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cowisl 06-23-2008 12:27 PM

What ever happened to the "wave?"
I have noticed over the past few years that more and more people do not wave. Why is that? On Saturday we were coming on the back side of bear and saw a small boat crossing from the mainland. I slowed and let the boat have the right of way. No wave or anything.

wildwoodfam 06-23-2008 12:36 PM

We still wave at EVERY boat we pass on the lake ...
but not everyone returns the wave. :rolleye1: Used to be everyone waved when out on boats. Its a sign of the times - all about me me me - and who cares about the rest!

Same thing can be said about the country roads of Vermont. Back in the "good ole days" we'd head up to our families place on Lake Champlain and we'd get off the highway at Burlington and weave our way up to St Alabans along the back roads and along route 7 and everyone walking along the roads would wave at us. I'd ask my dad who these people were - and how did we know them?" He'd simply say - "they are just friendly people" - and he'd wave right back at them!

Not many people walking anymore along those roads (we were just up recently.) Some of the older ones still wave - but not nearly everyone!!

Those days are gone....:(

The world is just a less friendly place.

luckypete 06-23-2008 12:38 PM

Sounds like a poll question to me!!
Hey cowisl,

Here's one vote for.....i always wave!


billhurley 06-23-2008 12:52 PM

I always wave as well. It goes so far that my brother in law asked if I knew everyone, but I told him boaters wave to everyone.

How can you beat a day on the lake?

kjbathe 06-23-2008 01:54 PM

There was a commercial on TV in the last few years where a family was waving at everyone -- from the car, in the supermarket, to people they didn't know, etc, etc... It was a commercial to promote boating.

Real boaters wave. People borrowing other people's boats return blank looks... :)

Chris Craft 06-23-2008 02:26 PM

It is getting to the point now that people will look the other way just so that they do not have to wave. Some times I can get a little obnoxious and keep waving :D

Sunrise Point 06-23-2008 02:49 PM

Real boaters wave. People borrowing other people's boats return blank looks...

We became boaters about 7 years ago. I was amazed when people would wave at us. I had no idea that it was a long-standing custom, sort of like a "Jeep wave".

I now wave when I'm out on the boat. Almost everyone smiles and waves back, especially the children. It's great.

codeman671 06-23-2008 02:57 PM

I usually wave or nod, but lately have succumbed to using the middle finger for the countless morons that do not know what 150' is.

brk-lnt 06-23-2008 03:00 PM

I'll generally nod my head or wave if I'm passing close-enough to another boat where you can make out facial features. This is generally when LESS than 150', as in when going through the Weirs channel, etc.

I wouldn't mind waving at more people, but it seems to get a bit distracting from keeping a proper lookout...

Newbiesaukee 06-23-2008 03:50 PM

The captain of another boat waved
to me the other day as he was speeding through the no wake zone by Trexler's. The only problem is his wave was in response to my universal "slow down" hand signal. He was ignorant of the law, but he was friendly:):)

jeffk 06-23-2008 03:56 PM

We're friendly

Originally Posted by brk-lnt (Post 73632)
I'll generally nod my head or wave if I'm passing close-enough to another boat where you can make out facial features. This is generally when LESS than 150', as in when going through the Weirs channel, etc.

I wouldn't mind waving at more people, but it seems to get a bit distracting from keeping a proper lookout...

I'm a head nodder as well. My wife usually gives a wave, especially if there are kids on the other boat because they usually love it. When we have our Golden on board she rides in the bow and we usually get lots more waves.

SAMIAM 06-23-2008 04:23 PM

Hate to make it a local/tourist issue,but most locals look you right in the eye and nod or speak as you pass.When the summer people show up,many of them deliberately glance away so as not to make eye contact.Must be a city thing....not knowing if some weirdo is going to snap or start following you.

