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RailroadJoe 08-01-2014 03:17 AM

Sure noting has changed under benefits, Now, that is. But wait a few months under the Co-COs are i comand. Then changes to bonuses, cuts in medical plus a few more nasty deals. I'm all for the employes. They deserve a man mike Arther T to lead them, not a greedy bunch of relatives calling the shots behind the CEO's.

tis 08-01-2014 06:26 AM

I am still wondering what is going on too. How do they know that Arthur S is so bad? Have they been told if he takes over specifically what will happen? There must be at least a LITTLE BIT of another half to this story other than what we are hearing. There must be a reason why the board wants to get rid of Arthur T. Anyone know the inside scoop?

Kamper 08-01-2014 06:27 AM

From what I've read in the news, most of the employees are reporting for their shifts and picketing on their own time.

chipj29 08-01-2014 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by RailroadJoe (Post 230267)
Sure noting has changed under benefits, Now, that is. But wait a few months under the Co-COs are i comand. Then changes to bonuses, cuts in medical plus a few more nasty deals. I'm all for the employes. They deserve a man mike Arther T to lead them, not a greedy bunch of relatives calling the shots behind the CEO's.

How do you know that this is going to happen?

nhcatrider 08-01-2014 08:19 AM

Having seen some of the memos that went around before I left, ASD wants to cut the bonuses and profit sharing so he can put the money in his own pockets. With the profit sharing we are talking about a plan that is currently worth over 1/2 BILLION dollars, none of which has come out of employee paychecks. As for the bonuses, rumor was christmas was in excess of $35 million each year. Add it up, it's a lot of money. I can understand why a greedy person would want to put their fingers in the pie. Remember, we are talking about someone who makes millions every year, is worth over $1 billion, and it isn't enough.

gus62 08-01-2014 08:48 AM

Just playing devils advocate. You keep saying ASD wants all the money when in reality it would go to all stockholders where ASD is around 17% ownership. Yes his "side" has a slight majority so his actions would/should be based on their wants and not just his.
Any monies that are in a retirement profit sharing fund can not be touched, only the future contributions could change.

Sue Doe-Nym 08-01-2014 10:11 AM

If these employees do not go back to work on Monday, will they expect to collect unemployment benefits?

nhcatrider 08-01-2014 10:23 AM

Depends on how the company puts their reason for unemployment. If they can prove the employee quit, then no they can not collect. If the employee is involuntarily terminated, in Mass they have to be paid all monies owed to them at the end of the day, in NH it's three days.

tis 08-01-2014 10:33 AM

That's what I always thought, but we have had employees quit and they have collected unemployment. I have never figured that out.

nhcatrider 08-01-2014 11:07 AM

I had one quit several years ago and tried to collect. We asked for a hearing and got it squashed.

Rusty 08-01-2014 11:48 AM

Market Basket here they come with resume in hand:

Farfrumbehavin 08-01-2014 12:06 PM

Now that we are at 129 post, all of which have been very informative, written buy very many people with many views from different sides. I have a much better understanding of what's going on here. Suprised at how long this has gone on, while we are waiting for the next chapter of this book to end, let's get our pull our crystal ball down off the shelf, dust it off and tell me what you see looking into the future. The majority of what I know about the situation is what I have read here. Never really knew how employees felt about the company. We shopped at the Tilton store, went in worked our way through the crowd, happy to leave with our groceries knowing that we had saved come money compared to having shopped at Shaw's, where we would have had the store to ourselves. My crystal ball may need calibration but what I see, (because I have become a cynic because I am usually the bug and not the windshield) is that It's obvious that there are huge EGO's at play here given the history, and the person and people who have the power know they have it, and it has come down to simply winning at any cost.When the job fairs are over and everyone has been replaced, qaulified or not, and don't kid yourself, there are people who will take these jobs, the stores will soon be back open and cooperate greed will win again. And if people can SAVE $ by shopping at MB that is exactly what they will do. I can't make it a better place to work, but we are in a world where the rich just get richer, it sucks but it's the way capitalism works. Then the stores will fill back up with customers. Not because they are happy with the outcome but because they will save money. I like many people Hate shopping at Wal-Mart. but there are items that I will go in there for that I save big on, so I do it. We are on a budget! bottom line and my bottom line is more important to me than Arthur S's bottom line. I like 99.9% of shoppers will be gald they supported the efforts of the MB family,but when the smoke clears and everyone forgets about the whole thing because it's not a news story any more, they will be back in the stores taking advantage of the savings if that's where the savings are. I wished this whole issue would change they way they look at how they treat there customers and employees but the bottom line is the bottom line!

