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Airedale1 10-11-2019 08:26 AM

God Bless Chaos & Kindness
The following appeared this week on the FB page of Chaos & Kindness.
It was written by Justin Spencer. Justin is the founder of Chaos & Kindness.
Thank you for doing this Justin and may God Bless you.

"There has been something bothering me for a while now. When we decided to build our Chaos & Kindness store we chose the amazing town of Laconia, NH. When we made that decision it came with a promise that we would do our best to inspire the community and make a difference, and do it in a way that actually makes a REAL difference. Well what has personally bothered me is that every day I drive by the Laconia High School I notice there is a vape shop essentially touching the high school property. Not 4 blocks away, not a mile down the street, but literally next to the High School.

Now I want to be VERY clear so nobody misrepresents my words. I am ALL for entrepreneurship, and it’s a free country to build and create a way to make money. If you have become a millionaire off of alcohol, smoking, vaping etc., that’s all fair and I’ll be your friend and never judge that. However something has always bothered me that of ALL things next to a high school we have a vape shop. Laconia, NH already has a cloud, a stigma that the town lacks education, money, and is riddled with drugs. This is the very reason we chose to build our store here. Like I mentioned earlier we also made a promise to inspire and try and change that stigma.

So right here, right now I’m making a bold offer to the owner of the vape shop. I will give you $10,000 to move your vape shop anyplace outside a half mile from the high school. I will write you a $10,000 check and hand deliver it. Then I will take over your lease and turn that vape shop into a location that inspires students to come after school, play videos games, hang out, donate time, mental health stations with daily videos, community outreach options, just an all-around good place for students to meet, hang and in a positive way, for FREE! THIS is how you make a difference.

I don’t want to offend the vape shop owners, I want to challenge them to help make Laconia, NH a better place to live and grow up. This project will be very expensive and bold but this public (Facebook) offering is me holding accountability to make change. Nobody has ever made an offer like this and that’s what makes it bold. I don’t personally know the vape shop and have never gone in. If enough of us share this, they will get the message. This offer expires in 7 days. I also challenge any business that wants to help me, tag and comment in this. Let’s change how students think, act and do it in the most bad ass way. Vape shop email if you want to make a deal. I’ll put my money where my mouth is! Let’s go!"

Justin's offer has been accepted by the owner of the vape shop.

thinkxingu 10-11-2019 08:37 AM

This is a super cool story!

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joey2665 10-11-2019 08:58 AM

Incredible gesture. This is related to the "election" thread. e need more people like this in Laconia and the city will turn around.

Also NH need to do what we are trying to do in New York, to eliminate vaping, especially the flavors vapes that are targeted towards children. The long term effects of this are just coming to light with more and more lung disease being attributed to vaping everyday

Biggd 10-11-2019 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by joey2665 (Post 320967)
Incredible gesture. This is related to the "election" thread. e need more people like this in Laconia and the city will turn around.

Also NH need to do what we are trying to do in New York, to eliminate vaping, especially the flavors vapes that are targeted towards children. The long term effects of this are just coming to light with more and more lung disease being attributed to vaping everyday

Mass and RI have put a 4 month moratorium on selling Vap products until more research can be done. NH should do the same as well as the rest of the NE states. But that "live free or die" motto is hard to break through.

Sue Doe-Nym 10-11-2019 09:06 AM

What a positive, upbeat story! We need more people like him.

macbeth 10-11-2019 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Biggd (Post 320968)
But that "live free or die" motto is hard to break through.

That's what out of Stater's say. People who live here are PROUD OF IT and know that's what makes NH Great. If people who don't like NH's motto or our way of life up here, really don't have to come here. Free Country.

Major 10-11-2019 11:09 AM

Let's put things in perspective, there has been a dozen or so deaths and a hundred or so illnesses attributable to vaping. By comparison, each year in the U.S., nearly 500,000 persons die of smoking and nearly 1,250,000 persons die resulting from automobile accidents.

My issue is whether the governor has authority to unilaterally stop vaping, or any other vice. It certainly is not a public health crisis, when compared to real crises, such as smoking, opioids, obesity, etc. Vape shops have made a significant investment based on the government okaying the product. If we want to stop it, which I'm not against, let's go through the legislative process and do it the right way, democratically.

