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Irrigation Guy 02-27-2010 02:54 PM

Girl scout cookies
I hear that sales have started. Where are they selling?

thatleslie 02-27-2010 05:24 PM

read the labels!!!
I should first say, I mostly support the girl scouts and the organization, what is disappointing is that the organization is not fully practicing what it preaches regarding integrity, health and the well being of our young girls.

In our family, we LOVE cookies A LOT, in fact, I just made a fresh batch of oatmeal chocolate chip! We used to love girl scout cookies because they were tasty and we felt like we were supporting a great organization. About 4 or 5 years ago, I was stopped by the cutest troop of Girl Scouts in front of a local grocery store, hocking their sweet little treasures with such pride. I quickly picked up a few boxes feeling really great about my support of the local troop AND the BIG smile that was going to be on my husband's face when I strolled in with an arm load of his favorites. As I was doling out a few cookies to him, I paused to read the ingredients. uh-oh...hydrogenated oil (trans - fats in the tasty little products). UGH! Really??? I thought they would know better.

While I was still in my state of utter dismay, I contacted the Girl Scouts National organization. As I was shuffled around the company, I finally ending up on the phone with the person in charge of the bakers that make the cookies. She assured me that she was aware of the problem, had already gotten several complaints and that they would be completely phasing out trans-fats (hydrogenated oils) of their cookies within 3 years. Oh great, I thought!

I was so excited as these dangerous oils work to increase bad cholesterol in the body and are directly linked to the increase of diabetes, heart disease and obesity. It is the worst kind of fat you can ingest, its effects are even worse than saturated fat.

Each year as the cookies come up for sale, I anxiously run to read the label, and much to my disappointment, some of the cookies STILL have hydrogenated oil in them, not to mention all of the artificial ingredients and food dyes that some of them contain. When I saw this post, I went straight to the girl scout cookie web site: to read the ingredients (look in the box on the right hand side of the screen and you will see a link to the ingredients). Darn...more disappointment. Chock full of hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils, food dyes and artificial flavor. YUCK! Yet another year gone by with no girl scout cookies for us.

Please, let us make a difference in what companies are putting in our food and what we are letting our kids sell. It will only take a minute to drop a note to the girl scouts to request that they that don't use hydrogenated oils or artificial ingredients in their cookies. There are plenty of companies that are baking absolutely delicious cookies with out these awful and unnecessary ingredients.

Here is a quick link to the girl scouts contact form, if you are so inclined, please drop them a line and let them know that you don't want dangerous oils, dyes and artificial ingredients in these products.

Lastly, I certainly do not in anyway want to discourage supporting the girl scouts. Now when I am approached to purchase the cookies, I just offer a donation to the troop and kindly decline the box of cookies. I let the adult on site know the reason for my actions and ask them to please let the headquarters know why I did not accept the cookies.

Just an is a link to a brief article on the damaging effects of hydrogenated oils:

Read your labels! :)

Slickcraft 02-27-2010 05:45 PM

Hmmmm.. Ask a simple question and get a lecture.

We have two girl scout granddaughters so as always we have ordered a bunch and do intend to eat them. We placed the order about two weeks ago and they are now in.

Anyway Realtor ask around for someone who has a relative that is a girl scout.

nicole 02-27-2010 06:42 PM

Yum-just ate a few Samoas that I bought from some cute and polite little Girl Scouts up in Lincoln last weekend. Those and Thin Mints are my favorites. :D

Go to the website:

You can go to the cookie locator and put in your zip. It looks like tomorrow a few places in Tilton and Franklin will have cookie tables set up.

Life should be about moderation and I enjoy GS cookies every year and I never expected them to be healthy. I don't want them to change.

NoBozo 02-27-2010 07:35 PM

A little girl rang the doorbell two weeks ago. She was maybe ..maybe 6 years old. Her mother was standing off to the side. Let's see now..when I was a young-un, (50s) there was the Girl Scouts, then BELOW them was the Brownies, and BELOW them was the Fire Flys. It was according to age.

Not being a GIRL at the time..and not knowing anything about Girl Stuff, ...and my memory not what it used to be, maybe I'm in error. Why would a 6 year old be selling Girl Scout Cookies. :confused: NB

NEWS Today: (What else is new) Girl Scout Cookies are being RECALLED. I'm not making this up. :rolleye1:

Argie's Wife 02-27-2010 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by NoBozo (Post 120105)
A little girl rang the doorbell two weeks ago. She was maybe ..maybe 6 years old. Her mother was standing off to the side. Let's see now..when I was a young-un, (50s) there was the Girl Scouts, then BELOW them was the Brownies, and BELOW them was the Fire Flys. It was according to age.

Not being a GIRL at the time..and not knowing anything about Girl Stuff, ...and my memory not what it used to be, maybe I'm in error. Why would a 6 year old be selling Girl Scout Cookies. :confused: NB

NEWS Today: (What else is new) Girl Scout Cookies are being RECALLED. I'm not making this up. :rolleye1:

This will explain the age breakdown:

The short version: Brownies are Girl Scouts, Cadets are Girl Scouts, and Ambassadors are Girl Scouts - those are various LEVELS of the same program.

-Written by a former, Brownie, Girl Scout, and Sr. Scout.:D
(And someone who has no problems w/ 'trans fats' but giggles because the name sounds like something Fraud discovered.)

baygo 02-27-2010 08:18 PM

I miss Girl Scout cookies
Awsome! Lets teach our youth to succeed by selling a substance that is hazardous to our health. Let's help them fight childhood obesity by promoting moderation rather than alternative. The taste, texture or integrity of the cookie would not be compromised by using alternatives. The reluctance to use alternatives is likely consequent of the impact their cost would have on the Kelloggs bottom line.

My mother was a den mother for a troop in Western MA. I always thought that the girls would gain more by baking and selling their own cookies. Does anybody know exactly what the breakdown or split with Kelloggs is?

I don't expect cookies to be healthy, I expect them to be less harmful, and my wife won't let me eat them until they are.

fatlazyless 02-27-2010 08:44 PM

Table & chairs with cookies, girl scouts, & parent were set up, out front of Heath's supermarket entrance in Center Harbor, today........cookies for sale!

WinnDixie 02-27-2010 08:59 PM

Go Girl Scout cookies!
-Written by a former, Brownie, Girl Scout, and Sr. Scout.:D
(And someone who has no problems w/ 'trans fats' but giggles because the name sounds like something Fraud discovered.)
__________________________________________________ ______________
I love you..Argie's Wife!! You are always such a breath of fresh air! And when I say "Go girl scout cookies"...I mean GO! Over 100 boxes, raised by donations to a G.S. Troop here in Huntsville, have gone to my grandson's Army unit-- 5th Stryker Brigade presently at Marjah in Afghanistan. They will be a welcome treat, and won't last long!