dave603 08-01-2014 08:53 PM

The first 8 fired
Are now suing for the reasons listed in the AGs letter.
MB has dug themselves a big hole to get out of.

Bigstan 08-01-2014 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by dave603 (Post 230325)
Are now suing for the reasons listed in the AGs letter.
MB has dug themselves a big hole to get out of.

Not really. The managers weren't working, witholding of some or all of a bi-weekly check is thus ok.

Failure to provide an accounting of the profit sharing plan - not available on demand. Sorry, you have to wait for that, it is not due upon termination. Those plans are regulated - I would bet there is legal counsel that knows the requisite timeframes - but safe to say you cannot have a statement on demand.

Spreading disinformation is the key here (willingful or otherwise) - making assumptions based on nothing, basing assumptions on what people think management will do......solidarity is great to see, but everything points towards a management win unless the offer is taken. Boiled down it's 'Corporate greed bad - employees good'. That ends one way...

dave603 08-02-2014 07:49 AM

Not to sure about that, at least for the first guy they fired. They fired him on the Sunday after this started Friday late afternoon, by courier.
Unless his last paycheck was also with the termination letter, by Mass. law, they broke the rules.
Also depends on what reason they used. He was upper level management, so who knows if he is covered or not, but it was becuase he was talking, but after hours.
He may have a case here. Which is only going to muddy the waters even more.

MAXUM 08-02-2014 11:19 AM

I am so sick and tired of hearing the term corporate greed. So if a company decides to circle the wagons, cut back on salaries, employees, benefits or whatever that is considered corporate greed. If executives are given performance bonuses because such actions help stabilize the company and improve profitability they are scoffed at as being evil and greedy. OK fine, then let me introduce the term of employee greed. Employees that expect, insist and demand that they get what they want even if it hurts the bottom line of the company they work for. They expect that holding a menial job means that somehow that is worth a certain salary even though what they do requires no specific talent, skill or education. They demand lavish benefits, profit sharing and bonuses completely clueless as to the cost associated with not only having them as an employee, or what it takes to run a business.

Capitalism isn't evil, in fact it's awesome because it allows anyone who is smart enough, willing enough, eager enough and bold enough to start their own business to do so. Is is a guarantee of success NO, but the chance is there. Is it always fair, nope, but what in life really is? Those that are successful sometimes do get rich and I applaud them for doing so. Why should they not enjoy the spoils of their hard work?

Am I a rich guy? Hell no, I am merely an employee of a company where I know executives that sit well above me are making millions per year benefiting on the contributions that I make every day, that's why I have a job in the first place to provide value. Am I envious of them, no. Do I think it's fair? Well let me put it this way, I am not capable of doing their job, I have neither the background, experience or level of education to do what they do. I also would not want the responsibility, stress or headaches they have to deal with on a daily basis. While it's true they do make a handsome sum of money and do enjoy perks I'll never get, there is a reason for that. Not just anyone can do their job. Therefore for any company to get the best talent they will offer what perks will attract what they are looking for. In the same way the position that I fill not just anyone can do so therefore I am compensated accordingly and get perks others may not get. That is the way things work, don't like it better yourself! I didn't start off in the position that I'm in I worked for it, and very hard. Anyone says to me "must be nice" well it is, but it didn't come cheap and I refused to be just a 40 hour a week widget maker. Been there done that and decided I'm better than that. For those that are satisfied to do that kind of work, or have no ambition to do anything else, don't complain, you made that decision and it has nothing to do with corporate greed.

tis 08-02-2014 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 230348)
I am so sick and tired of hearing the term corporate greed. So if a company decides to circle the wagons, cut back on salaries, employees, benefits or whatever that is considered corporate greed. If executives are given performance bonuses because such actions help stabilize the company and improve profitability they are scoffed at as being evil and greedy. OK fine, then let me introduce the term of employee greed. Employees that expect, insist and demand that they get what they want even if it hurts the bottom line of the company they work for. They expect that holding a menial job means that somehow that is worth a certain salary even though what they do requires no specific talent, skill or education. They demand lavish benefits, profit sharing and bonuses completely clueless as to the cost associated with not only having them as an employee, or what it takes to run a business.