What's to the stop the governors of these states to stop selling tobacco products, liquor, beer, sugar drinks, etc. We cannot let emotions dictate policy.

Biggd 10-11-2019 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by macbeth (Post 320971)
That's what out of Stater's say. People who live here are PROUD OF IT and know that's what makes NH Great. If people who don't like NH's motto or our way of life up here, really don't have to come here. Free Country.

Well if it doesn't bother you that kids are being targeted and getting sick from vaping then I'm not sure I would describe that as "great".

Major 10-11-2019 11:45 AM

What used to make NH great is the sense of independence, self-reliance, and lack of government intrusion. Way, way more kids get sick because of second-hand smoking. With the emotional, knee-jerk reaction types handwringing to shut down an industry, the governor should immediately remove these children from their homes. What's the difference other than pesky parental rights. We are giving away our freedom and liberties, and this is another example. Again, I am not a huge fan of vaping.

fatlazyless 10-11-2019 11:48 AM … Massachusetts temporarily bans the sale of vaping products ….. September 24, 2019

With cigarette sales falling, the marlboro man and joe camel is looking to get young people hooked on vaping.

Biggd 10-11-2019 12:04 PM

These companies target kids because they know that they are the most vulnerable. If we, meaning government, don't stop them then we have another epidemic to clean up later.
All these companies see are dollar signs and are just looking for something to replace cigarette revenues that have been shrinking in the US for years.
Now is the time to stop vaping before it gets too big to control.
I don't like to compare it to the opioid epidemic but those companies were greedy also and should have been stopped years ago. Instead they were left to promote and push huge quantities of pills just to line their pockets.
Now we are left to clean up a huge mess that never should have happened.
Just think of all the man hours of police, fire, and health care providers that have gone towards battling this epidemic that could have been better served in some other capacity.

sum-r breeze 10-11-2019 12:24 PM

Wow Justin! Just WOW! Bravo! That's the way you set an example!!

joey2665 10-11-2019 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by macbeth (Post 320971)
That's what out of Stater's say. People who live here are PROUD OF IT and know that's what makes NH Great. If people who don't like NH's motto or our way of life up here, really don't have to come here. Free Country.

Not really sure if Live free or Die covers teen vaping. It certainly doesn’t cover teen alcohol and drug abuse, aren’t there laws against this?

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

Merrymeeting 10-11-2019 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Airedale1 (Post 320965)

I don’t personally know the vape shop and have never gone in.

I would have been more impressed if he had approached the owner in private first, before calling him out in public and issuing his challenge.

Major 10-11-2019 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by joey2665 (Post 320984)
Not really sure if Live free or Die covers teen vaping. It certainly doesn’t cover teen alcohol and drug abuse, aren’t there laws against this?

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

I was thinking the same thing. Should we close North Country Deli because it sells beer right next to the Laconia Middle School? There are laws against selling vaping products to minors. Enforce the laws, or change them through the democratic process. Don't change them via government fiat.

I know a half dozen people or so who swear by vaping. It helped them quit smoking.

tbonies 10-11-2019 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Merrymeeting (Post 320985)
I would have been more impressed if he had approached the owner in private first, before calling him out in public and issuing his challenge.

Guess he wasn’t terribly concerned about “impressing” you.

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

DickR 10-11-2019 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Major (Post 320975)
.... By comparison, each year in the U.S., ....and nearly 1,250,000 persons die resulting from automobile accidents......

That number is global. In the US, it's currently around 37,000/year. It peaked at over 54,000/yr back in the 60s, but things have gotten less bad since then. For most of this decade, the fatalities per 100,000 in the population has been running around 10-11, down from a high of almost 30 in 1937. Safety features in cars (seatbelts, airbags, etc) clearly have reduced deaths. Here is a tabulation of year by year deaths since 1899:

Major 10-11-2019 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by DickR (Post 320991)
That number is global. In the US, it's currently around 37,000/year. It peaked at over 54,000/yr back in the 60s, but things have gotten less bad since then. For most of this decade, the fatalities per 100,000 in the population has been running around 10-11, down from a high of almost 30 in 1937. Safety features in cars (seatbelts, airbags, etc) clearly have reduced deaths. Here is a tabulation of year by year deaths since 1899:

It seemed high when I googled it. Thank you for clarifying! Still makes my point, I'm glad to say.:look:

ApS 10-11-2019 05:39 PM

Pot Legalization Makes Vaping Deadly...

