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MJM 06-04-2009 07:11 AM

I think there is also another contributing factor: perspective.

From the land, a boat anchored off-shore can look a lot closer than the land looks from the boat. I can easily see where people im a boat may be thinking they are plenty far away, but if they could see it from shore, they'd realize they are closer than they thought.

ApS 06-04-2009 07:15 AM

"If You Think That's Bad", Part II...

Originally Posted by tis (Post 96349)
"...I can't imagine why they would want to be so close to stare at me...!"

C'mon, tis—yer fishin'! ;)


Originally Posted by OCDACTIVE (Post 96289)
"...Samiam...good meeting you a couple of weeks ago..."

It was the license tag, wasn't it. :D


Originally Posted by Winnipesaukee Divers (Post 96240)
"...If you think that's bad..."

We actually seem to have it pretty good on Lake Winnipesaukee. :)

For a few LOLs, check out the Boston Whaler forum on this very subject:

:look: :emb: :laugh:

codeman671 06-04-2009 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by rick35 (Post 96236)
A few years ago around dusk a man and woman anchored their sailboat in the cove we're on no more than 150 feet from our dock. We watched the man pour wine for his lady friend and they proceeded to enjoy the quiet of "our" cove. I was sure there was another place they could be and vented to my wife until they finished their wine and went below into the cabin. At this point it was almost dark and I figured they were planning on spending the night. Wrong. I called the marine patrol and told them we had uninvited visitors. When the MP arrived they proceeded to give the sailor a very thorough safety inspection after which they told our "guest" to be on his way. We occasionally get daytime visitors but they usually only stay long enough to enjoy a swim and move on. While I'd like to think its our private cove there's not much we can do about it. Just don't think about spending the night.

That is what fireworks are for...

SLI 06-04-2009 08:01 AM

boathouse door
It has become a joke in our family. Almost every weekend we get people fishing behind our breakwater next to our dock. Our boathouse door is right there. If the door is open, they cast into the boathouse @ our boat. If the door is closed, we joke about opening it for them. Usually just going down to the dock is enough to get them moving along!

Lakegeezer 06-04-2009 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by rick35 (Post 96344)
I think its reasonable for a property owner to expect some privacy. While the law may allow a boater to anchor off my property I have to ask why. There are lots of places on the lake that are more private. I would think a boater would want his privacy just as I want mine.

There really aren't that many private spots any more. Many of the spots I used to enjoy just 15 years ago now have homes, and the few nice spots that are left have become crowded on weekends. In my view, it was the home owner that invaded public space, and must accept the occasional company that comes with the location. If a homeowner is around, it is polite to anchor a bit farther away and keep it civil, but that is about it. Thank goodness for the off-season, when there are fewer second home-owners around to complain.

SIKSUKR 06-04-2009 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Seaplane Pilot (Post 96295)
Yeah, and if Judd Gregg had donated his $800,000 lottery winnings to the State, the State could have bought it for 1/2 price! :laugh:

SS, Where are you?? I need help burying the dead horse. :emb:

Sorry,I was rafting between this yellow raft and somebodys camp across from LI.Great place to hang out if you guys like having someone yell at you!I think Judd Gregg should have bought that place too.:laugh:

SAMIAM 06-04-2009 10:05 AM

Woodsy makes a good point about the high water mark. Since the water is generally low in the summer months, many people, including myself have 15 or 20' of exposed beach which is not ours, according to your fomula. Guess that means that you could beach your boat, haul out you boom box, chairs, umbrella and beer and just have party.
Woodswalk says you're welcome at his place any time.:coolsm::coolsm:

Good to meet you too,OCD....still drooling over your boat! The minute I saw it, I knew it was you.....not many like it.

hazelnut 06-04-2009 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by SAMIAM (Post 96393)
Woodsy makes a good point about the high water mark. Since the water is generally low in the summer months,many people,including myself have 15 or 20' of exposed beach which is not ours, according to your fomula. Guess that means that you could beach your boat, haul out you boom box, chairs, umbrella and beer and just have party.
Woodswalk says you're welcome at his place any time.:coolsm::coolsm:

Good to meet you too,OCD....still drooling over your boat! The minute I saw it, I knew it was you.....not many like it.

Also, I recall in another thread doesn't NH Law specify that trespassing is not automatic? Meaning don't you need "No Trespassing" signs on your property if you don't want people there? So by right someone could potentially do as SAMIAM states without actually breaking the law even if they set up camp above the high water mark?

Please correct me if I am wrong.:D

Charlie T 06-04-2009 11:29 AM

I don't own waterfront but
I don't own waterfront property but I do own 200 ft off the waterfront. I also own a boat and it would seem common courtesy would dictate that there should be a "buffer zone" of maybe 50 - 100 ft off shore from privately owned waterfront property. I don't ever anchor, stop, play loud music, fish etc within that distance of privately owned waterfront. To do so would be rude and inconsiderate. Though the lake is publically owned there should be consideration shown for the rights of the taxpayers who own the waterfront land. This lake is filled with people who use it for free, those people should show some consideration to those whose tax dollars pay to allow them that privilege. As I said, I am a NH (Gilford) tax payer but not a waterfront owner. I would never invade a waterfront owner’s space.

Just my opinion.

