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Pineedles 08-29-2008 07:07 PM

Dogs on Winnipesaukee
Ok, the dishes are done and I am not bored, but I had an idea... I know some of you are saying what now Pineedles? Well if the server can stand it, how about a thread where we can post pictures of our dogs on Winnipsaukee? The rules are that your dog (sorry, no cats unless they are immersed in water and don't look P'd off) must be in or above the water line in some fashion. But the caveat is, that does not include pictures of them in boats (in most cases). So, on the dock is OK, swinging on a rope swing into the water is OK, parachuting from a helicopter into the water is OK, on the gunnels riding in an 18' Wellcraft is not, although I would ask that the moderator to give some leniency in this category; Particularly if the pooch is captaining boats above 20'. Let the posting begin.:laugh:

I love this place!!!

TiltonBB 08-29-2008 07:26 PM

No Dogs Please!
I've got neighbors that have dogs that bark all the time. On one side it is a big dog that thinks he has to bark loud every time I am out in the yard or drive in or out.

On the other side are neighbors that have a yippy little dog that barks at all hours of the day or night. One night they came home in their boat at 11:00PM and the dog barked for 15 minutes straight. I finally walked out on the front deck and said "Could you do something about the dog please" They replied "Go back inside and watch TV. The dog is barking because he is happy to see us, that's what dogs do" Ignorant!

I don't know weather to start calling the police or get a loudspeaker aimed at their house and play recorded dog barking every morning at 3:00AM until they get it.

Sorry, but the fewer dogs there are at the lake (at least in my neighborhood) the happier I will be.

And before you ask the question, I have never done anything, in any way, that impacted the peace and tranquility of my neighbors. I should not have to listen to their dog bark at any time. If I honked the horn on my car the amount of times and at the odd hours their dogs barked would they find that acceptable? I think not.

A little mutual respect for your neighbors would go a long way.

Lakegeezer 08-29-2008 07:33 PM

Barking dog alarm
A barking dog alarms might work for your barking problem. They use a sonic tone to get the dog's attention. While they work on automatic, I've had better luck when using them on manual. When the dog barks, you turn it on and vary the pitch. They stop - you stop. They start - you start again. It takes a while to train them, but eventually they get the picture. Good luck.

Pineedles 08-29-2008 07:55 PM

Thanks Lakegeezer
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I didn't think this thread would start an uproar of people who are bothered by dogs. But thank you for trying to help TiltonBB. I too use a sonic device to "help" my dogs see teh err of their way when they bark unappropriately.

Here's a pic of one of my babies, her name is Reilly and she is 2 years old, she loves her brother (my 23 yeard old human son) more than anything.:)

jetskier 08-29-2008 11:07 PM

Cats Unite!
I just want to let you know that our cats are very upset regarding this thread. They feel that a thread that exclusively focuses on dogs is inappropriate on this forum and they are considering posting nasty remarks about all the local restaurants until this injustice is rectified.

I have tried to reason with them, however, they are threatening to walk across my keyboard and the last time that they did that it took me about an hour to fix my network connections and system settings. Frankly, I think that they are serious and urge the forum to consider this threat seriously.

As I write this one is sleeping next to my laptop, but I suspect that he is aware of my every move.



sa meredith 08-30-2008 11:12 AM

If Reilly is indeed about to drive that Jet Ski, where is her pfd????
...and cats "immersed" in water? That's not very nice.
Finnegan would not want to read that.

Pineedles 08-30-2008 02:46 PM

OK,OK, I give up
Alright let's see fluffy, and paws, and Finnegan. I had two calicos years ago; spike and jones and they were really cute, so bring on the pictures. BTW, reilly's to young to operate the PWC she's only 2 years old and she didn't pass the on-line boater safety course. She's a wizard a jumping up on the keyboard but got too many wrong answers.:laugh:

chipj29 08-31-2008 03:06 PM

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Here is a pic of the 3 dalmatians that I live with. This pic is about 3 years old. Carrie is on the right, she is 7 now. Ace, who is 5 is in the middle. And Pirate (who is also in my avatar) is on the left. He is 3, and is a lot bigger now. He is the ruler of this roost.

