Been meaning to stop and ask but they haven't been outside when I'm going by. I'll post if I hear.

Thanks, friend!

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Rich 05-18-2020 05:37 AM

I saw a post on Facebook that Pier 19 is now selling gas again, welcome back!

WinniGas even received a price report.

If anyone knows the owner/operator of the Fuel dock, please have them contact to update the details about the fuel dock, things like phone number, hours of operation, additive (if any), web page, etc. would be very helpful.

bobkatfly 05-26-2020 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by bobkatfly (Post 334773)
New roof is on, lots of work going on inside. Sign outside says opening soon. Don't have an actual date though. Been meaning to stop and ask but they haven't been outside when I'm going by. I'll post if I hear.

So, I've been by the store a number of times and haven't seen anyone outside. Seems to be primarily inside work. Drove by slow today and from what I saw through the windows, they seem far away from being finished. Also, the rooftop AC units are still on the ground in crates. Could be mid to late summer unless they open the outside service window for limited (ice cream) items. With the gas pumps open, that would make sense so as to give us all some hope while they finish. Next time I'm by I'll try talking to the pump attendant although I'm sure he's been asked already and maybe sworn to secrecy.

Bmcgov78 05-26-2020 06:54 PM

I spoke to the young guy at the gas pumps. He was very nice and is the Son of the new owner. Their intentions were to be open this past weekend but construction delays were out of their control. They are intending on being open in the next few weeks. I wish them good luck and I am pumped up for the re-opening.

KPW 05-26-2020 08:49 PM

The way they are working, it should be a couple of weeks, not months.

chasedawg 05-29-2020 09:31 PM

Pier 19 gas dock

Originally Posted by Rich (Post 334924)
I saw a post on Facebook that Pier 19 is now selling gas again, welcome back!

WinniGas even received a price report.

If anyone knows the owner/operator of the Fuel dock, please have them contact to update the details about the fuel dock, things like phone number, hours of operation, additive (if any), web page, etc. would be very helpful.

I talked to Moe at the gas docks. Owners son. I told him to contact you on the forum. He found your thread. Not sure if he was able to post.

I should let them speak for themselves. This is what he told me. He is the gas attendant. He arrives at 8:00 AM and is at the gas dock until 6:00 everyday. I saw the price per gallon was $2.955 including Valtec additive.

I said looks like your parents have a long way to go. He said no not really we should be good in a couple of weeks. I will update when I get more information. Moe did say he gave Rich the information today.

Rich 06-03-2020 06:28 AM

I made it a point to drive there this past weekend and to stop by and speak with Moe.

I let him know how to contact me and invited him to use to keep his price updated for everyone to see.

They don't have an active phone, email or website yet, when they are active, I'll update their listing when the info is sent to me.


Bmcgov78 06-12-2020 06:49 AM

Any update on opening?

chasedawg 06-13-2020 01:36 PM

Pier 19 store

Originally Posted by Bmcgov78 (Post 336624)
Any update on opening?

I talked to Mahnaz the store owner and asked if she thought they would be open by the 4th of July. She rolled her eyes and said "I hope so"! They still have a long way to go. Large Air conditioning units still crated up and laying in the back parking lot. She did say they are trying to open the ice cream and snack bar take out window hopefully before the 4th.

yogi berra 06-17-2020 04:06 PM

boat slip owners opposition to store
I have been informed that the store owner has been sued by the boat slip oners. I gather they dispute his parking rights. In addition they have added locked gatges to the 2 docks we used to park at to access the store. Like all the posters here, I think it would be great to have the store open and intend to support it. I cant imagine why the slip owners would not also be supportive. Doeas anyont know any of them. I gather there are 64 owners of slips who are members of a condo association. and the pres of thr association is a guy named hill. It may be that he is acting without their support. I think we should try to gwt them turned around.

DEJ 06-17-2020 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by yogi berra (Post 336927)
I have been informed that the store owner has been sued by the boat slip oners. I gather they dispute his parking rights. In addition they have added locked gatges to the 2 docks we used to park at to access the store. Like all the posters here, I think it would be great to have the store open and intend to support it. I cant imagine why the slip owners would not also be supportive. Doeas anyont know any of them. I gather there are 64 owners of slips who are members of a condo association. and the pres of thr association is a guy named hill. It may be that he is acting without their support. I think we should try to gwt them turned around.

Great first post without any factual data. The association is not opposed to the store. The owner of the store has not been sued. The locked gates have been there for 4 years, long before the new owners purchased the store. The store is currently not open due to the new owners inability to get it ready to open, nothing to do with the dock owners. The president is not someone named Hill and the association is well aware of what is going on, unlike yourself.
In the future if you want to participate in this discussion please get your facts straight.

chasedawg 06-17-2020 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by yogi berra (Post 336927)
I have been informed that the store owner has been sued by the boat slip oners. I gather they dispute his parking rights. In addition they have added locked gatges to the 2 docks we used to park at to access the store. Like all the posters here, I think it would be great to have the store open and intend to support it. I cant imagine why the slip owners would not also be supportive. Doeas anyont know any of them. I gather there are 64 owners of slips who are members of a condo association. and the pres of thr association is a guy named hill. It may be that he is acting without their support. I think we should try to gwt them turned around.

How and where did you get this kind of information?? All of your claims are not at all factual. You are creating an issue on your own and on the forum that will not help the store succeed. Why are you posting this?

JEEPONLY 06-18-2020 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by yogi berra (Post 336927)
I have been informed that the store owner has been sued by the boat slip oners. I gather they dispute his parking rights. In addition they have added locked gatges to the 2 docks we used to park at to access the store. Like all the posters here, I think it would be great to have the store open and intend to support it. I cant imagine why the slip owners would not also be supportive. Doeas anyont know any of them. I gather there are 64 owners of slips who are members of a condo association. and the pres of thr association is a guy named hill. It may be that he is acting without their support. I think we should try to gwt them turned around.

Your post (info/typing) makes the REAL Yogi sound like a Phd (which, maybe, he did anyway)! :eek:

MRA 06-21-2020 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by DEJ (Post 336934)
Great first post without any factual data. The association is not opposed to the store. The owner of the store has not been sued. The locked gates have been there for 4 years, long before the new owners purchased the store. The store is currently not open due to the new owners inability to get it ready to open, nothing to do with the dock owners. The president is not someone named Hill and the association is well aware of what is going on, unlike yourself.
In the future if you want to participate in this discussion please get your facts straight.

I know and it’s a fact that association has sued the store owners and the court date was 06/17/2020

SAB1 06-21-2020 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by MRA (Post 337213)
I know and it’s a fact that association has sued the store owners and the court date was 06/17/2020

Possibly the prior owner but really a stretch to see this against the current owner. Guy has spent a ton of money on the place. Hope he makes it best wishes for a good start. From the sound of it he hopes to open next weekend in some capacity.

FlyingScot 06-21-2020 08:03 PM

To continue with the good fun of speculating with only shreds of information--There were surveyors on site on 6/18--on the store side, lake side, and in the road. This struck me as unusual at the time, but it would be consistent with a legal tussle of who is allowed where.

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