Capitalism isn't evil, in fact it's awesome because it allows anyone who is smart enough, willing enough, eager enough and bold enough to start their own business to do so. Is is a guarantee of success NO, but the chance is there. Is it always fair, nope, but what in life really is? Those that are successful sometimes do get rich and I applaud them for doing so. Why should they not enjoy the spoils of their hard work?

Am I a rich guy? Hell no, I am merely an employee of a company where I know executives that sit well above me are making millions per year benefiting on the contributions that I make every day, that's why I have a job in the first place to provide value. Am I envious of them, no. Do I think it's fair? Well let me put it this way, I am not capable of doing their job, I have neither the background, experience or level of education to do what they do. I also would not want the responsibility, stress or headaches they have to deal with on a daily basis. While it's true they do make a handsome sum of money and do enjoy perks I'll never get, there is a reason for that. Not just anyone can do their job. Therefore for any company to get the best talent they will offer what perks will attract what they are looking for. In the same way the position that I fill not just anyone can do so therefore I am compensated accordingly and get perks others may not get. That is the way things work, don't like it better yourself! I didn't start off in the position that I'm in I worked for it, and very hard. Anyone says to me "must be nice" well it is, but it didn't come cheap and I refused to be just a 40 hour a week widget maker. Been there done that and decided I'm better than that. For those that are satisfied to do that kind of work, or have no ambition to do anything else, don't complain, you made that decision and it has nothing to do with corporate greed.

Wow, Maxum! What a post! I feel the same way, I get so tired of hearing about corporate greed. Maybe it is true in some cases. But I never thought of the fact that employees are being greedy when they want all for themselves and don't care about the company they work for. Excellent post! You said it very well!! Thanks!

Sue Doe-Nym 08-02-2014 12:39 PM

Perhaps the employees should pool their money and buy out the existing shareholders, then they can run the company any way they wish. Last I checked, MB was a privately owned company and is run by the CEO who was elected by the directors who in turn were elected by the shareholders - who are the OWNERS. The present management may be unpopular but nothing has been done that is illegal or unethical.

If new policies are enacted that cause the company to no longer be competitive then we the customers will shop elsewhere. Likewise, if the employees without employment contracts do not like the way they are being treated or compensated, they can go work for another company.

jeffk 08-02-2014 01:15 PM

This is not a fight between the corporate world and the little guys. This is a fight between 2 different business philosophies. One, ATD, wants to build the business, new stores, more customers, better trained and happier employees. He keeps prices low to attract customers although this reduces profit per customer, he hopes to build more volume. To accomplish this, a lot of the profits are returned to the business to pay for all this. The result of this, eventually, is a business with a larger customer base and increased business value.

The other, ASD, wants higher profit per customer. That will probably mean higher prices. That may mean less employee perks and other costs. He also wants more profit available to shareholders, including himself. Part of accomplishing this is stopping store expansion and retaining the money for shareholders instead. All this can be a working philosophy. Many stores charge higher prices and are successful. (Apple) This philosophy can also lead to a more profitable business by cutting costs. It definitely yields more to the shareholders, who, like it or not, own the business and are entitled to the profits. If you deposited money in a bank, how would you feel if the bank told you that you would have to wait 15 years for them to grow the business until you got your money and profit back?

The question is, can MB compete against Hannafords and others if they no longer have a low price and friendly store advantage? I personally doubt it.

But don't believe that ATD doesn't want corporate profits. He's just taking a more long term approach of building the business to get them.

dave603 08-02-2014 01:44 PM

@ Jeff. YES
And on top of that what ATD is doing is adding jobs to a crappy economy whenever he adds another store. In order to build the business he needs the customers and the employees, and keep prices down. If MB raises their prices, with all the current wolves at the door waiting for it, MB is dead period.
The current board with the BS they have pulled, have stopped the expansion of at least two stores in Mass. that I know about.