We also have 3 cats, but I don't have any pictures of them. Actually, one of my cats (my baby Boo Boo) has been missing since last night. :( So we might be down to 2 cats, much to my dismay. We are holding out hope, but she has never been gone overnight before.
Anyway, we also have Marshmellow, who is a large white fluffy kitty, and is around 8 or 9 years old. We took him in as a stray, so we don't know exactly how old he is. And we adopted a kitty a couple months ago, she is not officially named yet. I call her Kwinny (KWNN-kitty with no name). She is a ball of fire!!

Pineedles 08-31-2008 07:36 PM

Wonderful picture
I hope you find Boo Boo. I lost a real cutie (paws) to a coyote many years ago while I heard it happen. I'm sure yours is just day trippin for a few days.

What a picture! I already have my favorite. Pirate! Plus I see they are all wearing their border collars. What a wonderful invention.

Grant 09-01-2008 07:21 AM

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How about dogs in the Lake? Reilly and Lucy in August...

SteveA 09-01-2008 07:32 AM

Lucky thing you changed your mind on the cats!

Originally Posted by Pineedles (Post 80449)
Alright let's see fluffy, and paws, and Finnegan. I had two calicos years ago; spike and jones and they were really cute, so bring on the pictures. BTW, reilly's to young to operate the PWC she's only 2 years old and she didn't pass the on-line boater safety course. She's a wizard a jumping up on the keyboard but got too many wrong answers.:laugh:

You should have seen this reaction to the no cats rule. :eek::eek:

Lucky for you we kept all 8 of our cats away from your first post. :D

And no, I'm not going to post pics of all eight. :rolleye1:

Pineedles 09-01-2008 08:31 AM

Reilly and Lucy are adorable! Having two is always hilarious. I'm sure you find yourself in stitches when they entertain themselves. My two yellow labs have given me plenty of good laughs.:laugh:


The Youtube movie was great! I had a Xerox repairman try to repair my office copier wiht the same dedication as that cat. :D

HUH 09-01-2008 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by TiltonBB (Post 80397)
I've got neighbors that have dogs that bark all the time. On one side it is a big dog that thinks he has to bark loud every time I am out in the yard or drive in or out.

On the other side are neighbors that have a yippy little dog that barks at all hours of the day or night. One night they came home in their boat at 11:00PM and the dog barked for 15 minutes straight. I finally walked out on the front deck and said "Could you do something about the dog please" They replied "Go back inside and watch TV. The dog is barking because he is happy to see us, that's what dogs do" Ignorant!

I don't know weather to start calling the police or get a loudspeaker aimed at their house and play recorded dog barking every morning at 3:00AM until they get it.

Sorry, but the fewer dogs there are at the lake (at least in my neighborhood) the happier I will be.

And before you ask the question, I have never done anything, in any way, that impacted the peace and tranquility of my neighbors. I should not have to listen to their dog bark at any time. If I honked the horn on my car the amount of times and at the odd hours their dogs barked would they find that acceptable? I think not.

A little mutual respect for your neighbors would go a long way.

Sorry to bring the thread down but we have dog issues here as well. Barking almost constantly.. The little yippy ones realy get me. How can someone sit at the lake with a dog barking non stop and find it tranquil?
Respect seems to be a thing of the past as more people are showing up with dogs.. running through yards and pooping all over the place
"Ignorance is Bliss"

ironhorsetim 09-01-2008 11:28 AM

not the dogs,the owners

Originally Posted by HUH (Post 80517)
Sorry to bring the thread down but we have dog issues here as well. Barking almost constantly.. The little yippy ones realy get me. How can someone sit at the lake with a dog barking non stop and find it tranquil?
Respect seems to be a thing of the past as more people are showing up with dogs.. running through yards and pooping all over the place
"Ignorance is Bliss"

Attachment 2051 This is Cooper he's five and loves to swim.

There's no such thing as a bad dog
Only bad dog owners :)

Grant 09-01-2008 11:33 AM

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Originally Posted by HUH (Post 80517)
Sorry to bring the thread down but we have dog issues here as well. Barking almost constantly.. The little yippy ones realy get me. How can someone sit at the lake with a dog barking non stop and find it tranquil?
Respect seems to be a thing of the past as more people are showing up with dogs.. running through yards and pooping all over the place
"Ignorance is Bliss"

The problem you cite is not a dog problem, but a people problem -- just like loud boats, loud music, camp loudspeakers, motorcycles, etc. Did I mention loud boats? All these can be controlled by their owners (well, maybe not the boats so much).