Mr. V 02-27-2010 09:49 PM

Sorry, thatleslie, but I enjoy eating products loaded with transfats.

A lot.

Eat free or die.

Argie's Wife 02-27-2010 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by WinnDixie (Post 120116)
-Written by a former, Brownie, Girl Scout, and Sr. Scout.:D
(And someone who has no problems w/ 'trans fats' but giggles because the name sounds like something Fraud discovered.)
__________________________________________________ ______________
I love you..Argie's Wife!! You are always such a breath of fresh air! And when I say "Go girl scout cookies"...I mean GO! Over 100 boxes, raised by donations to a G.S. Troop here in Huntsville, have gone to my grandson's Army unit-- 5th Stryker Brigade presently at Marjah in Afghanistan. They will be a welcome treat, and won't last long!

:D Thanks. I'm really this nutty in person. Just ask my kids.

And what an awesome idea to send cookies to our Troops! You've inspired me!

Argie's Wife 02-27-2010 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by baygo (Post 120114)
Awsome! Lets teach our youth to succeed by selling a substance that is hazardous to our health. Let's help them fight childhood obesity by promoting moderation rather than alternative. The taste, texture or integrity of the cookie would not be compromised by using alternatives. The reluctance to use alternatives is likely consequent of the impact their cost would have on the Kelloggs bottom line.

My mother was a den mother for a troop in Western MA. I always thought that the girls would gain more by baking and selling their own cookies. Does anybody know exactly what the breakdown or split with Kelloggs is?

I don't expect cookies to be healthy, I expect them to be less harmful, and my wife won't let me eat them until they are.

You talk about the cookies like they're Weapons of Mass Destruction. Jeez... No harm in a cookie or two. Guess what? There's no trans fats in them PER SERVING (key word!) - look it up. Now, if you eat more than a serving there's trans fats but then you probably don't care by the time you're elbow deep in a box of those suckers.

About 15% of the profit from cookie sales goes to Girl Scouts. No, it's not much but EVERY American KNOWS what a box of Thin Mints looks like. In other words, they're counting on volume.

Don't 'cha just want one of these with a glass of milk? C'mon... :liplick:

beaner 02-27-2010 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by fatlazyless (Post 120115)
Table & chairs with cookies, girl scouts, & parent were set up, out front of Heath's supermarket entrance in Center Harbor, today........cookies for sale!

I've seen girl scounts selling them at local supermarkets on weekends.

Sure, they're unhealthy, but I don't think one box a year will kill you.

Here's my girl scout question....As I was leaving a local supermarket last weekend I noticed a cookie sales table set up near the store exit, so I decided to buy my annual box. The table was staffed by two girls (maybe 10-11 y/o) and a woman (perhaps a mother or troop leader). The mom/leader said they were $3.50 a box, so I picked up a box and gave one of the girls a $20. When the mother/troop leader started to make change for me, I said that I wasn't in a hurry and this is something the girls should probably learn how to do. I expected her to help the girl count out the change, but to my surprise she told the kid, "Give 2 quarters, a $1, a $5 and $10. There were no other customers, so I wasn't making anyone wait in line. I was never involved in scouting, but isn't learning supposed to be part of the experience? :confused:

baygo 02-27-2010 11:33 PM

More stats please

Originally Posted by Argie's Wife (Post 120119)
You talk about the cookies like they're Weapons of Mass Destruction. Jeez...

About 15% of the profit from cookie sales goes to Girl Scouts. No, it's not much but EVERY American KNOWS what a box of Thin Mints looks like. In other words, they're counting on volume.

Thanks for that stat. Do you have any statistics for the percentage of children with diabetes, or adults with heart disease? Just curious about how big of a chunk of our population has fallen victim. Once we know how large the chunk is we will be able to make an accurate assessment has to weather "Weapon of mass destruction" is appropriate.

Do people read the labels during consumption? Do they keep track and reframe from eating other items because they already ate their daily quota. I don't. I eat cookies by the box.

The shame is that they have apparently known the problem exists for years and they have not done anything about it. I don't understand anyone in a food related business who does business without putting the safety, welfare, health and concerns of their customer first.

Here's a link to the recall video

Argie's Wife 02-28-2010 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by baygo (Post 120127)
Thanks for that stat. Do you have any statistics for the percentage of children with diabetes, or adults with heart disease? Just curious about how big of a chunk of our population has fallen victim. Once we know how large the chunk is we will be able to make an accurate assessment has to weather "Weapon of mass destruction" is appropriate.

Do people read the labels during consumption? Do they keep track and reframe from eating other items because they already ate their daily quota. I don't. I eat cookies by the box.

The shame is that they have apparently known the problem exists for years and they have not done anything about it. I don't understand anyone in a food related business who does business without putting the safety, welfare, health and concerns of their customer first.

Here's a link to the recall video

Sorry but I respectfully disagree with your point of view.

Girl Scout cookies don't make people fat or increase their comorbidities that come with obesity. Generally speaking, people overeating make themselves fat by overeating. (Yes, there's health issues that can contribute, such as a glad problem, but this is about food intake.)

So, are those people really victims? Or did they get in a habit of making poor choices for themselves? I think it's the latter of the two and this is where we differ in opinion. I am a big believer in people being (1) able to make their own choices - freedom, if you will and (2) people being accountable for their actions.

So skip the cookie if they're so bad, in your opinion, and if you want to support a good cause just make a contribution.

When you get down to it - Girl Scouts is a great cause and I wish I'd had girls so I could do it all over again! (Right now I do have a Wolf Cub Scout in my house and will a Bobcat Cub Scout in 2 more years when the youngest joins!) I learned quite a bit about how sales work and how to follow-up with people from selling cookies as a kid. It's not as simple as just knocking on a door and collecting money. Kudos to the girls for getting out there and raising money...

Mee-n-Mac 02-28-2010 08:48 AM

By the box

Originally Posted by baygo (Post 120127)
Do people read the labels during consumption? Do they keep track and reframe from eating other items because they already ate their daily quota. I don't. I eat cookies by the box.

So now tell us why your (or anyone else's) inability to control their cookie eating should impact those of us who can ?

