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LikeLakes 09-12-2023 10:21 AM

Thread Closings
The closing of threads that are about anything other than sunsets and contractors and restaurants is IMO getting beyond any reasonable level. I get it that name calling, political stuff, bashing are going to cause a thread to get closed. But a discussion of the way people treat other people? I didn't see anything political, anything that might offend. Yes, a few posts blaming the government for stuff, but that's it. Anyway, I enjoy the forum and discussions with lake based people but it doesn't seem worth sticking around if this is basically a "Has anyone tried _______ restaurant" site.

Just my 2 cents.

JayR 09-12-2023 10:58 AM

I am thinking that there were one or two comments in there that took it to a pretty extreme place pretty quickly - blaming bad behavior on the COVID pandemic and the country it originated in, and blaming everything on the immigration problem.

True, civility has gotten worse in the last three years, since the lockdown year. And the immigration problem is definitely contributing to some of our other problems. But it's also true that people's behavior has been going downhill for a while. Chat rooms can get vicious, people can be horrible when protected by that screen.

And every one of us has been in a parking lot and seen some jerk do some jerky move, and then they double down on jerkiness by giving YOU the finger or glare as if YOU did something wrong when they were the jerky jerk.

There are two ways to deal - build bridges or burn them. I see both happening everywhere I look...

Poor Richard 09-12-2023 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by LikeLakes (Post 387754)
The closing of threads that are about anything other than sunsets and contractors and restaurants is IMO getting beyond any reasonable levels.


It's a little surprising at times but it isn't my house so I do my best to play by the rule.....if it doesn't involve the lakes region of NH then it doesn't belong here.

The rule is simple and discouraging at the same time, IMO.

I feel like there are folks here who do some really awesome things that never get shared here because of the rule.

Winilyme 09-12-2023 05:57 PM

Well, at least the pine sap thread is still open.

LikeLakes 09-12-2023 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Winilyme (Post 387775)
Well, at least the pine sap thread is still open.

Well said.

LikeLakes 09-12-2023 06:32 PM

I get the rule.
I also get that the people running the site get to set the rules, and I respect that.
I'm just saying that, due to what I feel is excessive policing of what to me are productive discussions, I'm going to bow out. I'll check in once in a while and maybe post when I see something interesting, but other than that I'm moving on.

John Mercier 09-12-2023 07:28 PM

I don't think it was going to be productive.
Most of the general public isn't reading the site.
And the tempo of the general area, along with the structural limitations, isn't going to change.

TiltonBB 09-13-2023 06:09 AM

It seems to me that the Webmaster does a good job keeping the focus of the site on the Lake's Region. It is a thankless time consuming job which does not give him a salary. Most people have no idea how much time he spends correcting grammar, removing problem people, or deleting what we would consider spam.

There is a tab on the site to contribute and I have done so. I wonder how many people who complain (Or have no complaints) have offered their financial support to help keep the site going? If you enjoy the site, please consider it.

When the posts head off into an area that may be controversial I understand why he closes them out. For over 20 years the Webmaster has made it clear that he does not want threads to become arguments and he has taken the appropriate steps to keep that policy in place.

There are plenty of online places to post your thoughts or have your arguments. This is not that place.

LikeLakes 09-13-2023 08:40 AM

I do appreciate the efforts of the webmaster and any others that help out to keep the site going. Nearly all of these focused forums are a work of goodwill these days, particularly as more content has moved to other mediums.


Originally Posted by TiltonBB (Post 387784)
There are plenty of online places to post your thoughts or have your arguments. This is not that place.

I've never argued with anyone on this site. And I'll make sure not to post any thoughts here. :):):)

LikeLakes 09-13-2023 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by TiltonBB (Post 387784)
There is a tab on the site to contribute and I have done so. I wonder how many people who complain (Or have no complaints) have offered their financial support to help keep the site going? If you enjoy the site, please consider it.

Great reminder, thank you for posting that. I just made a donation.

Poor Richard 09-13-2023 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by TiltonBB (Post 387784)
It seems to me that the Webmaster does a good job keeping the focus of the site on the Lake's Region. It is a thankless time consuming job which does not give him a salary. Most people have no idea how much time he spends correcting grammar, removing problem people, or deleting what we would consider spam.

There is a tab on the site to contribute and I have done so. I wonder how many people who complain (Or have no complaints) have offered their financial support to help keep the site going? If you enjoy the site, please consider it.

When the posts head off into an area that may be controversial I understand why he closes them out. For over 20 years the Webmaster has made it clear that he does not want threads to become arguments and he has taken the appropriate steps to keep that policy in place.

There are plenty of online places to post your thoughts or have your arguments. This is not that place.