We have two dogs, and usually have three at the house. They don't bark, they are kept on-leash when off our property, and I am the only one who sees their poop. Barking dogs are an owner issue. Address the owners, address the issue.

I think my dogs enjoy the Lake as much as humans!

Pineedles 09-01-2008 11:50 AM

Well said Grant
I won't say anything against the people who are posting comments that I didn't intend to solicit with this thread, as it is important for we who have canine and feline guests in our home to respect the rights of our neighbors. Hopefully all who read this thread who love their cats and dogs do as Grant, SteveA, Chipj29, jetskier, sa mersdith, lakegeezer, and I'm sure many more try to do, which is to be good neighbors.:coolsm:

Huh and TiltonBB, you should speak to your inconsiderate neighbors.

wishiwasthere 09-01-2008 04:18 PM

great thread Pineedles!
I will try find my pics of my dogs that both passed away last summer.:( The "yippie" rat terrier, although rare for the breed, loved the water, as long as there was a ball thrown off the dock, or into the water, she would swim forever. She would also ride in the cockpit of the kayak with me, and then venture out on the front of it and enjoy the ride. Had to scoop her out a few times! :) My shepard/golden tried to "save" me and my 3 yr old son, one time on a tube. She jumped off a rock and headed out to us. Luckily, she was intercepted by my hubby, or we would have been deflated and gone down. I miss these dogs, and although the yipping can be annoying,:eek: I learned this summer that she really kept the squirells and chipmunks out of our yard at home. The critters have taken over!! I just know my dogs loved the lake, and didn't bark at night or at neighbors. My cat on the other hand would probably have stripped the area of all small living creatures,and maybe not so small, so he stays home! Sorry to the kitty's!
Keep the pics coming, love them all!!!

chipj29 09-01-2008 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by chipj29 (Post 80480)
We also have 3 cats, but I don't have any pictures of them. Actually, one of my cats (my baby Boo Boo) has been missing since last night. :( So we might be down to 2 cats, much to my dismay. We are holding out hope, but she has never been gone overnight before.


Originally Posted by Pineedles (Post 80487)
I hope you find Boo Boo. I lost a real cutie (paws) to a coyote many years ago while I heard it happen. I'm sure yours is just day trippin for a few days.

What a picture! I already have my favorite. Pirate! Plus I see they are all wearing their border collars. What a wonderful invention.

Thanks Pineedles. We have lost other cats to coyotes, and I heard one of them getting picked off. Was not fun. This one hurt a lot, as we have had Boo Boo for several years, and she has come to be my baby kitty.

And wouldn't you know!! As I typed this while watching the start of the Sox game, I thought I heard a meow. I jumped up and low and behold, there is Boo Boo at the front door! She has never been gone overnight once, nevermind two nights. I brought her inside and gave her a big hug. My guess is that she got trapped in someones garage or something. I don't know, but she wouldn't stay out on her own.

Anyway, a big sigh of relief for me. :)

Pineedles 09-01-2008 06:40 PM

Beyond Words

As SteveA and others that went to FF06 can attest, I am 6' 6" 260 lbs. They can't attest to the fact that I am not a touch typist, but I can tell you that I am having a had time seeing the keys to type my joy that Boo Boo is back with you.

chipj29 09-02-2008 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by Pineedles (Post 80556)

As SteveA and others that went to FF06 can attest, I am 6' 6" 260 lbs. They can't attest to the fact that I am not a touch typist, but I can tell you that I am having a had time seeing the keys to type my joy that Boo Boo is back with you.

:) Thanks!
I am going to start a new topic on a related subject, as this thread is supposed to be about dogs. Sorry to bring it off-track.

HUH 09-02-2008 08:32 AM

Dog Days
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We love dogs here and cats too. I posted my comments here so that maybe one dog owner or perspective dog owner might consider the implications. :D

moose tracks 09-02-2008 10:42 PM

Lenya-our miniature dachshund
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

liberator211 09-03-2008 03:18 PM

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Clifford loves the lake, boat and all those sticks on the island.

COWISLAND NH 09-03-2008 03:56 PM

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Marlee-N-Martha luv going to Cow every weekend!

SteveA 09-03-2008 06:15 PM

Love the old "white faces"

Originally Posted by Grant (Post 80530)
The problem you cite is not a dog problem, but a people problem -- just like loud boats, loud music, camp loudspeakers, motorcycles, etc. Did I mention loud boats? All these can be controlled by their owners (well, maybe not the boats so much).