And while I can't say anything about the oatmeal cookies in question, the thin mints box I just looked at lists 0g of Trans Fats. I may eat 2 boxes.

lawn psycho 02-28-2010 09:39 AM

Sorry folks but trans fat is damn near a WMD to the American Public. Same with high fructose corn syrup. Insulin resistance is huge in this country because of food additives.

Go stand naked in front of the mirror. See a little pudge and love handles that you just can't get rid of no matter how much exercise you do? That's because of insulin resistance. The more 'altered' your food is, the worse for you.

I have personally witnessed more fat people on the OR table to get bypasses than I care to admit. The majority of them are overweight. You don't see many fat 80 year olds.

I am not grandstanding about being vegetarian organic freaks but the sad part is some of you are missing some valuable information based on feel good nastalga. So if the Girl Scouts worked with the baking companies to get the cookies to eliminate trans-fat what's the harm?

Get rid of the high frustose corn syrup and additives and you'll be amazed by being careful about labels what it does for you. Thinner waistline, thicker hair, better complexion, better sleep, and on and on and on.

Lake Lady 6 02-28-2010 09:44 AM

Girl Scout Cookies
"thatleslie" needs to get a life. If you don't want to eat cookies with trans-fats then don't buy them. Simple as that. Each of us can make our own informed choices.

lawn psycho 02-28-2010 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Lake Lady 6 (Post 120147)
"thatleslie" needs to get a life. If you don't want to eat cookies with trans-fats then don't buy them. Simple as that. Each of us can make our own informed choices.

Perhaps you should take a deep breath and get educated on trans fat and food additives.

Seriously, don't rush to hit reply as some kind of back-and-forth argument.

The data is there.

Maybe the Girl Scouts should peddle Marlboro's too since thet way even the state of NH will get a cut and provide more $$$ for the school systems. Sheesh folks.

baygo 02-28-2010 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Argie's Wife (Post 120140)
Sorry but I respectfully disagree with your point of view.

Girl Scout cookies don't make people fat or increase their comorbidities that come with obesity. Generally speaking, people overeating make themselves fat by overeating. (Yes, there's health issues that can contribute, such as a glad problem, but this is about food intake.)

So, are those people really victims? Or did they get in a habit of making poor choices for themselves? I think it's the latter of the two and this is where we differ in opinion. I am a big believer in people being (1) able to make their own choices - freedom, if you will and (2) people being accountable for their actions.

So skip the cookie if they're so bad, in your opinion, and if you want to support a good cause just make a contribution.

When you get down to it - Girl Scouts is a great cause and I wish I'd had girls so I could do it all over again! (Right now I do have a Wolf Cub Scout in my house and will a Bobcat Cub Scout in 2 more years when the youngest joins!) I learned quite a bit about how sales work and how to follow-up with people from selling cookies as a kid. It's not as simple as just knocking on a door and collecting money. Kudos to the girls for getting out there and raising money...

Don't appoligize for disagreeing :look:

In a world where everyone is as intelligent as you and thatleslie are, perhaps an argument for people making there own choices would work. Unfortunately this world is populated by humans who only learn about the things they have interest in. A very high percentage of people are naive about food and how it effects them.

I have a relative who was literally a rocket scientist. It was a very grey day at the dinner table when we learned he had diabetes. His wife is very food conscious but he insisted that moderation would protect him. He never saw it coming.

If you had your choice to feed a child baby food tainted with a small trace of rat poison or food made fresh from your garden which would it be? What if you did not know the difference? Should we have someone watching over this?

It is our social responsibility to address this issue. The first step in healthcare reform starts at home with educating the young. Preventative maitainace. I hope you are not going to reply stating that we can rely on the politicians to fix it.

As for your point regarding the learning experience. imagine if the Scoutts baked the cookies themselves. In addition to all your great points, they would learn baking. They would learn about ingredients. They would learn a great deal more about business. They would not have to give 85% of the gross sales to a conglomerate. The imbalance in revenue sharing with Kellogg, rivals child labor abuse. You likely tip your bartender or waitperson more than 15% for simply delivering you food or a drink.

Argie's Wife 02-28-2010 10:58 AM

I 'apologize' for disagreeing because I'm not one for confrontations, especially when it comes to cookies. :D

I think we can discuss facts and be friends - and I love a meaty discussion, even when we don't agree on points. It makes life interesting. :)

And I believe people are well-informed - as much as they want to be - when it comes to food choices - and take as much or as little action as they wish. I could site you many examples but I'm sure you can think of several yourself where people can get information - even if it's just a "Now With No-Trans Fats" sticker on a bag of Doritos or a "No Corn Syrup" label on a box of cereal.

The simple answer about the cookies: They're a tradition. Much like old holiday traditions that aren't good for you (drinking eggnog anyone?) or other not-so-good but oh-so-fun things - we do them... :liplick:

And to me, maybe others, they're a sign of Spring coming.... ;)

lawn psycho 02-28-2010 11:10 AM

AW, removing the trans-fat would not stop the tradition;)

We all know that "dieters" try and just eat salads to lose weight.

Do this; go to the grocery store and look at the labels of salad dressings. You'll find very few bottles that don't have the high fructose corn syrup, sugar, and you name it for additives. Even some of the basic "oil and vinegar" dressings are loaded with crap.

Perhaps this thread will serve as a reminder to people about thinking about what you stick in your pie hole.

Don't think additives cause weight gain/retention and impact metabolism? When you have your next meeting at work or wherever, look at the number of people who bring a diet soda with them and are overweight... The normal weight people are mostly the ones drinking water......

Argie's Wife 02-28-2010 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by lawn psycho (Post 120153)
AW, removing the trans-fat would not stop the tradition;)

We all know that "dieters" try and just eat salads to lose weight.

Do this; go to the grocery store and look at the labels of salad dressings. You'll find very few bottles that don't have the high fructose corn syrup, sugar, and you name it for additives. Even some of the basic "oil and vinegar" dressings are loaded with crap.

Perhaps this thread will serve as a reminder to people about thinking about what you stick in your pie hole.

Don't think additives cause weight gain/retention and impact metabolism? When you have your next meeting at work or wherever, look at the number of people who bring a diet soda with them and are overweight... The normal weight people are mostly the ones drinking water......

I totally agree with your first sentence but it's really not that big of an issue... (see link)... This might be of interest:

And... I think we need a food forum, if our Fearless Moderator agrees. I do like this discussion but feel like I'm breaking the rules because it's not totally about the LR. Perhaps a place where we can discuss recipes, farmers' markets (my favorite places to get groceries in the summer!), gardening, dieting, etc. - Just a thought. :)

lawn psycho 02-28-2010 12:05 PM

AW, it is a very big deal with trans fat. I truly avoid it at all cost.