SAUGUS BOATER 06-23-2008 04:30 PM

I'd have to agree more with kjbathe than samiam. It really is a "boating thing". I'm not a local, but I wave to everyone I pass. Just happy to be out on the boat enjoying something I love and glad to see others probably feeling the same way. Incidentally, I'm from the Boston area, where some the rudest people on the planet live, and when I'm boating out on Boston Harbor, most people wave back there too.

SAUGUS BOATER 06-23-2008 04:34 PM

p.s. - I remember that boating commercial. It was really funny !!! I knew the commercial was for something boating related as soon as i saw it.:laugh:

tis 06-23-2008 04:53 PM

Yep, growing up on the lake we always waved and everyone. but everyone, waved back. Now, I am surprise if half wave back so I don't bother any more, which makes me sad. If someone waves, I wave back though and figure they must be old time boaters on the lake, or just friendly. However, what amazes me is when you are going slow, are eye to eye and you wave because you are staring at each other, and they don't wave back!

bdkkennedy 06-23-2008 05:10 PM

A couple of years back, I was leaving West alton Marina. While going through the channel between the sand bars, two young woman saluted every boat that passed, with similar results as what has happened to the wave. I stood up, saluted back, and was immediately rewarded with the two of them flashing thier ****. As the years have gone by those two women have become cuter every year. Just a memory. Dont want to hear whether it was appropriate or not, People just having fun.

Dave R 06-23-2008 05:57 PM

Note to self: practice salute.

I am a hard core motorcyclist and I have noticed that as the weather warms and the occasional bikers come out, the wavebacks decrease. Every biker waves back in NH, in January...

The Big Kahuna 06-23-2008 06:38 PM

Big Wave
I wave all the time and find that most of the boaters I wave to, either wave back or nod. The wave is still strong on the big lake!

Gatto Nero 06-24-2008 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by Dave R (Post 73655)
Note to self: practice salute.

I am a hard core motorcyclist and I have noticed that as the weather warms and the occasional bikers come out, the wavebacks decrease. Every biker waves back in NH, in January...

Now you have to admit that if you waved at every biker passing you by over the past week or so you'd spend your entire day doing nothing but waving.

Dave R 06-24-2008 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by Gatto Nero (Post 73690)
Now you have to admit that if you waved at every biker passing you by over the past week or so you'd spend your entire day doing nothing but waving.

Agreed, the wave gets suspended during bike week. Kinda pointless to acknowledge non-conformity when everyone else is on two wheels too...

'Course, I avoid bike week like the plague. I like to ride at a spirited pace, alone. Bike week just clogs the good roads with slow moving clusters of bikes and the boring roads with stopped clusters of bikes.:( Instead, I rode my bicycle with my wife and kids in beautiful Dunstable, Pepperal, Groton, and Ayer MA over the weekend.:)

jrc 06-24-2008 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Dave R (Post 73694)
...Instead, I rode my bicycle with my wife and kids in beautiful Dunstable, Pepperal, Groton, and Ayer MA over the weekend.:)

Sounds like you found my favorite rail trail.

I find that Bike Week on the boat is fine, we make one pass down the channel to see the crowds. Then go find some nice place to hang out and enjoy the day.

I still find myself waving to bikes and boats. Once in awhile I even wave to bikers when in my car, just out of habit.

SIKSUKR 06-24-2008 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by bdkkennedy (Post 73652)
A couple of years back, I was leaving West alton Marina. While going through the channel between the sand bars, two young woman saluted every boat that passed, with similar results as what has happened to the wave. I stood up, saluted back, and was immediately rewarded with the two of them flashing thier ****. As the years have gone by those two women have become cuter every year. Just a memory. Dont want to hear whether it was appropriate or not, People just having fun.

So this is how I should be waving.I knew I must have been doing something wrong.

chipj29 06-24-2008 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by SIKSUKR (Post 73715)
So this is how I should be waving.I knew I must have been doing something wrong.