We have two dogs, and usually have three at the house. They don't bark, they are kept on-leash when off our property, and I am the only one who sees their poop. Barking dogs are an owner issue. Address the owners, address the issue.

I think my dogs enjoy the Lake as much as humans!

We have become "cat people" but no pets have ever beat our Goldens. They are both sadly gone for many years. No better breed IMHO.

Someone once told me that living with a Golden was like living with an idiot relative.. (no insult to anyones relatives! ) :)

My favorite Golden story comes from a friend of my Dad. Frank and his wife where getting ready to go out for the evening, and husband Frank was assigned to go out and find "Walter" their Golden. Old Walter was always off visiting the neighbors. As Frank drove around in the pouring rain looking for Walter, he finally spotted him on a neighbors front porch. He rolled down the window and called Walter into the car. Walter jumped into the back seat. When he got home, he found his "Walter" already on his front porch.. and had to return the other Golden to his home. Long story, but anyone that has or has had a Golden will "get it". :laugh:

Waterbaby 09-03-2008 07:45 PM

I'd rather have a Golden -- or a Walter, lol

Originally Posted by SteveA (Post 80762)
We have become "cat people" but no pets have ever beat our Goldens. They are both sadly gone for many years. No better breed IMHO.

Someone once told me that living with a Golden was like living with an idiot relative.. (no insult to anyones relatives! ) :)

My favorite Golden story comes from a friend of my Dad. Frank and his wife where getting ready to go out for the evening, and husband Frank was assigned to go out and find "Walter" their Golden. Old Walter was always off visiting the neighbors. As Frank drove around in the pouring rain looking for Walter, he finally spotted him on a neighbors front porch. He rolled down the window and called Walter into the car. Walter jumped into the back seat. When he got home, he found his "Walter" already on his front porch.. and had to return the other Golden to his home. Long story, but anyone that has or has had a Golden will "get it". :laugh:

See title above, I'd rather have a Golden than some of my relatives... cause they sure can be idiots! :laugh:

AND............... the story about Frank and Walter is a riot........ and I always think the name of the man in On Golden Pond was Walter so I found that even funnier! (I know, I know, his name was sue me! ;) )

TY, Steve A, your post just tickled my funny bone -- on a night when I especially needed it!

joann721 09-04-2008 10:42 AM

Not your average boat dog..
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Attachment 2068

My Hollie Bear is not the typical dog you see on the lake. Pekingese are not known for their swimming ability. To be honest the only time she has been in the lake is when she walked off the end of the swim platform not realizing it was water. Since then she has been completely content to sit on the bow seat or the Captains chair and "watch"

Pineedles 09-04-2008 12:02 PM

Poor Holly Bear
She looks pretty confident with her PFD on though.
Keep the pictures coming! They all look wonderful!:)

GrandmaBig6 09-05-2008 01:39 PM

Dixie's summer vacation
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Hope I did this right...

Dixie (she was 15 when she passed) but she loved the water. This picture was taken when she was 14 and her hips were getting bad so she needed a little help from a life jacket.

Argie's Wife 09-05-2008 02:43 PM

Where do you get the doggy PFDs?

Pineedles 09-05-2008 02:46 PM

You did it exactly right!

Originally Posted by GrandmaBig6 (Post 80944)
Hope I did this right...

Dixie (she was 15 when she passed) but she loved the water. This picture was taken when she was 14 and her hips were getting bad so she needed a little help from a life jacket.

Dixie looks like a shepard? I have always loved that breed and never had one. Perhaps someday.

GrandmaBig6 09-05-2008 03:25 PM

Yes you are correct. She was a GS. Loved my husband followed him all over. Our new dog, Tess, see avitar, loves me and follows me everywhere.

We haven't got Tess in the water yet, but we were told she was part GS, part Golden and a little Collie.

We ordered the life jacked thru a website on the web although I don't remember the name.

Thanks for starting this thread. I am an animal lover!!!