So yes Tis and Maxum, it's not just about the greed here. ATD at least was adding much needed jobs, while supplying much needed prices.

RailroadJoe 08-02-2014 01:56 PM

To those who are still confused about where the problem bega, please check post #16with the following

It all goes bank to the father of Arther T. He was the baddie. Arther T has done a better job at CEO than many others that I have encountered in my work life.

Farfrumbehavin 08-03-2014 08:29 PM

Well said Maxum, One thing we have in common is that I have spent my life bettering myself and trying to motivate greedy employees to do the same for every ones sake. I left high school into a very difficult economy. Living on my own, supporting myself at 17 yrs old, handed nothing. Started at the bottom anywhere I went, and worked hard for everything i have. I went to night school at 3 different colleges over a six year period to achieve the level of education I needed to pursue my goals. I ran my own business for a few years and took a good job in a good company so someone else could handle the bull**** and I could do what I'm good at. Of course I have people above me who have taken all the risk and provided me with a very good job and I am very grateful. It wasn't always that way but I did something about it! I am very valuable to the people that I work for and am very happy with the level of compensation. But I like some people, have, along the way worked at one time or another for some very greedy people, just a fact. Call it what you want i choose to call it what it is. I worked for a family business that two brothers inherited and both worked but had no idea what it took to get there. Could not and did not appreciate the employee that worked very hard to try to make things better for everybody in the company. Cut operating cost every way they could including cutting employees benefits and lowering pay scales. I managed projects that saved these guys tens of thousands of dollars and they showed no appreciation. l call it the shell game where the pea always ends up in there pocket. My understanding of what may be happening here with MB, at least what I have heard from employees who were petitioning signatures, was that without the guy who wears the white hat they stand to loose many of the benefits that make it such a good place for them to work. And the good employees are not the greedy ones. The are the ones who appreciate the way they have been treated an know what they have. I understand it is not the big guy agajnst the little guy, but the buisness philosiphy that has been in place seems to work pretty well. Very happy customers, very happy employees, making enough money to grow and open more stores and make more people happy and make more money doing it. I did not say capitalism is evil, This is capatalism as it's best. I have always tried to make the system work for me. That's why I shop at MB I am a capalist. No I'm not rich either, but I have more than I ever dreamed i'd have. And I have have everything I need. I also help others that deserve it whenever I have a chance to do so. The whole thing is very interesting to me and I should have added that I hope to god my prediction is wrong. It just appears that the guy with the power does not give two ****s about about the mom working in the bakery trying to get her kids through school as much as he does his own bottom line. That my friend whether you like it or not is greed. I hope to god I'm wrong.

RailroadJoe 08-04-2014 05:21 AM

Congradulations on the best response yet. My way of life also. And the companies I worked for appreciated my contribution and I ended up high in managment by treating the people who worked for me as equals, not just employees.

SIKSUKR 08-04-2014 01:20 PM

This is such a bizarre situation that I can't ever recall seeing. It's like a strike but its almost the opposite and the customers(me included) have sort of sided with this. Myself really because I know the shelves are empty so why go in there. I have a brand new store very near my house(Bedford) that I go by 4 times a day and never go in because there are only 5-10 cars at best near the entrance. It would be nice to see the employees get their ATD back but I havn't a clue how this thing is going to end up.

jrc 08-04-2014 02:24 PM

I'm sad, as this is will end badly for the company and its employees. Another New England institution is going to die and this time by suicide.

nhcatrider 08-04-2014 03:36 PM

It's interesting to say the least. You have a board of directors and a pair of ceo's that are clueless as to what is going on and blaming the lower level employees. The employees are blaming it on the customers boycotting the stores. The customers are blaming it on upper management. The sad part of it is if it takes 3 weeks to hammer out the deal between the two cousins there will not be a business left. Then there will be 25000 employees looking for work, not to mention the thousands of vendors that are out as well, plus the ripple effect through the economy of the region. That will drive more people out to other states to seek jobs. How long before certain people are going around with a huge target on themselves?