If you read the last paragraph of your link it even states that they have not gone "0" trans-fat.

The ills of trans-fat are many.

You should read this:

Sal 02-28-2010 12:05 PM

better buy 'em ....
1 Attachment(s)
Better buy the cookies ....

Yosemite Sam 02-28-2010 12:35 PM

I wouldn't put a girl scout cookie in my body if my life depended on it!

I support them in other ways but will not buy their cookies.

I'm 6 ft tall, weigh 230 lbs and have a 34 inch waist (and I didn't get that size waist by eating junk food).

Argie's Wife 02-28-2010 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by lawn psycho (Post 120157)
AW, it is a very big deal with trans fat. I truly avoid it at all cost.

If you read the last paragraph of your link it even states that they have not gone "0" trans-fat.

The ills of trans-fat are many.

You should read this:

...but this is a snack-food, not a meal... :)

(At least to most people...) :D

Charlie T 02-28-2010 12:41 PM

Hey Sal
Hey Sal

Totally inappropriate!

thatleslie 02-28-2010 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Lake Lady 6 (Post 120147)
"thatleslie" needs to get a life. If you don't want to eat cookies with trans-fats then don't buy them. Simple as that. Each of us can make our own informed choices.

Wow...personal attacks over girl scouts cookies, that's interesting...didn't realize that caring about people and trying to help inform meant I didn't have a life. I merely pointed out the fact that this is an issue that needs to be addressed as we are suppose to be looking out for the welfare of our kids (as they are probably eating the vast majority of these cookies).

I firmly believe that if the cookies were LESS harmful, that even MORE people would buy them and it would be better for everybody...girl scouts make more money...kellogs makes more money...I get to eat yummy cookies that aren't toxic...simple.

For now, the donation I make goes MUCH further than the 15% per box that the girl scouts get to keep for their efforts. I personally will keep contacting the national organization until they follow through on their promise to remove not only trans fats but also artificial ingredients and food dyes...

PS...just because a label says no trans fats per serving doesn't mean it is not in there...if it lists it in the ingredients label, it is in there, and you are ingesting it. The USDA regulations state that if there is less than a certain percentage, the company does not have to list it as a per serving does in no way mean that it is not in there.

PPS...Thanks Lawn Psycho for the support. :)

Mr. V 02-28-2010 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Charlie T (Post 120162)
Hey Sal

Totally inappropriate!

But funny (have seen it before).

Now here is something totally appropriate AND on topic ...

I wonder if the culprit in the cookies was the transfats?

Irrigation Guy 02-28-2010 02:31 PM

My wife posted this question while I was away.

Who would have thought a question about buying a box of cookies would be such a controversial question?

Thanks to those who stayed on topic. To the rest, please we are adults and didn't request your opinion on this simple purchase.

Peace out.

Irish mist 02-28-2010 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by LocalRealtor (Post 120170)
My wife posted this question while I was away.

Who would have thought a question about buying a box of cookies would be such a controversial question?

Thanks to those who stayed on topic. To the rest, please we are adults and didn't request your opinion on this simple purchase.

Peace out.

I agree with your wife:) There's NO excuse for this type of "Nanny-State" nonsense & pestering to show up in this thread. We get enough of this lecturing in everyday life from these types.

Slickcraft 02-28-2010 04:40 PM

Party time
Picked-up the loot today,

2 box thin mints
1 box lemon chalet creams
1 box peanut butter patties
1 box old fashioned shortbread.

Looks like enough to last all evening if I can hold the wife to one box of thin mints.

The only disappointment is that all are listed as zero grams trans fat.

RailroadJoe 02-28-2010 05:29 PM

I'm 76, had my cardiac arrest (heart attack to the uniformed and weighed 145) at 45 when I was thin. Now weigh 200 and am waiting for my boxes of thin mints to eat. Life is better the second time around. Enjoy them while you can.

ronc4424 02-28-2010 05:52 PM

Can I eat a box of the shortbread cookies if I wash them down with diet coke?

Merrymeeting 02-28-2010 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Yosemite Sam (Post 120160)
I'm 6 ft tall, weigh 230 lbs and have a 34 inch waist (and I didn't get that size waist by eating junk food).


You prove the point that it also depends on body mass, bone density, and other details.

I am also 6 ft, have a 33 inch waist, and I weigh 180! If I was 230 I would be grossly overweight!

And yes, I enjoy the occasional cookie!

lawn psycho 02-28-2010 07:40 PM

Bone density? HAHAHAHA I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say they aren't "fat" but rather that they have a large frame. Yet another excuse for being fat.

There's plenty of simple ways to determine frame size by measuring wrist and ankle circumference.

And talking about the health impacts of the cookies is on topic IMO, just may not be what you want to hear ;)

You've been given the information folks, do with it what you will.

NoBozo 02-28-2010 07:42 PM

SO: I Guess .....LIFE is a Crapshoot.....and nobody really has the answers. That's what I believe. Do the best you can...and try to enjoy it while it lasts. :) NB

NoBozo 02-28-2010 08:09 PM

I really enjoyed Sal's picture. I actually laughed out loud..tears in my eyes..I'm OLD so that is not unusual. :D I'm not embarrassed to admit that. .... If you can't laugh.........

What I noticed was ...the girl in Sal's picture didn't have her little green Beret that I remember from my youth. Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Sea Scouts (Me) all had uniforms. we wore them proudly. Have uniforms become Politically Incorrect...are they too militeristic...?? Just an old fart wondering. :look: NB

jerseyonbear 02-28-2010 08:51 PM

Chill Out
Support your local scouts. If you don't want to eat the cookies , your choice. The money raised goes to a good cause. Girl scout cookies have become a long lived fundraiser. Sold them myself again as a leader and just bought from a daisy grandchild.

dpg 02-28-2010 08:53 PM

Jesus, they won't kill you in moderation. I have many more problems than a handful of cookies now and then. Lets all relax and live life. ;)

XCR-700 02-28-2010 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by dpg (Post 120195)
Jesus, they won't kill you in moderation. I have many more problems than a handful of cookies now and then. Lets all relax and live life. ;)

I agree, stress will kill you faster than any G/S Cookie!

And truth be told, if everything we eat is so bad for us, why are we all living so much longer than people did 100+ years ago? Does anyone really believe if they replaced the trans-fat or other so called bad stuff out of all food we would all live to be 150??? I think not.