Franl's Girl 09-07-2008 05:21 PM

First Post! :)
I've been lurking around for a while but I just had to comment on this thread! I just love looking at the pictures of everyone's dogs & cats! How about a "Dogs of the Lake" calendar? :laugh:


IslandSib 09-07-2008 07:33 PM

Doggie PFD's
I got a lab this past winter who should have a sign hanging around his neck "got water". But, I was listening to people who told me that sometimes they just dont know when to quit and when they get older they need help....So when I was at Christmas Tree Shop and saw the Xlarge for $12.99 I scooped it up..;)

moose tracks 09-10-2008 07:06 PM

Doggie PFD

Originally Posted by Argie's Wife (Post 80963)
Where do you get the doggy PFDs?

We purchased our doggie PFD at The Ship -Fays Marine Store in Gilford.

denipal 09-12-2008 02:48 PM

Well we don't have any in the lake, but we have plenty on or shortly after being in the lake.

These are our grand-dogs.

Bailey enjoying his favorite spot on the boat (under the drivers feet!)

Bailey and Bentley riding at the bow

Bailey taking a breather after many rounds of fetch

Bentley on the dock


And last but not least, Zoe, our Golden oldie (13 years old!) drying of in the house after a swim out to the raft

WinnDixie 09-13-2008 10:20 AM

Great story!
Thanks for a great story about Walter the Golden! I did try to get a picture of our Sheltie on, because she'd love to see the lake. That can never happen, because she sings the Star Spangled Banner and every other thing you can think of--non-stop-- when riding in the car, so none of us could survive the 1250 mile ride up there. Well, in any case, I got a lesson on bending the rules, because my attempts got me a nasty message( something about security) from my computer, and I ended up logged off and out of the Forum, in spite of myself! Whatever! I don't need to go there...I'll just enjoy all of your pictures! Thanks...they are all wonderful.

jkjoshuatree 09-13-2008 02:06 PM

Not Sure If I Did This Right...
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...if I did, there should be two pictures (one with me and the "Golden Girls", Grace and Elle-7 month old sisters) on the raft and one with Elle in the bow with her shades on.

She's a little insane and I love her all the more for it.

jkjoshuatree 09-13-2008 02:11 PM

I Guess It Didn't Work!
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I don't know how to post two pictures at the same time.

So here's a pic of Gracie....she's the sweet one.

Rose 09-13-2008 07:07 PM

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Originally Posted by jkjoshuatree (Post 81472)
I don't know how to post two pictures at the same time.

So here's a pic of Gracie....she's the sweet one.

I'm not sure I know how to post one, but I'll give it a shot. If it works, this is Bailey 7 years ago when he was 4 years old. Not sure he'd be able to get his butt up on the bow seat at this point in time, although he was insistent about going for boat rides this past summer.

CentreHarborEric 09-22-2008 11:01 AM

Ivy and Evan
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Couldn't resist. A boy (our son) and his dog. Evan's 2 and a half, Ivy's 8.

Pineedles 09-22-2008 11:08 AM

Too Cute!
What a pair! Starting this thread has been the best thing I could have done for myself. It picks me up to no end when I see a new post to this thread. All the pics are wonderful! Thank you all.

Island Life 09-22-2008 01:55 PM

Lost all of my photos from the summer, but picture my beautiful 1 1/2 year old black Lab diving off the dock, swimming with a twice-his-size stick in his mouth, and hiding underneath my seat in the boat. That's what i would have shown you.

jetskier 09-22-2008 10:02 PM

Cat Parity
OK...time to create some cat parity:D

This is Alexander (as of Alexander the Great fame); he clearly has a predilection for the lake and water, but primarily as a stopper. :D


Pineedles 09-23-2008 07:14 AM

Camo Cat
:laugh:I'm glad Alexander has a propensity for water because he's practically invisible in that basin. Someone could turn on the spigot without noticing he's in there. :laugh:

jetskier 09-23-2008 10:35 AM

It has happened!

Originally Posted by Pineedles (Post 81881)
:laugh:I'm glad Alexander has a propensity for water because he's practically invisible in that basin. Someone could turn on the spigot without noticing he's in there. :laugh:

I have gone into the bathroom in the middle of the night and not noticed that he is in the sink. :eek:

With all the hair, he has been getting baths since he was a kitten...just not in this way.


SIKSUKR 09-23-2008 02:41 PM

That would be quite the hairball clog!:laugh:

Island Life 10-15-2008 03:20 AM

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After seeing all of your dogs, I was finally able to take some pictures of my own dog at the Lake last weekend. This is Tjapukai (Ja - bu - kai); he'll be 2 in January and is very sweet.