RailroadJoe 08-04-2014 06:38 PM

If Arther T gets back as CEO , you can almost bet that every employee will be offered their job back plus bonuses and other fringe benefits that he will make.

Rusty 08-04-2014 07:22 PM

When I saw all the people protesting today at the job fair, it totally disgusted me.

Enough is enough!!! I was all for the workers in the beginning but now it has gone too far.

To destroy a company the way these people are doing it is insane. You can say the new CEO is the bad guy but I think different now.

However if that's what they all want to do then they had better be prepared to suffer the consequences.

OK, now let me have it!

Chaselady 08-04-2014 07:34 PM

I sympathize with everyone but what does this thread have to do with the Lakes Region? It seems like everyone has gotten involved with trying to decipher the broken business model, but does it have any meaning for the Winni Forum?

Rusty 08-04-2014 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Chaselady (Post 230536)
I sympathize with everyone but what does this thread have to do with the Lakes Region? It seems like everyone has gotten involved with trying to decipher the broken business model, but does it have any meaning for the Winni Forum?

You don't find this fascinating and of interest to thousands of Lakes Region people who shop at MB?

I'm very interested in what this forum has to say about it.

I shopped there and want to continue to shop there.

HellRaZoR004 08-04-2014 07:56 PM

This certainly has a lot to do with the lakes region. Didn't the Tilton Shaw's just close b/c of competition like MB right down the street?

Chaselady 08-04-2014 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 230540)
You don't find this fascinating and of interest to thousands of Lakes Region people who shop at MB?

I'm very interested in what this forum has to say about it.

I shopped there and want to continue to shop there.

I would like to shop there also. But this thread has gone on, and on, and ON. And there seems to be a never ending supply of opinions, and speculation about a business that IMO will survive, or crash and burn despite what the Forum members think.

ITD 08-04-2014 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 230534)
When I saw all the people protesting today at the job fair, it totally disgusted me.

Enough is enough!!! I was all for the workers in the beginning but now it has gone too far.

To destroy a company the way these people are doing it is insane. You can say the new CEO is the bad guy but I think different now.

However if that's what they all want to do then they had better be prepared to suffer the consequences.

OK, now let me have it!

I don't see it that way Rusty, from what I read, Arthur S. gained control and the first thing he did was make a $300 million distribution to the share holders. A move like this can be devastating to a company, especially one in such a competitive market. From what I understand Arthur T has been growing the company by leaps and bounds during his tenure, which is very capital intensive. The moves by Arthur S. are destabilizing and will, in my opinion, result in the demise of MB, as prices will have to increase to pay for things and cuts will have to be made, most likely affecting the employees. I think the employees are brave by putting it on the line, I think the board and Arthur S. never in their wildest dreams thought anything like this would happen. I think they thought of the employees as chattel, more akin to livestock than humans who can think for themselves. I think this was a huge miscalculation by the BOD and Arthur S. To me the prudent thing for them to do is sell out. They will get their money, and hopefully Arthur T. will be able to recover and make it work. I think the devastation of the company that is happening now, the fault for that lies squarely on Arthur S. shoulders, he should have been smarter, but hatred clouds judgment...

I personally will not step foot in a MB again, unless the employees get Arthur T. back, while I was not a regular customer, I was about to become one as they are building an MB near me...... this bums me out.

There are many employees at MB, some are young, some more seasoned. As with any large group of people, some will make mistakes, some are probably not too bright and will offend, and most are genuine and have asked for the customer's help. If avoiding MB will help, I'm more than willing to pitch in .......

Charlie T 08-04-2014 09:14 PM

It's civil here

Originally Posted by Chaselady (Post 230545)
I would like to shop there also. But this thread has gone on, and on, and ON. And there seems to be a never ending supply of opinions, and speculation about a business that IMO will survive, or crash and burn despite what the Forum members think.

Chaselady I don't see what the problem with this thread is. There are diverse points of view that being expressed by many including yourself. No one is being anything but civil. A thread wouldn't be this long unless it related to us and our forum. If this needed to be shut down I'm sure the webmaster would do so. If you don't want to read it any longer no one is forcing you to.