Please don't lift your shirt, k? :eek:

Jeti 06-24-2008 10:34 AM

I always make a habit to wave, to blondes with DD's! Plus I blow them a kiss! :emb:

Paugusbaby 06-24-2008 01:21 PM

I'm offended Jeti!! What about us brunettes with DDs?? Kidding people - just kidding. ;)

VitaBene 06-24-2008 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Dave R (Post 73694)
Agreed, the wave gets suspended during bike week. Kinda pointless to acknowledge non-conformity when everyone else is on two wheels too...

'Course, I avoid bike week like the plague. I like to ride at a spirited pace, alone. Bike week just clogs the good roads with slow moving clusters of bikes and the boring roads with stopped clusters of bikes.:( Instead, I rode my bicycle with my wife and kids in beautiful Dunstable, Pepperal, Groton, and Ayer MA over the weekend.:)


I am a waver on the boat almost always (not in the Weirs channel or other crazy busy places) and on the bike until around June 1- at that point if I were waving to every bike that went by my arm would fall off- especially if riding on roads that circumvent Winni! Once I get onto the more back roads like 153, 113, 171, etc, I start waving again.

chipj29 06-24-2008 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Paugusbaby (Post 73760)
I'm offended Jeti!! What about us brunettes with DDs?? Kidding people - just kidding. ;)

Hi there. ;)

Jeti 06-24-2008 03:36 PM

Your right I got two hands I can wave them both! I love them all.......

SteveA 06-24-2008 03:56 PM

Now this is a great subject!
Saugus Boater.. of course you wave. You're from a cool place like Saugus, like me :laugh::laugh:

I think we need to expand this into the different "types" of waves.

I'm old enough to remember the "Jackie Kennedy" elbow at 90 degrees, sunglasses, scraf on the head, rotating back and forth with no finger movement. ( I'll bet there is a youtube video out there someplace) :emb:

Then you have the "Little baby wave".. first one most of us learned, hand straight up.. just bending the fingers.. no thumb bending.

Admit it. some of you are trying those two as you read this. :laugh:

Me, I wave from the boat all the time.. I use the sort of "One side of a high five" wave. Sorta like a one handed set shot. (which most likely hit the rim and bounced off! ):emb:

Humm.. what about the "ballpark wave" ? Maybe too tough to pull off in a boat unless your rafting.

Does the whole YMCA deal by the Village People count as a wave?

SAUGUS BOATER 06-24-2008 04:39 PM

Great subject

i strongly agree with the title of your last post. This thread is a great subject. Very refreshing to read a light and funny thread. Especially after reading all the rude and crass comments on the Diamond Island Boat accident thread.:(

p.s.- i had a nice steak 'n cheese for you the other day over at "the Villa":liplick:

SteveA 06-24-2008 07:09 PM

At the risk of..
ticking off the High Jack Police. :)

I really do miss Sub Villa... So to stay on post... wave to the fine folks at Sub Villa for me next time you drive down Route 1 in Saugus. :laugh:

Dave R 06-24-2008 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by VitaBene (Post 73777)
Once I get onto the more back roads like 153, 113, 171, etc, I start waving again.

Some tasty roads. Add 118, 26, 145, 113A, Hurricane Mt Road and Winona Road to that list too. I was on the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton Island NS, Canada last month and they were repaving it. Gonna be sweet soon.

I wave on the boat as well.

Alton Bay Bob 06-24-2008 07:58 PM

Back to Waving
I was born a New Yorker.. We never waved.... I moved to Mass.. Became a boater..... Then we waved....
I am now a weekend NH resident. I finally know the joy of waving.... I wave to all boaters.... I even wave to walkers on route 11 D... and they all wave back....
I am amazed at the joy it gives me when human beings just acknowledge each other....I would strongly suggest that all of us.... all posters on this web site.. make a conscious effort to wave to each other.

I have read all the posts regarding the boat sinking last year and the tragic death this year. I have read all the posts regarding the speed limit debate. I would humbly suggest we agree to disagree on many issues... yet we agree to wave to each other.... affirming our love of this beautiful place....and to encourage others.... everone to wave to each other....This is the most beautiful place I have known......Please wave to an old guy in Alton who is waving crazily at you.....

chipj29 06-24-2008 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by SteveA (Post 73805)
ticking off the High Jack Police. :)

I really do miss Sub Villa... So to stay on post... wave to the fine folks at Sub Villa for me next time you drive down Route 1 in Saugus. :laugh:

OMG Sub Villa! I have not been there in almost 30 years... Day trip!