MJM 10-15-2008 06:52 AM

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Great thread...we dog people love a chance to show off our babies!

Winopt 10-15-2008 07:28 PM

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This is my buddy Logan. He does not think that he is a dog! He enjoys long walks on the beach, lazy days on the lake, etc.......

Winopt 10-15-2008 07:34 PM

Suzie Q
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There is nothing like a day on the boat too make you appreciate a good snooze!

SIKSUKR 10-16-2008 09:42 AM

Logan and Suzie Q need to relax a little more.What life a dog has!

islander10 10-19-2008 07:19 PM

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Monty loves to swim and will jump off the dock and swim around, over and over.

ApS 11-14-2008 06:12 AM

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Moose tracks, has your dachshund Lenya ever been "naughty", such as this little pup?

JG1222 11-20-2008 10:06 PM

What a great idea for a thread.

Pineedles 12-30-2008 08:51 AM

Cats on Winnipesaukee
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I was browsing thru some of the Links and found this at

I know SteveA and others will love it. This guy in the cooler fulfills the "on the water criteria".:laugh:

ENTER NOW - The First-Ever Mark Island “Cat/zini Aqua Sail”


1. Each entrant must fashion a boat from the attached zucchinis which is capable of supporting one slightly frantic cat above the surface of Winnipesaukee waters for a minimum of thirty second. (Cats will be provided by K-W Kennels of Gilford.)

2. Launching of “CATBOATS” will occur at 2:00 pm Sunday, Aug. 7, 1983. (Each participant is responsible for the preservation of assigned zucchinis until that moment.)

3. The basic theme of each boat must be “ZUCCHINI CAT-BOAT”, but freedom of expression is encouraged.

4. The New Hampshire SPCA will furnish one witness to assure that boat occupants are not subjected to inhumane treatment, although an occasional dunking will not be construed as anti-feline treatment. JUDGES will award prizes for originality of design, sea-worthiness, and driest cat. Be sure to attend this event and witness the thrill of such events as:
Cat Throw Cat Sink Cats on the Roof Top And more...

Aldridge Beach or Deep Cove (depending on prevailing wind.)
Apparently, the cats got wind of the event, and a couple of them disappeared for the day. Fortunately, we were able to draft a couple of pet rabbits as last minute substitutes, this being that they either liked the water better than cats, or were dumber. A large number of craft were entered in the competition.
The outcome of the race will be revealed in Winnipesaukee Cuisine

mcdude 04-29-2009 09:40 AM

Introducing the Newest Member of the McDude Household
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Meet Jake. Born 1-25-09

rrr 04-29-2009 11:25 AM

McDude - he's gorgeous!

Pineedles 04-29-2009 12:57 PM

He is a real cutey mcdude! How many postcards has he destroyed?:laugh:

Bear Island South 04-29-2009 07:33 PM

two more, these guys love the water
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Guster is riding the tube, Cooper prefers riding in the boat:coolsm:

mcdude 05-17-2009 07:48 PM

Jake's First Swim
Well, it doesn't get more lake-related than this here on the winni pet forum! Here is Jake the Wonder Dog taking his first swim ....ever! 15 weeks old.

Rattlesnake Gal 05-17-2009 08:48 PM

He's Beautiful!
Thanks for sharing the pics McD. Jake the Wonder Dog is beautiful.

This thread is wonderful!!!

Bear Island South, you have some real lookers there. ;)

I have to admit, my heart melts with all your furry friends. Thanks everyone!

gravy boat 05-18-2009 08:00 AM

The Smooch
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Here is our rescue gal and my avitar, Sarah (nicknamed "Smooch" for reasons easy to guess). ;-)
She LOVES wading in the water as she doesn't swim very well -- she was a landlubber until we rescued her...but that quickly changed!

trfour 05-18-2009 07:54 PM

WOW! Great pictures, Gravy! Keep e'm coming!
What a cute puppy! :)

Nadia 06-05-2009 08:50 PM

Best Thread on the Forum!
This is by far, hands down the best thread on this forum IMHO, you all have beautiful animals and they all look like they are having so much fun with their owners and eachother! And Jetskier's kitty is beautiful as well, what is the breed? I would say big fluff ball if I didn't know any better :laugh:

gravy boat 03-23-2010 11:17 AM

Our newest addition and his sister....
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A few shots of our newest baby, Bo -- before and after haircut. And with Sister Sarah cooling off in Winni.... Can't wait until summer!!! --GB

Dhuberty24 03-23-2010 08:48 PM

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Nixon loves the camp and the boat.

gravy boat 03-24-2010 06:32 AM

great shots!
Great action shot of Nixon! ;-)

Flyfisha 03-24-2010 05:49 PM

Maggie of Rattlesnake

Maggie of Rattlesnake Island is ready for her return!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pineedles 03-24-2010 07:36 PM

Much more than a useful post, but a wonderful piece of photography! And a damn cute picture! Thank you!