Originally Posted by Biggd (Post 320980)
These companies target kids because they know that they are the most vulnerable. If we, meaning government, don't stop them then we have another epidemic to clean up later.
All these companies see are dollar signs and are just looking for something to replace cigarette revenues that have been shrinking in the US for years.
Now is the time to stop vaping before it gets too big to control.
I don't like to compare it to the opioid epidemic but those companies were greedy also and should have been stopped years ago. Instead they were left to promote and push huge quantities of pills just to line their pockets.
Now we are left to clean up a huge mess that never should have happened.
Just think of all the man hours of police, fire, and health care providers that have gone towards battling this epidemic that could have been better served in some other capacity.

"Vaping" itself isn't the problem. It's additives such as THC and Vitamin E, which causes lung injury and death.


"But mounting evidence of the public-health consequences from regular marijuana use, especially among children and expectant mothers, should give politicians pause. Studies show that regular use of THC affects memory, executive function and psychological well-being. The recent lung injuries and deaths confirm the market has become a Wild West of potent and shadowy products. THC is currently illegal under federal law

8gv 10-12-2019 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by DickR (Post 320991)
That number is global. In the US, it's currently around 37,000/year. It peaked at over 54,000/yr back in the 60s, but things have gotten less bad since then. For most of this decade, the fatalities per 100,000 in the population has been running around 10-11, down from a high of almost 30 in 1937. Safety features in cars (seatbelts, airbags, etc) clearly have reduced deaths. Here is a tabulation of year by year deaths since 1899:

I can say with confidence that the reduction in the driving fatalities was not a result of improved driving habits. :eek:

Justin seems to have a good read on the town and cares enough to try to effect some change.

fatlazyless 10-12-2019 02:32 AM

And, has motorcycles as not too safe with motorcycles in an accident or death 28-times more than cars, from statistics.

Dang it ..... must have forgot the vapes back in the bar ..... gotta get on the bike and get back to that bar....budda-boom! .... :D

Is best to drive a Volvo ..... always stay home ..... and knit a sweater while watching that old movie channel .....always! ...:laugh:

rsmlp 10-12-2019 06:42 AM

vaping in NH

No dog in this hunt. If people want to poison themselves, so be it. I did hear on a podcast from an MD whose business it is to help people stop smoking that the vaping option-while unhealthy was a good bridge away from smoking which is WAY unhealthier. He is upset that in many cases he can no longer use this product to help literally save lives.

Every time I see a story like this I ask myself where the HELL are the parents?

It is strange that the author of the original post just didn't ask the owner of the vaping shop personally to accept the $10K rather than post it in he forum.

Mr. V 10-12-2019 11:46 AM

There's a likely loophole.

A friend of mine vapes (here out west, not in NH) and the state is shutting down brick and mortar vaping stores.

But he doesn't patronize them: he buys his over the internet.

His supplier says the prohibition does not apply to internet sales, so for the seller it's still business as usual.

Maman.Catherine 10-12-2019 12:37 PM

Thinking government (or anyone in it, regardless of political affiliation) is going to fix anything is a joke.

The only way communities get better is for the people in them to take action to make them better. It's a great example of taking action to improve the community without trying to harm anyone else.


Airedale1 10-12-2019 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by rsmlp (Post 321008)

It is strange that the author of the original post just didn't ask the owner of the vaping shop personally to accept the $10K rather than post it in he forum.

He didn't post it in this forum.

Sue Doe-Nym 10-12-2019 08:59 PM

A bit of confusion

Originally Posted by Airedale1 (Post 321022)
He didn't post it in this forum.