EricP 06-24-2008 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by chipj29 (Post 73819)
OMG Sub Villa! I have not been there in almost 30 years... Day trip!

I pass it every day, Monday-Thursday, have never stopped, hmmm....

SteveA 06-24-2008 09:15 PM

OK... so this is an offical Highjack

Originally Posted by EricP (Post 73820)
I pass it every day, Monday-Thursday, have never stopped, hmmm....

GWC (and all the other highjack police) please forgive me.. I agree this is a highjack. Blame SaugusBoater.. he started it! :)

Please let me have a little former Mass resident fun with this..

SubVilla in Saugus Mass is very, very close to being a national landmark.

Eric P..stop and try it ... join the club.. SubVilla the best ever.

Chip... you HAVE to go back.. :)

SAUGUS BOATER 06-25-2008 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by chipj29 (Post 73819)
OMG Sub Villa! I have not been there in almost 30 years... Day trip!


if you haven't been there in 30 years, you might want to know they moved across the street. The old "a frame" sub villa is now a walgreens. I miss the old days of skipping class at Saugus high and sneaking over to the old villa for a sangwich.
Maybe we need a seperate sub villa thread?

chipj29 06-25-2008 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by SAUGUS BOATER (Post 73846)

if you haven't been there in 30 years, you might want to know they moved across the street. The old "a frame" sub villa is now a walgreens. I miss the old days of skipping class at Saugus high and sneaking over to the old villa for a sangwich.
Maybe we need a seperate sub villa thread?

I am very rarely on Rt 1, so no I did not know that. I would have been pulling into Walgreens wondering what aisle their subs were in.

I think we successfully hijacked this thread. My apologies to the person that started this thread. Carry on with the waving.

jonfinn 06-25-2008 09:35 AM

The wave is one of my favorite things about boating. With many things in life there are those who will claim that "it's not like it was." I wish I had the ability to measure and observe that. But frankly, I don't have the time.

I'm too busy waving!


(Looking forward to my annual trek the the big lake!)

Island Girl 06-25-2008 10:12 AM

I always wave... have since I was a little kid on a little lake. It is a boater thing... and an old boss told me it was a sports car thing, waving to other sports cars.


parrothead 06-25-2008 10:39 AM

Wave both in the boat and the Jeep
I still wave to everyone on the boat, and when I had a Jeep waved at other Jeeps as well. Got a couple funny looks when I kept waving for a few days after I sold the Jeep and got a pickup, and forgot what I was driving. Habits are hard to break.

Cristen 06-25-2008 10:45 AM

I'm such a waver. On the boat or the bike (except during bike week). I like it when people wave to me as well. We're all doing something we love...whether it's boating or riding the bike.

The moral of the cool, and say hello. Being friendly makes you feel good too! :)

chipj29 06-25-2008 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by parrothead (Post 73889)
I still wave to everyone on the boat, and when I had a Jeep waved at other Jeeps as well. Got a couple funny looks when I kept waving for a few days after I sold the Jeep and got a pickup, and forgot what I was driving. Habits are hard to break.

I have had 2 Jeeps, the first one I "inherited" when I married my wife. She used to call me a Jeep snob if I forgot to wave.


Originally Posted by Cristen (Post 73890)
I'm such a waver. On the boat or the bike (except during bike week). I like it when people wave to me as well. We're all doing something we love...whether it's boating or riding the bike.