All things in moderation, most especially the G/S peanutbutter cookies!!! YUM

But then again, once the boating season starts, I'll have my bow pointed at the Yum-Yum shop and the throttle down!!! (But still under 45 that is - LOL)


ishoot308 02-28-2010 10:09 PM

No trans fat!!
Slickcraft has already provided the info that Girl Scout cookies no longer have trans fat in them... so why does the bantering and negativity about the cookies continue???

For heavens sake let it go!



baygo 02-28-2010 11:13 PM

Hold on now cookie monster

Originally Posted by Slickcraft (Post 120178)
Picked-up the loot today,

2 box thin mints
1 box lemon chalet creams
1 box peanut butter patties
1 box old fashioned shortbread.

Looks like enough to last all evening if I can hold the wife to one box of thin mints.

The only disappointment is that all are listed as zero grams trans fat.

Pull those empty boxes back out of the trash and take another look. zero trans fat per serving.. not zero trans fat. You need to look at the ingredients. This is a perfect example of a point made earlier in this thread. It's a loop hole in the law that enables them to lie.:confused:

SIKSUKR 03-01-2010 11:04 AM

I can't believe what I'm reading
What the he!! is wrong with you liberal military? Find somewhere else to cast your higher than thou shame artillary. Give me a break. And you think it would stop with speed limits huh?

dpg 03-01-2010 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by XCR-700 (Post 120198)
I agree, stress will kill you faster than any G/S Cookie!

And truth be told, if everything we eat is so bad for us, why are we all living so much longer than people did 100+ years ago? Does anyone really believe if they replaced the trans-fat or other so called bad stuff out of all food we would all live to be 150??? I think not.

All things in moderation, most especially the G/S peanutbutter cookies!!! YUM

But then again, once the boating season starts, I'll have my bow pointed at the Yum-Yum shop and the throttle down!!! (But still under 45 that is - LOL)


Why are we living longer?? Drugs... :eek:

jmen24 03-01-2010 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Yosemite Sam (Post 120160)
I wouldn't put a girl scout cookie in my body if my life depended on it!

I support them in other ways but will not buy their cookies.

I'm 6 ft tall, weigh 230 lbs and have a 34 inch waist (and I didn't get that size waist by eating junk food).

I am 5'-11" 148 lbs have a 32 inch waist and have to consume just shy of 5000 calories a day just to maintain weight (and I am not a professional athelete). Cholestoral is great, blood pressure good, rarely get sick. I eat a fair moderation of all food types, I understand that not everyones metabolism works like mine does, but there are many things you can do to start the path and none of them cost money.

Its not what you eat, folks need to seriously get off the couch and do something with themselves. The kids too, want to know why kids are fat and have health issues, they get home from school and park it on the couch and eat a bag of chips, then dinner, then bed, go to school and other than gym and walking to the bus stop they sit all day there as well.

If you golf, leave the cart at the proshop and walk, you don't have to carry but at least walk the course. Talk the dog for a real walk, not the stop sign and back (the dog will love it as well).

People that cannot control their own eating habits are going to cause folks like me to have to starve to death, because the government will be handing out pre-screened food packets, all because they could not say NO.

Save a box of Samoa's for me, live your own life and let the rest of us figure our own out. Really, life is to short.

Irish mist 03-01-2010 12:26 PM

So.......when do the "witch trials" start for eating or selling these Girl Scout cookies ? Or perhaps we can set-up something like the old East German Stasi and inform on our neighbors who dare to eat these cookies ? Give me a break.

lawn psycho 03-01-2010 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by SIKSUKR (Post 120232)
What the he!! is wrong with you liberal military? Find somewhere else to cast your higher than thou shame artillary. Give me a break. And you think it would stop with speed limits huh?

I certainly don't think I'll ever be called a liberal;)

Using your logic, we should still use PCBs, asbestos, and any other carcinogen as long as it's profitable or provides jobs, right?

Why do you think Crisco removed trans fat from their shortening? The world won't end by removing trans-fats.

And our life expentancy is up because of pharmacies and more advanced health care. Feel free to learn when the first cardiopulmonary bypass was performed. Same for heart transplants. It may surprise you to realize it wasn't as long ago as you think.

Obesity continues to increase because of processed food. The trans fat is in the cookies as a preservative and doesn't need to be there.

So yes, the girl scouts organization could (and should)mandate that the cookies be made w/o transfat.

If you travel to Asia and Europe you will see far less fat people. It's their diet (stupid).

LakeSnake 03-01-2010 12:30 PM


offmycloud 03-01-2010 12:33 PM

Sal - that is flippin' hilarious!

lawn psycho 03-01-2010 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by jmen24 (Post 120242)
I am 5'-11" 148 lbs have a 32 inch waist and have to consume just shy of 5000 calories a day just to maintain weight (and I am not a professional athelete). Cholestoral is great, blood pressure good, rarely get sick. I eat a fair moderation of all food types, I understand that not everyones metabolism works like mine does, but there are many things you can do to start the path and none of them cost money.

Its not what you eat, folks need to seriously get off the couch and do something with themselves. The kids too, want to know why kids are fat and have health issues, they get home from school and park it on the couch and eat a bag of chips, then dinner, then bed, go to school and other than gym and walking to the bus stop they sit all day there as well.

If you golf, leave the cart at the proshop and walk, you don't have to carry but at least walk the course. Talk the dog for a real walk, not the stop sign and back (the dog will love it as well).

People that cannot control their own eating habits are going to cause folks like me to have to starve to death, because the government will be handing out pre-screened food packets, all because they could not say NO.

Save a box of Samoa's for me, live your own life and let the rest of us figure our own out. Really, life is to short.

JMEN, you need to re-do your math. Apparently you have found a way to defy the energy balance equation and should starting writing you paper immediately to every health science publication you can find as you will be a rich man.

5000 calories a day is more than what I need when training for Ironman.

Try again with your caloric intake. Those of us with experience in this area call BS.

Yosemite Sam 03-01-2010 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by lawn psycho (Post 120250)
JMEN, you need to re-do your math. Apparently you have found a way to defy the energy balance equation and should starting writing you paper immediately to every health science publication you can find as you will be a rich man.

5000 calories a day is more than what I need when training for Ironman.

Try again with your caloric intake. Those of us with experience in this area call BS.

I never thought I would ever agree with you on anything LS, but you are "Right On" about what you stated!!

jmen24 03-01-2010 12:51 PM

LP, I am looking at my lunch box right know, I am finishing my second sandwich as I type, I have a can of MD, a vitamin water, a box of OJ, 1-2 cups of cheese nips, 1-2 cups of a home brew chex mix and a yogurt, I already had a banana, two clemintines, two glazed donuts, a cup of coffee and a large glass of milk (forgot, two single serve cracker barrel cheese bars). I have not had dinner yet, and I am not sure what that will be yet. I start eating when I wake up and do not stop until I go to bed, everyday.