SteveA 03-24-2010 07:54 PM

Great Picture!
Made me dig up the old Rod Steward lyrics from 'Maggie Mae'

"The morning sun
when it's in your face
really shows your age"

Thanks for the post!

Now, admit it... that song is now stuck in the head of anyone over 45! :laugh::laugh:

SIKSUKR 03-25-2010 08:56 AM

"but that don't worry me none,in my eyes your everything"

Bear Island South 04-04-2010 06:24 PM

paper delivery
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Sunday Paper delivery started today...Gus found the paper I left in the boat

Pineedles 04-04-2010 06:39 PM

Gus: "You forgot the paper Dad. I have do everything around here."
I have always been convinced after years of trying to have Reilly and Sam (two of the best labs ever) do what I want, rather than what they want, that dogs are smarter than people.:laugh:

Bear Island South 04-04-2010 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Pineedles (Post 123874)
I have always been convinced after years of trying to have Reilly and Sam (two of the best labs ever) do what I want, rather than what they want, that dogs are smarter than people.:laugh:

I don't know about smarter....he was swimming in 40 degree water today :eek:

The paper is actually his one and only daily chore, he can't relax in the morning until the paper comes. He will sit and wait patiently in the driveway, some mornings if he is lucky the paper guy hands it to him with a dog biscuit.
He has been doing this since 10 weeks, I can remember him dragging the paper up the driveway as a pup. (I know I have video somewhere)

Pineedles 04-05-2010 07:29 AM

OMG, if only I could get them to do that! BTW, in the picture you posted, there is a rectangular area with a round "pipe?" in the middle. What is that? Nice looking comfortable firepit area.

Bear Island South 04-06-2010 06:12 AM

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Originally Posted by Pineedles (Post 123901)
there is a rectangular area with a round "pipe?" in the middle. What is that?

sorry for going off topic

that is one end of our washer pits, a horseshoe type game where you pitch 2" diameter washers into the cup, fun, addictive, and good for the whole family as you are not throwing the big heavy shoes.

ScottKnowles 04-08-2010 08:56 AM

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Couldn't resist adding a picture of our boy Steeler!

WinnDixie 04-08-2010 10:45 AM

Dogs and jobs!

Originally Posted by Bear Island South (Post 123893)

The paper is actually his one and only daily chore, he can't relax in the morning until the paper comes. He will sit and wait patiently in the driveway, some mornings if he is lucky the paper guy hands it to him with a dog biscuit.
He has been doing this since 10 weeks, I can remember him dragging the paper up the driveway as a pup. (I know I have video somewhere)

So it's not only at our house! Ours has assigned HERSELF several jobs..the biggest being she feels SHE must notify my husband when dinner is ready...after having bugged me everyday around 4:30 to get into the kitchen and get busy,and "dogging" my every move as I prepare it!

ScottKnowles that's a gorgeous picture! Welcome!

AltonGuy 04-08-2010 04:22 PM

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Here is a pic of Romeo or Romie (pronounced Roam-ee) as we call him. He was pestering me in the truck earlier this week for his walk around Alton Bay. He loves to walk near the water but isn't keen about going in it! Even when we are in the boat he takes refuge under the drivers seat!

Bear Island South 04-09-2010 10:33 PM

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This is Otis, he came to visit us last summer, not much of a water dog but he liked relaxing and lounging in the empty seats. :coolsm:

Island Life 04-11-2010 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by ScottKnowles (Post 124134)
Couldn't resist adding a picture of our boy Steeler!

Scott, Steeler is gorgeous. I'd love to see what he looks like when he finishes growing.

ishoot308 04-12-2010 03:08 PM

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This here is "Emma". She is a 9 year old, 100 lb, female yellow lab. Because of her size we nicknamed her "Emmazilla"!