The moral of the cool, and say hello. Being friendly makes you feel good too! :)

I don't wave on the bike as much as I used to. Seems that most of the riders never waved back (esp the Harley guys) so I got out of the habit.
I don't wave that much when I am on my PWC. I figure most of the boaters hate* me anyway, so why bother.
*I get that impression from the dirty looks, no matter how far away from their boat I am. :(

VitaBene 06-25-2008 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Dave R (Post 73809)
Some tasty roads. Add 118, 26, 145, 113A, Hurricane Mt Road and Winona Road to that list too. I was on the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton Island NS, Canada last month and they were repaving it. Gonna be sweet soon.

I wave on the boat as well.


I will check them out as well. For some reason, I look at 113A all the time and have not taken it- next time I will!

Gatto Nero 06-25-2008 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Dave R (Post 73809)
Some tasty roads. Add 118, 26, 145, 113A, Hurricane Mt Road and Winona Road to that list too. I was on the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton Island NS, Canada last month and they were repaving it. Gonna be sweet soon.

118 is a beauty! I found a few years back after they had just completed repaving it. Yee haa! I probably don't wave too much when I'm on it though, there are lots of twists ans turns on that baby. Best to keep my hands on the bars.


Originally Posted by chipj29 (Post 73898)
I don't wave on the bike as much as I used to. Seems that most of the riders never waved back (esp the Harley guys) so I got out of the habit.

We do have a rep to keep ya know;)

Cristen 06-25-2008 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by chipj29 (Post 73898)
I don't wave on the bike as much as I used to. Seems that most of the riders never waved back (esp the Harley guys) so I got out of the habit.
I don't wave that much when I am on my PWC. I figure most of the boaters hate* me anyway, so why bother.
*I get that impression from the dirty looks, no matter how far away from their boat I am. :(

I hear what you're saying about the dirty looks on the PWC. Geez...some boaters really hate us. If I get a dirty look from someone, I'll just wave three fingers in their face and tell them to read between the lines!. I'm kind of feisty that way! :laugh:

chipj29 06-26-2008 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Cristen (Post 73958)
I hear what you're saying about the dirty looks on the PWC. Geez...some boaters really hate us. If I get a dirty look from someone, I'll just wave three fingers in their face and tell them to read between the lines!. I'm kind of feisty that way! :laugh:

lol I am not that feisty, unless someone says something. Otherwise, I will just go on my merry way, maintaining my distance. For me, 150' is too close. I stay far enough away so I can't hear the

VitaBene 06-26-2008 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by Cristen (Post 73958)
I hear what you're saying about the dirty looks on the PWC. Geez...some boaters really hate us. If I get a dirty look from someone, I'll just wave three fingers in their face and tell them to read between the lines!. I'm kind of feisty that way! :laugh:

Cristen, you would never do that!!

Cristen 06-26-2008 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by chipj29 (Post 74004)
lol I am not that feisty, unless someone says something. Otherwise, I will just go on my merry way, maintaining my distance. For me, 150' is too close. I stay far enough away so I can't hear the

Chip - you are know they swear at us too!

I'm a law abiding/respectful boater, but if someone gives me crap for no good reason just because I ride a PWC, I'm ready to jump in the ring and bring it!

Cristen 06-26-2008 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by VitaBene (Post 74005)
Cristen, you would never do that!!

LOL. No...not me, I'm a nice girl (at least until some tool messes with me on my lake).

chipj29 06-26-2008 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Cristen (Post 74044)
Chip - you are know they swear at us too!

I'm a law abiding/respectful boater, but if someone gives me crap for no good reason just because I ride a PWC, I'm ready to jump in the ring and bring it!

I hear ya. I know there are some crappy PWC riders out there that give all of us a bad name. However like you said, some people just love to hate us, law-abiding or not. Oh well, that is their perrogative. Whatever floats their boat, I suppose. ;)

A few years ago, there were 4 of us on PWCs going up one stretch of the Merrimack River. There were a few boats on the water, but nothing we couldn't get around without coming off plane, well outside the 150' range. the one boat we couldn't get around outside 150', we all slowed to no wake speed. As we initially took off, we saw the MP boat putting in at the ramp. We thought nothing of it until we got to our destination, and he pulled us over. He said the boaters were cheering as he passed them. He then said that if they were cheering, that means we must have been within 150' of them. I just laughed, and asked him how close did you observe us to be? Of course he didn't know, so he couldn't ticket us based on peoples cheers. He had no proof, because A. It didn't happen, and B. He didn't see it anyway.

