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webmaster 02-10-2024 07:37 AM

Ice-In Declared

ITD 02-10-2024 04:12 PM

Good news, so for the contest the Ice out criteria is when the Mount can reach all its ports?

John Mercier 02-10-2024 04:36 PM

Yeah. And I lost.
Too cold over the next couple weeks for a quick Ice Out.

fatlazyless 02-11-2024 08:43 AM

Ok, so is this fake February 11, 2024, 8-am, Concord Monitor news with Dave Emerson Aviation or what? Who do you not believe ...... WMUR ...... or ..... the Concord Monitor! ...... :eek2:

"Sorry, winter fans: It looks ..... ..... like Lake Winnipesaukee isn't going to ice over"

fatlazyless 02-13-2024 03:26 PM

Feb 9-10-11 Lake Champlain, VT: 2024 Pond Hockey Classic was CANCELED
Here's an interesting item on this winter's ice situation. While Meredith NH was able to relocate their 2024 Pond Hockey Classic from Lake Winnipesaukee to nearby Lake Waukewan, one mile away, for a very happening tournament, held on Feb 2-3-4. The same cannot be said for the Feb 9-10-11 Lake Champlain, Vermont ....... ...... which was unfortunately canceled citing three days of temperatures over 45 degrees.

It was supposed to be held in Malletts Bay, Lake Champlain which is a Lake Champlain bay that is 95% surrounded by land in Colchester, Vermont, just north of Burlington, Vermont.

Who knows but maybe it could have been held on Lake Waukewan for two weeks in a row! So, what has Lake Waukewan got that neither Lake Winnipesaukee or Lake Champlain had on Feb 2-3-4 and on Feb 9-10-11?

Is a small three letter word ...... good enough quality I-C-E. So, three cheers ...... :banana: ....... for beautiful, very scenic Lake Waukewan in Meredith NH and its natural ability to create strong, smooth pond hockey ice!

Pond Hockey Classic, Meredith NH: 15 years consecutive running with never a cancellation thanks to nearby ..... ..... Lake Waukewan.

trashman 02-14-2024 10:52 AM

Smooth ice it was not. But the beers went down smooth! Thank you Coors!

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