FWIW, I have two close friends who own forums. Those forums have Admins and Moderators. Those folks help to maintain the direction of the forum. Point is, help is available to forum owners should they choose to seek it out.

In your example, limiting the arguments, politics and bickering is totally understandable.

What about the topics that don't result in arguments?

How about the artists on the forum that no one will ever know about because we can only post reviews about restaurants?

Or how about the craftspeople who simply want to be able to share the work they are proud of?

We have motorsports enthusiasts, creative types, technical people, artists, musicians...does any of the forum talent get recognition? No because it's not a sunset, a restaurant, a drunk captain, a wake boat, loud music or the lake speed limit.

I posted a boat repair thread a while back. It was locked for whatever reason. I asked why it was locked (so I didn't make the same mistake) and suddenly it was unlocked. No information provided whatsoever but I stopped posting in that thread because of that experience.

I love motorcycles. I'd enjoy sharing that passion with others on this forum by posting group rides or upcoming trackdays or race weekends but I don't because it's not within the current scope on what's allowed. I'm actually surprised my thread about the Loudon Classic this year made it through.

What I'm trying to convey is, there are a whole lot of other topics that can be shared on this forum that don't result in arguments....topics that barely require moderation and topics that can bring people together or perhaps help people find something else in common beyond the topics that get regurgitated here.

I see an opportunity to create member participation in a positive way and also bring people together for new discoveries. This forum is an incredible source of information with some amazing, smart and talented folks.

Please take my comments as constructive criticism rather than complaints as I am keenly aware this isn't my house.

Poor Richard

Descant 09-13-2023 02:48 PM

I think I've seen threads about most of the items Poor Richard mentions. CateP comes to mind for her artwork and the Flying Monkey and BNH for performing artists. These types of threads don't seem to draw the continuing interest that follows other topics.
Sometimes, I'd like to see a calendar rather than a thread discussion about the next fireworks that remains for several days after the event. However, that doesn't seem to be part of this software that I think otherwise is well planned and managed. I e3xpect something like "Group motorcycle rides" would quickly move beyond the Lakes Region and then folks would be upset because of an already existing geographic focus. Hard to please everybody. I'm happy as is.

John Mercier 09-13-2023 07:32 PM

I don't know about a calendar...
But either a sub-forum or locked thread on upcoming events with just the specifics could work.

I don't know about everybody else... but I seldom have time for even the most promoted upcoming events.

Merrymeeting 09-14-2023 07:55 AM

I'm sure there are many forums on motorcycles, art, and other topics that you can find, or even start your own if that rows your boat. But I like the fact that this forum is narrowly focused on the Lakes Region. Those are the topics I come for. If all the other ancillary topics are added, the site quickly becomes unmanageable and loses it's core audience. I've seen it happen many times.

I think Don has proven over the years (decades?) that he applies a fairly even hand in these decisions. The proof is in the fact that this is one of the oldest, still well attended forums on the web.

The Real BigGuy 09-14-2023 10:02 AM

I understand the need to keep the political out of the threads. However, there are 2 ways to handle this. One is they way that was chosen, lock/block/delete the thread and disadvantage the people who are using it productively (don’t know if this is the right word to express what I mean) or, lock/block/delete the individual(s) that are causing the issue(s). From what I have seen it seems to be the same people over & over again.

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

The Real BigGuy 09-14-2023 10:54 AM

Interestingly, I just found that I am blocked on a thread where I let a China virus/immigration comment get under my skin and responded sarcastically.

I accept my punishment (not being able to add to an interesting thread) and thank the Webmaster for giving me a well deserved slap!

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

John Mercier 09-14-2023 11:11 AM

I think it will get worse.
In seven years, I have watched my sales grow by over 700 percent. It is a lot of demand for limitations at hand... and everyone things that someone else should give way.

They look for events outside themselves to cover feelings of repression.

We saw some stated that they adapted by just parking further away.
Basically making a change in their habits so the stress load would be less.

ApS 09-15-2023 06:49 PM

Being Pro-Active...

Originally Posted by John Mercier (Post 387825)
I think it will get worse.
In seven years, I have watched my sales grow by over 700 percent. It is a lot of demand for limitations at hand... and everyone things that someone else should give way.

They look for events outside themselves to cover feelings of repression.

We saw some stated that they adapted by just parking further away.

Basically making a change in their habits so the stress load would be less.

As a former forum moderator, I could see the parking thread "going off the rails",,,

So I tried to redirect the thread with my only entry:

(Basically, asking who had the Right Of Way to gain the parking spot).


The solution is to bring in your favorite new topic in a new thread.