I have a BMI of 20.13, my excersise consists of 40-50 sit ups and 20 push-ups every other day, stretching daily to keep my golf swing loose. Other than that, i will ride my mountain bike during the summer, golf and I use a push mower to handle the acre of lawn I have. Oh, yea I chase my kids around quite a bit.

I am not a fitness expert, the reason for my calorie intake is to offset my metabolism, period. I would not make money on this, as my doctor tells me, I am the person that everyone that struggles with weight hates. It took 10 years of weight training to get to a weight over 145 from my high school weight of 125. No BS here bud, just a guy with a crazy metabolism. Granted not everything is good calories, some empty some not.

SIKSUKR 03-01-2010 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by lawn psycho (Post 120245)
I certainly don't think I'll ever be called a liberal;)

Using your logic, we should still use PCBs, asbestos, and any other carcinogen as long as it's profitable or provides jobs, right?

Why do you think Crisco removed trans fat from their shortening? The world won't end by removing trans-fats.

And our life expentancy is up because of pharmacies and more advanced health care. Feel free to learn when the first cardiopulmonary bypass was performed. Same for heart transplants. It may surprise you to realize it wasn't as long ago as you think.

Obesity continues to increase because of processed food. The trans fat is in the cookies as a preservative and doesn't need to be there.

So yes, the girl scouts organization could (and should)mandate that the cookies be made w/o transfat.

If you travel to Asia and Europe you will see far less fat people. It's their diet (stupid).

I did not call you a liberal. But this is most certainly the liberal mentality to save me from myself and call anybody that does not agree with them irresponsible. Death by chocolate anyone?

wifi 03-01-2010 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by jmen24 (Post 120252)
...I start eating when I wake up and do not stop until I go to bed, everyday......

If I tried that, I'd need my septic pumped or wax seal changed every week ! :laugh:

lawn psycho 03-01-2010 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by jmen24 (Post 120252)
LP, I am looking at my lunch box right know, I am finishing my second sandwich as I type, I have a can of MD, a vitamin water, a box of OJ, 1-2 cups of cheese nips, 1-2 cups of a home brew chex mix and a yogurt, I already had a banana, two clemintines, two glazed donuts, a cup of coffee and a large glass of milk (forgot, two single serve cracker barrel cheese bars). I have not had dinner yet, and I am not sure what that will be yet. I start eating when I wake up and do not stop until I go to bed, everyday.

I have a BMI of 20.13, my excersise consists of 40-50 sit ups and 20 push-ups every other day, stretching daily to keep my golf swing loose. Other than that, i will ride my mountain bike during the summer, golf and I use a push mower to handle the acre of lawn I have. Oh, yea I chase my kids around quite a bit.

I am not a fitness expert, the reason for my calorie intake is to offset my metabolism, period. I would not make money on this, as my doctor tells me, I am the person that everyone that struggles with weight hates. It took 10 years of weight training to get to a weight over 145 from my high school weight of 125. No BS here bud, just a guy with a crazy metabolism. Granted not everything is good calories, some empty some not.

Let's use the basics:
average male skeleton is 15% of BW: 0.15*148 = 22.2 lbs
assume 50% BW is H20 (low estimate): 0.5x148 =74 lbs
Approximately 10% body fat: 0.1*148 = 14.8 lbs
We'll be very generous and say that every remaining pound of you body is muscle which it is not.
That leaves 148 -14.8 -74 - 22.2 = 37 pounds of lean muscle.

Assume (erroneously) an ideal 50 calories per pound of muscle. Heck, we'll even say you have perfect muscles with saturated mitochondria and say 60 calories per lb of muscle = 37*60 = 2220 calories to maintain you body weight.

Do me a favor, open up a account and enter all your food intake and make it so the public can view the site.

5000 calories to maintain 148 pounds isn't happening absent of a lot of physical activity.

VitaBene 03-01-2010 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by lawn psycho (Post 120259)
Let's use the basics:
average male skeleton is 15% of BW: 0.15*148 = 22.2 lbs
assume 50% BW is H20 (low estimate): 0.5x148 =74 lbs
Approximately 10% body fat: 0.1*148 = 14.8 lbs
We'll be very generous and say that every remaining pound of you body is muscle which it is not.
That leaves 148 -14.8 -74 - 22.2 = 37 pounds of lean muscle.

Assume (erroneously) an ideal 50 calories per pound of muscle. Heck, we'll even say you have perfect muscles with saturated mitochondria and say 60 calories per lb of muscle = 37*60 = 2220 calories to maintain you body weight.

Do me a favor, open up a account and enter all your food intake and make it so the public can view the site.

5000 calories to maintain 148 pounds isn't happening absent of a lot of physical activity.

I believe Jmen is a builder and that likely assists in burning the calories.

BTW, I like GS Cookies. My take on exercise is that I do so so I can eat pretty much what I want- in moderation.

jmen24 03-01-2010 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by lawn psycho (Post 120259)
Let's use the basics:
average male skeleton is 15% of BW: 0.15*148 = 22.2 lbs
assume 50% BW is H20 (low estimate): 0.5x148 =74 lbs
Approximately 10% body fat: 0.1*148 = 14.8 lbs
We'll be very generous and say that every remaining pound of you body is muscle which it is not.
That leaves 148 -14.8 -74 - 22.2 = 37 pounds of lean muscle.

Assume (erroneously) an ideal 50 calories per pound of muscle. Heck, we'll even say you have perfect muscles with saturated mitochondria and say 60 calories per lb of muscle = 37*60 = 2220 calories to maintain you body weight.

Do me a favor, open up a account and enter all your food intake and make it so the public can view the site.

5000 calories to maintain 148 pounds isn't happening absent of a lot of physical activity.

Check your PM's

CrawfordCentury 03-01-2010 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Argie's Wife (Post 120113)
(And someone who has no problems w/ 'trans fats' but giggles because the name sounds like something Fraud discovered.)

LOL! I know I'd think twice before opening the door if Rupaul darkened the threshold sporting a lil beret and a box of tagalongs.

WMD's? Ha! What's that stand for? Waistline Maximizing Do-si-do's? Wicked Metabolism Derailment? Is the Boy Scout equivalent Weblow's Machieavelian Depravity?