Since he caught up to us relatively quick, I wondered which of us were going "too fast" or too close, us on the PWCs, or the MP guy? lol

Cristen 06-26-2008 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by chipj29 (Post 74054)
I hear ya. I know there are some crappy PWC riders out there that give all of us a bad name. However like you said, some people just love to hate us, law-abiding or not. Oh well, that is their perrogative. Whatever floats their boat, I suppose. ;)

A few years ago, there were 4 of us on PWCs going up one stretch of the Merrimack River. There were a few boats on the water, but nothing we couldn't get around without coming off plane, well outside the 150' range. the one boat we couldn't get around outside 150', we all slowed to no wake speed. As we initially took off, we saw the MP boat putting in at the ramp. We thought nothing of it until we got to our destination, and he pulled us over. He said the boaters were cheering as he passed them. He then said that if they were cheering, that means we must have been within 150' of them. I just laughed, and asked him how close did you observe us to be? Of course he didn't know, so he couldn't ticket us based on peoples cheers. He had no proof, because A. It didn't happen, and B. He didn't see it anyway.

Since he caught up to us relatively quick, I wondered which of us were going "too fast" or too close, us on the PWCs, or the MP guy? lol

That's a crazy story. At least you didn't get a ticket. PWCs are like bikes - MP and cops LOVE to go after us.

Anyway, have a great summer on Winnipesaukee!

cowisl 06-26-2008 03:14 PM

Just out of curiosity, how many of you abide by the "right of way" rule?

Island Girl 06-26-2008 03:21 PM

... It did take me a while to teach my head to automatically know when a boat had the right of way....

Right of way... boat on the right .. has the right of way or

On the front lights... green means the boat coming from that direction has the right of way...


chipj29 06-26-2008 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Cristen (Post 74084)
That's a crazy story. At least you didn't get a ticket. PWCs are likes bikes - MP and cops LOVE to go after us.

Anyway, have a great summer on Winnipesaukee!

Look for me out there, and be sure you wave! ;)

Cristen 06-26-2008 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by chipj29 (Post 74138)
Look for me out there, and be sure you wave! ;)

Will do!! :)

Dave R 06-26-2008 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Cristen (Post 74084)
PWCs are likes bikes - MP and cops LOVE to go after us.

Anyway, have a great summer on Winnipesaukee!

If you are riding a sport bike skillfully at a spirited pace on a twisty back road, most police don't do anything. I suspect they don't expect to be able to keep up, let alone catch up. From what I have seen, police have an easier time targeting cruisers and sport bike posers though...

Rose 06-26-2008 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Island Girl (Post 74134)
On the front lights... green means the boat coming from that direction has the right of way...


...and since they're coming from the right, you'll see their red bow light, which means you have to stop.

BroadHopper 06-26-2008 09:30 PM

The 'Wave'
I remember the wave back in the late 50's. It was very contagious.

I still wave today. The traditional wave to courteous boaters and the 'birdie' to the Boneheads. ;)

robmac 06-30-2008 03:50 PM

I always wave,have been boating for about 25 years and it just seems natural to share it by waving to fellow boaters.Maybe people are in to much of a hurry and need to slow down and just relax and enjoy it.

Rattlesnake Gal 07-01-2008 09:45 AM

Doing My Part
I embarrass my kids all the time by waving so much. :laugh: Unfortunately even with glasses, my eyesight isn’t the best. I will wave at a boat or fishermen going by and my son will laugh and tell me they weren’t even looking in our direction. :o

NHDOLFAN 07-01-2008 10:18 AM

I was on the lake the other day and waved to several boats including Marine Patrol. I was with a friend of mine. Simultaneously, we both stated that no one waves anymore. I will continue to wave regardless. On another note, I have also noticed more and more boaters who are rude and think the lake belongs to them, which makes it dangerous for everyone. Slow down people and enjoy the beauty!