She considers herself the Queen of Welch Island! :)


codeman671 04-13-2010 08:32 AM

The Princess of Mark Island
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Here is a picture of Princess, our 10 year old bulldog. We have 3 other dogs that I will post separately. Bringing 4 dogs along makes trips to the island a nightmare sometimes, but they love it. We have another english bulldog, a chesapeake bay retriever and an oversized japanese chin.

Rattlesnake Guy 04-13-2010 07:10 PM

"You're right, my nose is cold."

Pepper 04-13-2010 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Rattlesnake Guy (Post 124479)
"You're right, my nose is cold."

AWESOME caption!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::D

dog paw 04-29-2010 07:53 PM

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This is Norrie @ Buzzel's cove. A water dog she is not but is a good sport and is always up for some R+R. In this pic she pretty much told the wife to swim her own fool self back in.

Dhuberty24 06-02-2010 08:56 PM

I know that place, My grandfather used to live more towards wymans boat house

jkjoshuatree 06-05-2010 07:38 AM

My Goldens Got Shaved...
...and they look so weird. I can't get used to it. It looks like someone cut and pasted their little heads onto these foreign bodies.

Rattlesnake Gal 06-08-2010 03:42 PM

What a Great Thread!
You may be wondering what took me so long to post in this fantastic thread. I had such trouble picking a picture!

Mac, our little Cairn Terrier is such fun! He loves to go for rides on the jet-ski. Our son, Jeff is the operator.

He also loves to go tubing!

You may have already seen the following pictures.

He loved the kneeboard!

Mac is a wonderful spotter too! :laugh:

jack1706 06-08-2010 04:45 PM

Thanks Gal
Thanks for sharing... those are just too cute !!

I enjoy looking at every one of them ( a couple of times, actually)

SIKSUKR 06-16-2010 09:20 AM

Mack is a good spotter but that second photo raises a question. Does one need a spotter if the rider is a dog?:laugh:

Rattlesnake Guy 06-16-2010 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by SIKSUKR (Post 130388)
Mack is a good spotter but that second photo raises a question. Does one need a spotter if the rider is a dog?:laugh:

Are you kidding? Mac ranks much higher than us mere mortals..:laugh:

Pineedles 08-24-2011 08:21 PM

More Pictures, please
ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS to, PLEASE post some pictures of your dogs! Oh yeah, as SteveA says, cats are welcome too. Just do it with the lake as a backdrop. Are there anymore adventureous dogs like Mac out there that can water ski, or fish, drive a boat, relax in a raft, build sand castles, etc.? :D

jkjoshuatree 08-24-2011 09:14 PM

How's This As The Lake For A Backdrop?
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Hope this works...I have no idea what I'm doing.

Greene's Basin Girl 08-25-2011 01:21 AM

Great picture. Who likes the water more- you or the dogs ? Who is better at doing the dog paddle?

Pineedles 08-25-2011 07:25 AM

That is fantastic!:D

Angelia818 08-25-2011 07:50 AM

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The first pic is of our dog, Sully, swimming near Timber Island. The second pic is of Sully and his cousin, Kate relaxing on a tube while his other cousin, Henry (recently lost & found dog) swims right next to them. You can see him on the bottom right.
We're all looking forward to going back up to the lake over Labor Day weekend!

jkjoshuatree 08-25-2011 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Green's Basin Girl (Post 166810)
Great picture. Who likes the water more- you or the dogs ? Who is better at doing the dog paddle?

I think it's even. We all love the water. But it's safe to say they may have the dog paddle down a little bit better than me.

My step daughter was actually walking the dogs on this day (I ran in town). When I got back I snuck into the water with the raft to have some alone time.

No such soon as I paddled out I heard 2 splashes and then they were right there next to me.

I love them more than anything but I can NEVER do anything alone (including going to the bathroom AND taking a shower). The one on the right (Elle) jumps right in with me.

Bear Island South 09-07-2011 03:55 PM

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Today we mourn the loss of our beloved Cooper, she lost her battle with kidney disease. Rest in Peace Cooper you will me missed.

We are not positive, but it is coincidental that the kidney's disease came about shortly after the cyno-bacteria was found in the lake. Organ failure in dogs was listed as potential threat.

For all of us dog lovers, I found this quote.

While there are many different roads that we take in life, it is those who walk with us that make the journey worth while.

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