Geesh...They're cookies. COOKIES! Whole lotta hullaballoo over snacks. Now if'n that oil was FULLY hydrogenated, I might somewhat understand the commotion. But seeing as though those little Brownies and their ilk couldn't muster the commitment needed to any more than partially hydrogenate them snack's I'm not gonna get too much up in a wad about it.

baygo 03-01-2010 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by LakeSnake (Post 120247)
I think a group should get together and petition the state legislatures to have the poison cookies completely outlawed. These cookies are responsible for the obesity problem in the U.S as well as all the related health problems that go along with being over weight. These problems only add to the burden placed on our fragile healthcare system and has precipitated the need for the government overhaul of the entire system.

So please - if you are concerned about the impact these horrible cookies are having on society as a whole and the general economic state of our great nation please take time to write you local congressman or senator to request the banning of these cookies before it's too late!

Can't we just alter the recipe without a noticeable trace of change?

PHDIII 03-01-2010 04:49 PM

Lakes Region?
Since GS cookies are sold nationwide, one could ask: What does this cookie ingredients argument have to do with the Lakes Region?
Enough already!

Argie's Wife 03-01-2010 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by PHDIII (Post 120281)
Since GS cookies are sold nationwide, one could ask: What does this cookie ingredients argument have to do with the Lakes Region?
Enough already!

Can you say: Cabin fever?

See what happens when they bring their shacks off the ice... the natives get restless...

Is it time for baseball yet? :D

goob 03-01-2010 08:00 PM

I have been reading this forum lately, but never thought I would ever have a reason to respond. I have never seen such an obvious hijacking of a thread to further someone's own agenda. Is it really anyone's job to educate us "simpletons" as what is healthy to eat? Are we really that stupid to think a Girl Scout cookie is good for us? I'll make an appointment with a nutritionist if I want to hear the ill affects of eating these "weapons of mass destruction". Start your own thread if you want to crusade for healthy eating habits. If not, just tell me where to buy those tasty treats.

Slickcraft 03-01-2010 08:22 PM

Welcome to the forum goob, you are right on with your 1st post.

Now I have to get back to that box of thin mints.

lawn psycho 03-01-2010 08:51 PM

Here's a great video about selling Girl Scout Cookies (funny as he||)

Rattlesnake Guy 03-01-2010 10:25 PM

Welcome Goob,

I really hope most people will stop eating these deadly cookies.

It will save more for the rest of us...:D

Life is fatal. Lets get on with it.

Flylady 03-01-2010 11:04 PM

Too funny..
On my way home from work with my 4 boxes of cookies. A homeless man pan handling for change made eye contact...feeling guilty about bringing home the cookies so I offer him a box of thin mints. I knew he would enjoy them without guilt! So I stop at the gym, do my usual workout and on my way home. After my light dinner I begin reading this thread and the more I read the harder I laught, but not before downing a half of sleeve of thin mints. :liplick:
Thanks everyone for the humor and another excuse to eat a cookie!

Argie's Wife 03-01-2010 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by goob (Post 120299)
I have been reading this forum lately, but never thought I would ever have a reason to respond. I have never seen such an obvious hijacking of a thread to further someone's own agenda. Is it really anyone's job to educate us "simpletons" as what is healthy to eat? Are we really that stupid to think a Girl Scout cookie is good for us? I'll make an appointment with a nutritionist if I want to hear the ill affects of eating these "weapons of mass destruction". Start your own thread if you want to crusade for healthy eating habits. If not, just tell me where to buy those tasty treats.

Well, pass the Samoas and welcome aboard! Great first post! :)

lawn psycho 03-02-2010 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by baygo (Post 120268)
Can't we just alter the recipe without a noticeable trace of change?

baygo, some people on here are unwilling to follow logical thinking. Nobody said ban cookies. Tons of data showing why trans-fat is a health risk. I will be writing the Girl Scouts myself.

Some of these folks are posting things that I would expect from a 5 year old when told to eat their vegetables.

And to those of you who brag that you want to eat boxes of cookies, when you stand in front of the mirror with the pudgy gut, love handles, or double chin; are you really happy with yourself? I'll even bet some of your are diabetic or have high BP. Only you can answer that question. It's your health (or not).

SIKSUKR 03-02-2010 08:46 AM

Give it a rest

Originally Posted by lawn psycho (Post 120343)
baygo, some people on here are unwilling to follow logical thinking. Nobody said ban cookies. Tons of data showing why trans-fat is a health risk. I will be writing the Girl Scouts myself.
Some of these folks are posting things that I would expect from a 5 year old when told to eat their vegetables.

And to those of you who brag that you want to eat boxes of cookies, when you stand in front of the mirror with the pudgy gut, love handles, or double chin; are you really happy with yourself? I'll even bet some of your are diabetic or have high BP. Only you can answer that question. It's your health (or not).

Get off your high horse. You're the one that sounds like a whining 5 year old. Enough of your adolesent thread hi-jack already.

chipj29 03-02-2010 08:54 AM

Wow, this thread is incredible. The intent of the thread was to find where the cookies were being sold. I highly doubt the person wanted a lecture on the horrors of trans fats. If you don't want to eat them, don't. It is pretty simple.

I have been on a diet since 1/4. So far I have lost 11 lbs. And yes, my family bought 3 boxes of GS cookies to support my sisters daughter and her GS Troop. I asked my wife to hide them because I don't trust myself. I can't eat anything in moderation. So far I have had a total of 2 thin mints. 2 cookies, not 2 boxes.

My point is this...if you want them, buy them. If you don't want them, don't buy them. I can't force you to buy them, and you can't force me to not buy them.

jmen24 03-02-2010 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Yosemite Sam (Post 120251)
I never thought I would ever agree with you on anything LS, but you are "Right On" about what you stated!!

I will give you the chance to eat you statement as well.

Yes, I work in construction, but as a Company Manager, I am at my desk 80% of my week. Keep trying to figure it out, I will give you guys all the data you want, just remember where to post your response.

fatlazyless 03-02-2010 08:59 AM

Most everyone already has a pair of sneakers, so for just 15-bucks you can purchase a Wal-Mart tennis raquet (as low as $13) and a can of three yellow tennis balls (as low as $1.50), and go hit the free, and available Meredith tennis courts. Tennis....definately, a sport that BURNS the CALORIES......way more than playing golf, as golf is really just an activity and not a sport!:rolleye1:

With six public hard surface all-weather courts, the Meredith public facility almost never has more than three courts in use at any one time. To find them, take a drive way down the dirt road just beyond the bowling alley.:)

When does Meredith tennis get going this spring....probably as soon as the snow gets two of the nets are already in place....smash:cool:!

wifi 03-02-2010 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by jmen24 (Post 120363)
I will give you the chance to eat you statement as well.