I believe that he was referring to Justin’s article in your original post.

fatlazyless 12-20-2019 12:10 PM

new law in 2020: age 21 for buying/smoking tobacco & vaping devices
On Dec 19, 2019, the US Congress passed a bill that includes a requirement for you to be age-21 to be legal to either purchase or smoke tobacco or vaping devices/e-cigarettes in the USA.

On May 21, 2019, saying "Youth vaping is a public health crisis," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced this bill.

President Donald ***** is expected to sign this bill soon. :patriot:

With regards to the vaping retail store immediately close to the Laconia High School, as discussed in this thread, this new law is expected to become effective sometime in the middle of 2020. This new law sure seems likely to undermine and deter the vaping store, there, next to the high school.

For the lakes region and in all of New Hampshire, this will set the age from 18 to 21.

Looking at over 100-countries around the world, this new USA-age 21 smoking law stands out as being three years older than the much more common age-18 smoking law, world wide.

Seems to me like a good, smart law that promotes a good personal health habit by keeping the 18-19-20 years old away from smoking as well as the 14-15-16-17 years old who go to an older buddy to get them their smokes.

Susie Cougar 12-20-2019 03:10 PM

New law in 2020
fatlazyless, that’s good news! I agree with you that it should at least put a dent in the vaping store right next to the Laconia High School. I found the owner to be quite arrogant stating that he did not advertise or sell to anyone younger than 18. What better advertisement than for every teenager to see it going into school every day, LOL?

fatlazyless 12-21-2019 07:37 AM

..... a really big tobacco deal!
Yesterday on Dec 20, 2019; is ironic to see the LaDaSun article and photo with the vape store owner holding a sign; 'must be age-18 to purchase' and President ***** raises the age to 21 at about 8-pm, on the same day, Friday, Dec 20.

Goes into effect, sometime in the middle of 2020.

So's, a number of different US states plus Walmart all raised their tobacco purchase age to 21 during 2019, and the federal government raised the age from 18 to 21 starting in the middle of 2020 ...... how's about that!

This seems like a really big deal!

fatlazyless 12-29-2019 08:34 AM

Friday, Jan 3, 9:30-am, Laconia City Hall
Page 19 of the Saturday, December 28, LaDaSun has a public notice from the State of New Hampshire Liquor Commission with regards to the vape store close to the high school.

An informational licensing hearing will be held on Friday, January 3, 9:30-am in the Armand Bolduc City Council Chamber in Laconia City Hall.

As you probably heard, the federal government :patriot: raised the age to 21 for purchasing tobacco products and e-cigarettes, effective December 27, so that may effect any licensing decision, here? Like, are there any high school students now old enough, at least age 21, to purchase what the vape store is selling?

Me personally, me-thinks the tobacco smoking age should be raised to age-99. If you can make it to age-99, then you is old enough to start smoking for the second hundred years in your life! .... :D

fatlazyless 01-04-2020 05:34 AM

..... prediction, prediction, prediction:
Prediction: My sense tells me after reading the LaDaSun report in today's Jan 4, 2020 Saturday edition on the January 3 hearing held yesterday in the Armand Bolduc City Council Chamber in Laconia City Hall that here's what will happen ..... according to my CRYSTAL BALL.

Prediction: The NH Liquor Commission will soon decide to issue a license to the vape store business that is immediately close to the high school despite all the students who testified against its' close proximity.

Prediction: The City of Laconia will follow the lead of the City of Franklin, NH, as well as the U.S. Federal Government and pass a local Laconia city ruling similar to Tobacco-21 USA that restricts purchase of tobacco items to age 21 and older.

....... and, that's my prediction! ... :patriot:

fatlazyless 01-09-2020 03:17 PM

Thursday, January 9, 2020
Thursday, January 9, 2020:

NH Liquor Commission says yes to license for vape store that's close to Laconia High School.

…… see item #12

My opinion; with two other stores nearby selling similar tobacco and vape items, saying no to a license would have been discriminatory ….. or something like that?

And meanwhile, back at the ranch ……. NH Senate Bill SB248, NH age-21 for tobacco & vapes, purchase and possession, was passed in the NH Senate yesterday, and now goes to the NH House.

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