Jeti 07-01-2008 11:46 AM

I have noticed that No one even flashes anymore.... 20 Years ago.. It was all the rage!

If you can't see the skin, No one wins!:emb:

Cal 07-01-2008 05:52 PM

Always wave in the boat , always wave in the Vette. Also have a Jeep as a daily beater and never heard of that wave:confused:
It must be a Wrangler thing , mines a Cherokee.

sa meredith 07-01-2008 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by cowisl (Post 74129)
Just out of curiosity, how many of you abide by the "right of way" rule?

Really, you would ask a question like this? Unless it is an extreme emergency, it should 1000 out of 1000 times.

Rinkerfam 07-01-2008 09:59 PM

I think it's fun to wave at the Mount or the Winnipesaukee railroad and see all those friendly faces wave back. I also like to wave at the MP and see which ones are happy to reply as opposed to those who look annoyed in doing so.

chipj29 07-02-2008 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by Cal (Post 74792)
Always wave in the boat , always wave in the Vette. Also have a Jeep as a daily beater and never heard of that wave:confused:
It must be a Wrangler thing , mines a Cherokee.

You are correct, the Jeep wave applies to Wranglers. Sorry, Cherokees don't count as Jeeps.... :laugh:

JG1222 07-07-2008 09:16 PM

There are some related responses in a thread from back in the day:

Joanna16 07-08-2008 05:51 AM

Grew up in a Small town
Hey there - I grew up in a small town where when you walked up the street the adults (not us kids as we were discouraged from talking to strangers) said "Hi" to everyone they passed. I now work in this town and no one ever does it. But the town is a lot larger than it once was also.

Maybe this is like the boat wave thing - everyone used to wave for there were so few of us - now any bonehead can have a boat so no one bothers anymore.

Rattlesnake Guy 07-08-2008 08:05 PM

We wave at anyone close enough to see us. It is nice to see that our kids and their girl friends have learned the tradition and seem perfectly happy to practice it as well. Another generation to carry the responsibility.

I must admit that I have a hard time waving at the captain B.

The island seems to be a big boat to us also as we wave to anyone looking our way as they go past. 90% of them wave back. Our Island neighbors wave when we come and go. It is a nice tradition that helps make this lake the best place to be.

KBoater 07-08-2008 08:27 PM

Kids wave too
I was finally out in the boards for lunch and did wave at several boats. I’ve been doing it for many years. I have noticed in FL that everyone there waves including the rentals. The kids wave the most and hardest.

MJM 07-09-2008 12:59 PM

With this thread in mind, I made an effort to keep track of how many respond to my wave - I'd say it's directly related to how close you are and how fast you are going.

In a channel, it was 100%.
In areas where everyone is going maybe 10-20mph, it was probably 50%.

kjbathe 07-29-2008 01:49 PM

I had to chuckle... After a wonderful weekend on the water, my daughter waving to everyone (and most waving back), it continued as she was waving to everyone walking by the house last night. I thought very briefly of telling her she didn't need to do that, but then realized she was right. We're boat people. We wave. :)

VitaBene 07-30-2008 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Dave R (Post 73809)
Some tasty roads. Add 118, 26, 145, 113A, Hurricane Mt Road and Winona Road to that list too. I was on the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton Island NS, Canada last month and they were repaving it. Gonna be sweet soon.

I wave on the boat as well.

Dave, I rode 113A a few times now- what a nice ride. I love the river, we stopped and hung out at the river's edge.

Thanks for the head's up!

Dave R 07-31-2008 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by VitaBene (Post 77788)
Dave, I rode 113A a few times now- what a nice ride. I love the river, we stopped and hung out at the river's edge.

Thanks for the head's up!

Glad you enjoyed it. Except for Winter, motorcyclist/boaters are really blessed here in NH.

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