Yes, I work in construction, but as a Company Manager, I am at my desk 80% of my week. Keep trying to figure it out, I will give you guys all the data you want, just remember where to post your response.

Can't wait to read what the 'Mood' column shows, perhaps it should also indicate whether it was before or after reading this thread :laugh:

Irrigation Guy 03-02-2010 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by chipj29 (Post 120362)
Wow, this thread is incredible. The intent of the thread was to find where the cookies were being sold. I highly doubt the person wanted a lecture on the horrors of trans fats. If you don't want to eat them, don't. It is pretty simple.

I have been on a diet since 1/4. So far I have lost 11 lbs. And yes, my family bought 3 boxes of GS cookies to support my sisters daughter and her GS Troop. I asked my wife to hide them because I don't trust myself. I can't eat anything in moderation. So far I have had a total of 2 thin mints. 2 cookies, not 2 boxes.

My point is this...if you want them, buy them. If you don't want them, don't buy them. I can't force you to buy them, and you can't force me to not buy them.

No Kidding. Please everyone stop the nonsense in my wife's thread. We have found the answer to the question she asked.

Thread closed by the original poster. Good night.

lawn psycho 03-02-2010 07:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Yep, suck 'em down. YUMMMMMMMM......

Pineedles 03-02-2010 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by LocalRealtor (Post 120451)
No Kidding. Please everyone stop the nonsense in my wife's thread. We have found the answer to the question she asked.

Thread closed by the original poster. Good night.

Now that would be an original idea. Anyway of letting the OP close the thread Don? Would save you alot of trouble I guess? As long as they couldn't re-open it.

tis 03-03-2010 07:42 AM

Who ever would have thought that a simple question about GS Cookies would have brought 79 responses? You just never know!

shoppes on the bay 03-03-2010 11:17 AM

Girl Scout Cookies are a staple on Pt Judith Draggers
1 Attachment(s)
went to coffee in the port this morning and a friend of mine was grubbing up for a 2 week trip on his dragger - low and behold he had about 30 boxes of girl scout cookies in his truck -- i always wondered what replaced hardtack for a seafaring vessel staple. :emb:

SIKSUKR 03-03-2010 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by lawn psycho (Post 120453)
Yep, suck 'em down. YUMMMMMMMM......

Gotta wonder if this is a certain members chilhood photo. That might explain the misguided passion.

lawn psycho 03-03-2010 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by SIKSUKR (Post 120512)
Gotta wonder if this is a certain members chilhood photo. That might explain the misguided passion.

Keep dreamin;)

4Maizy 03-03-2010 06:05 PM

kick n back w/cookies
All you all keep fight n' while I enjoy my sleeve of thin mints. Thinking about my days of selling cookies to raise $ for the big camping trip. Buy more so the girls can have some good times.

TOAD 03-04-2010 06:25 AM

Been eating GS Cookies for the last 61 years. I find it amazing that I am still here! :rolleye1:

I guess you health freaks are going to live forever! :p

wifi 03-04-2010 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by TOAD (Post 120559)
Been eating GS Cookies for the last 61 years. I find it amazing that I am still here! ....

Yes, but look at that face (avatar) ? :laugh:

TOAD 03-04-2010 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by wifi (Post 120570)
Yes, but look at that face (avatar) ? :laugh:

Got me! :D

tis 03-04-2010 10:27 AM

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:: laugh:

Meredith lady 03-04-2010 04:53 PM

I'm guilty
Got to admit-I love Girl Scout cookies-I remember selling them in my youth-and since I am still here, I just bought another box:)

trfour 03-05-2010 02:34 AM

I Ate Truck Loads Of Them Things...

Originally Posted by Meredith lady (Post 120630)
Got to admit-I love Girl Scout cookies-I remember selling them in my youth-and since I am still here, I just bought another box:)

Sides, Toads are cute... And I still refuse to act my age! :laugh:


Newbiesaukee 03-05-2010 02:23 PM

We all grow old, but we can choose to remain immature.:):)

trfour 03-05-2010 06:22 PM

Dang Right...

Originally Posted by Newbiesaukee (Post 120697)
We all grow old, but we can choose to remain immature.:):)

Sides, Girl scout cookies help keep the compression off your face! :)

Come to think about it, Who is the surgeon general these days, anyway?


BroadHopper 01-24-2013 10:23 AM

Girls Scout 2013
Someone at the office is passing the order form around. She did not have the catalog just the order form so I have no idea if the cookies are loaded with trans fat and bleached flour this year. Does anyone know that the cookies are healthy this year?

gillygirl 01-24-2013 05:46 PM

Nutritional info

Originally Posted by BroadHopper (Post 197756)
Someone at the office is passing the order form around. She did not have the catalog just the order form so I have no idea if the cookies are loaded with trans fat and bleached flour this year. Does anyone know that the cookies are healthy this year?

You can click on the "details" for each cookie at the following link to find out the nutritional info

Girl Scout Cookies


Nagigator 01-24-2013 06:19 PM

thanks for the link.......
......gillygirl, its a shame to say, but, now I know why I steer clear of those cookies........AND I was a Girl Scout who sold them! :eek:

gillygirl 01-24-2013 06:54 PM

Me too!

Originally Posted by Nagigator (Post 197791)
......gillygirl, its a shame to say, but, now I know why I steer clear of those cookies........AND I was a Girl Scout who sold them! :eek:

Yeah, I just quickly verified that the details link would pop up the nutritional info, but I didn't look at it. Of course, as a child when I sold them, I never would have been allowed to open up the box and take it with me to the couch. Unfortunately, as an adult, I don't seem to have the self-control that I should have learned as a child! :(


secondcurve 01-24-2013 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by gillygirl (Post 197793)
Yeah, I just quickly verified that the details link would pop up the nutritional info, but I didn't look at it. Of course, as a child when I sold them, I never would have been allowed to open up the box and take it with me to the couch. Unfortunately, as an adult, I don't seem to have the self-control that I should have learned as a child! :(


I buy the cookies but don't take them home. Basically, I give the girl scout a donation. Problem solved.

John A. Birdsall 01-25-2013 07:55 AM

My granddaughter sells them there cookies, last year she sold over 600 boxes and it helped pay her way to a week of camping last year. I thought my daughter said that the troop gets 50% of each box sold. Perhaps them cookies have some bad fat in them for you, but it can't be all that bad if so many people buy them.:laugh:

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