Bigstan 08-04-2014 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Charlie T (Post 230551)
Chaselady I don't see what the problem with this thread is. There are diverse points of view that being expressed by many including yourself. No one is being anything but civil. A thread wouldn't be this long unless it related to us and our forum. If this needed to be shut down I'm sure the webmaster would do so. If you don't want to read it any longer no one is forcing you to.

What Charlie said....

My loyalty has changed. My local MB had 3 girls in chairs by entrance #1, and 5 men by entrance #2. I drove past #1 as I normally park by #2, the fact there were 5 cars in the lot should have tipped me off. I kept driving slowly, trying to see if they were open or not. When I got to the end the guys by #2 stood up and looked at me, then waved. Not quite blocking the entrance, but right there on top of it......the store was dark at 8:30 on Saturday AM so I kept going.

There are side lots, they may have been open they may not have been. But employees boycotting @ the entrance is an intimidation dont intimidate me but I can see how you would others. I am close to saying fire them all, if the stores can open and you are stopping them then you should be blocked from the premesis and replaced.

Enough is enough.....

RailroadJoe 08-05-2014 06:52 AM

I still shop at MB. I stopped there yesterday and talked to the people outside. I told them I have to get something they sell and no others do. I think it cost me a full $2.50 They are still very courteous and I think they are the winners no matter what happens. Good old Americans fighting for what they know is right. Too Bad Rusty.

Happy Gourmand 08-05-2014 07:15 AM

This is not at all about greed on the part on the employees. They are protesting to maintain their status quo. Artie S and company want to shift pay and benefits that are now available to employees to his own pocket. If Artie S is successful, Market Basket will be just another Super Market with high prices and minimum wage employees. (think Walmart). Market Basket is very unique in that they pay above average wages, maintain low prices and provide a great shopping experience. If you like Market Basket and want to continue to benefit from the low prices and the rest of the benefits, then you should think about supporting these loyal employees. They are putting their necks on the line for you as much as for anything or anybody else.

dave603 08-05-2014 08:34 AM

Your right Phantom, but it is getting out of hand. there are three MBs in Nashua, one Hanaford and two Shaws.
With the MBs closed you can barley get into the Hanaford's store it's so crowded. I have not seen it like this since holiday shopping just before Thankgiving.

I stopped and ate lunch in the MB parking lot, and only saw one person go in and come out with anything at all, looked like one item. This has got to be killing the business.
Artie $, needs to get rid of his hate, and back out.

MAXUM 08-05-2014 08:56 AM

One thing that hasn't been mentioned here, but would be rather interesting.

So S now has control over the MB empire, clearly his philosophy is different and so long as he is calling the shots the "niche" or "advantage" MB has will eventually disappear and the future of the whole chain could be jeopardized. Plus no matter what the employees do, the one thing he cannot control is the customers.

T is certainly sitting on some serious personal wealth, and with his proven success, the way this situation has played out in the public arena, I would find it hard to believe that he's not contemplating the idea of pooling some investors together and starting up his own chain. With his track record, I'd certainly be an investor. I like his style, his discipline, his ideas of how to successfully run a business, keep it profitable AND take care of his employees. Heck the way things are looking, there will be ample space available when MB starts having to close stores. He also has a huge workforce that is ready and willing to work for him. Sure it stinks to start over, but at least there would no longer be any more family fighting, he could cash out what interest he has in MB sever the ties and go for it.

patman 08-05-2014 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by dave603 (Post 230590)
Artie $, needs to get rid of his hate, and back out.

That makes sense from where you and I are sitting, but...this is a family feud, and ASD already went waaaaay out of his way to get rid of ATD. At the end of the day, it may simply boil down to not letting ATD win...and any chaos or collateral damage created as a result is completely irrelevant. It's not like ASD needs the money.

At this point I think it hinges on how far the other folks with controlling interests in MB are willing to follow ASD. We know at least one changed their position in the past (which is how ATD was ousted in the first place) and if they or others get tired of the effects, they could change alliances.

I just want MB back the way it was. A good store with good value and happy employees.

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