John Mercier 09-15-2023 07:33 PM

They approached the parking space head on... there is no ROW.

ITD 09-16-2023 06:20 AM

Some people can't even control themselves behind the keyboard, nevermind the steering wheel.

ApS 09-28-2023 08:34 AM

"Virtue-Signaling" Prevails?
After "parking space", the latest thread to be locked is "panhandling".

It lasted longer than one would have expected.

Too many out-of-state experiences. (MA, CA, and FL)?

Would more local and sympathetic posts have saved it?

One post--without citing--managed to admonish the majority of forum members! :eek2:

gillygirl 09-30-2023 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Poor Richard (Post 387772)

It's a little surprising at times but it isn't my house so I do my best to play by the rule.....if it doesn't involve the lakes region of NH then it doesn't belong here.

The rule is simple and discouraging at the same time, IMO.

I feel like there are folks here who do some really awesome things that never get shared here because of the rule.

There are many threads that have nothing to do with the Lakes Region but are started by long-term and prolific members. So if you want to share something about folks here who do some really awesome things, I think you should.

Sent from my iPad using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

Poor Richard 10-04-2023 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by gillygirl (Post 388349)
There are many threads that have nothing to do with the Lakes Region but are started by long-term and prolific members. So if you want to share something about folks here who do some really awesome things, I think you should.

Sent from my iPad using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

Post 14 suggests anything other than laser-focus on the lakes region would be the undoing of this forum. Seems far-fetched to me when I consider the national and international forums I'm on but hey, if this forum is so fragile that a couple motorcycle rides and some artistic expression spells impending doom, then so be it.

gillygirl 10-04-2023 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Poor Richard (Post 388455)
Post 14 suggests anything other than laser-focus on the lakes region would be the undoing of this forum. Seems far-fetched to me when I consider the national and international forums I'm on but hey, if this forum is so fragile that a couple motorcycle rides and some artistic expression spells impending doom, then so be it.

There are plenty of threads from members in the region requesting suggestions on topics not specifically related to the region. I still say post and let Don decide if it applies.

Sent from my iPad using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

ApS 10-05-2023 02:35 PM

Member Tis Ends Another One!

Originally Posted by gillygirl (Post 388349)
There are many threads that have nothing to do with the Lakes Region but are started by long-term and prolific members. So if you want to share something about folks here who do some really awesome things, I think you should.

Meaning, a "Public Service Announcement--Wolfeboro"?

That ~50% of Wolfeboro residents would like to be up-to-date on...perhaps re-schedule trips around Wolfeboro...

gillygirl 10-05-2023 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by ApS (Post 388524)

Originally Posted by gillygirl (Post 388349)
There are many threads that have nothing to do with the Lakes Region but are started by long-term and prolific members. So if you want to share something about folks here who do some really awesome things, I think you should.

Meaning, a "Public Service Announcement--Wolfeboro"?

That ~50% of Wolfeboro residents would like to be up-to-date on...perhaps re-schedule trips around Wolfeboro...

No, not at all. That is definitely lake related. But go ahead and stir your pot…it’s what you do best.

Sent from my iPad using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

FlyingScot 10-06-2023 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by gillygirl (Post 388530)
No, not at all. That is definitely lake related. But go ahead and stir your pot…it’s what you do best.

Sent from my iPad using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

I agree this is lake related (and that ApS likes to stir the pot). But let's not lose the real issue, even if it's unspoken. We all know a ***** thread is likely to go off the rails wrt civility. Even worse would be one or more ongoing threads on lake towns' political events leading up to the presidential primaries. Just for the general sense of community, we should skip this stuff

The Real BigGuy 10-06-2023 09:45 AM

I totally agree w/FlyingScot. It has taken me a while to understand that anything political in a group social setting (that is what this really is) usually not going to turn out well. I get it now!

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

John Mercier 10-06-2023 09:00 PM

Other than the partisans... which are always going to be tribal regardless... I think most Americans can agree on the problems, just not the solutions.

There are no easy choices...

ApS 10-07-2023 02:34 AM

This Would Never Have Happened But For "Squishes"...

Originally Posted by John Mercier (Post 388550)
Other than the partisans... which are always going to be tribal regardless... I think most Americans can agree on the problems, just not the solutions. There are no easy choices...

Yet the problems are always started by one "tribe". The solutions are clear, but regrettably decided by those I call "the squishes". (Whose bibles are the Washington Post, Boston Globe and New York Times).

Our concerns are directed to the Spiny Water Flea, but the latest "problem" doesn't appear in those periodicals. Yet could affect the Lakes Region--as it trickles down on us.

But set all that aside. :rolleye1:

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