Charlie T

SAMIAM 06-04-2009 11:59 AM

Bunch of slackers
Just noticed that 76% of the replies on this thread come in durring working hours.......what a bunch of SLACKERS.And here you are supposed to be working.

Charlie T 06-04-2009 12:02 PM

Posting times
And isn't lunch hour supposed to be a busy time for the restaurant business?:)

ironhorsetim 06-04-2009 01:35 PM

I just hope nobody is using a company computer :eek: :laugh::laugh:

now back to your regular program.....

C_Duff 06-04-2009 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by BroadHopper (Post 96247)
It is getting so that we can't raft anywhere or anchor anywhere. Public docks are crowded as it is. I just can't understand why we can't anchor a few hundred feet offshore and enjoy the lake? And I mean a few hundred feet where I am not in front of someone's property. I was not in front of the lady's property and I was several hundred feet out. I had to move!

To me the problem is not that people are anchoring off someone's land or dock, it seems that some people are not taking into consideration the soreline and other traffic situations.

I'll give an example. We have a house in the norther part of Winter Harbor, usually the traffic is light even on weekends, but sometimes we'll have someone, or someones decide to anchor right off our dock leaving us no room to maneuver getting in or out of our dock. If they were just a little bit down the shore line (either direction) or just a little bit further away from the shore, it would not be any problems.

So I guess what I am saying it is a 2-way street. Land owners need to relax and understand they don't own the lake in front of their property, and boaters need to keep other people's considerations in mind when they pick their rafting locations.

Formula260SS 06-04-2009 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by SAMIAM (Post 96408)
Just noticed that 76% of the replies on this thread come in durring working hours.......what a bunch of SLACKERS.And here you are supposed to be working.

Maybe there is no work to do.......and that my friends is the "other" problem

OCDACTIVE 06-04-2009 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by SAMIAM (Post 96393)
Woodsy makes a good point about the high water mark. Since the water is generally low in the summer months, many people, including myself have 15 or 20' of exposed beach which is not ours, according to your fomula. Guess that means that you could beach your boat, haul out you boom box, chairs, umbrella and beer and just have party.
Woodswalk says you're welcome at his place any time.:coolsm::coolsm:

Good to meet you too,OCD....still drooling over your boat! The minute I saw it, I knew it was you.....not many like it.

Thanks Man.. Just filled her up :( and splashed her. Having my trailer serviced so I can trailer her to virginia to rip it up...

Having a beer on my dock right now, looking at her, while my two year old naps.. Life is good..

Should be around most weekends now... May make some runs to Portsmouth but just let me know when you want to go for a ride and you can stop drooling.. :D You can start crying from the wind :eek:

webmaster 06-04-2009 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by SAMIAM (Post 96408)
Just noticed that 76% of the replies on this thread come in durring working hours.......what a bunch of SLACKERS.And here you are supposed to be working.

Even in good times M-F 9-5 was always the most active time for this site with lunchtime the peek. Weekend days have about half the traffic of weekdays.

hazelnut 06-04-2009 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by OCDACTIVE (Post 96442)
Thanks Man.. Just filled her up :( and splashed her. Having my trailer serviced so I can trailer her to virginia to rip it up...

Having a beer on my dock right now, looking at her, while my two year old naps.. Life is good..

Should be around most weekends now... May make some runs to Portsmouth but just let me know when you want to go for a ride and you can stop drooling.. :D You can start crying from the wind :eek:

I AM sufficiently JEALOUS of your current status!!!! Dockside???? On a Thursday!!!! Ok well the shoe is on the other foot come June 25th when school gets out and I head to the island for the summer!!!!! :D

So I'll probably see you this weekend, swing by the island. Will the 2 year old be in tow. Besides my twin 5 year old boys I have a 2 year old daughter. Your 2 year old is more than welcome to come on over and hang with my crew. Enjoy the day, I hope to be on the island no later than 5pm tomorrow!!!!!

OCDACTIVE 06-04-2009 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by hazelnut (Post 96447)
I AM sufficiently JEALOUS of your current status!!!! Dockside???? On a Thursday!!!! Ok well the shoe is on the other foot come June 25th when school gets out and I head to the island for the summer!!!!! :D

So I'll probably see you this weekend, swing by the island. Will the 2 year old be in tow. Besides my twin 5 year old boys I have a 2 year old daughter. Your 2 year old is more than welcome to come on over and hang with my crew. Enjoy the day, I hope to be on the island no later than 5pm tomorrow!!!!!

Thanks man.. My parents and my wifes parents both have houses within a mile of each other up here..... So they will be watching him Saturday. Tomorrow doing errands before all the guys show up... Oh didn't I mention Guys Weekend.. Me, my son and 3 friends.. Everyone else has to work / has plans so house is ALLLLLLLL MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PARTY LIKE IS WAS 1999!!!

So hoping to swing in after the naswa on Sat. my buddies may join you for a beer but I carry Odouls with me when I am driving the boat. Little rule I have.... I don't even have one and drive anything... But once back on the dock Jack on the Rocks... (want one now but got my son to watch so I gotta be good)

If you get up early tomorrow let me know.. May swing by.

hoytglp 06-04-2009 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by rick35 (Post 96344)
I think its reasonable for a property owner to expect some privacy. While the law may allow a boater to anchor off my property I have to ask why. There are lots of places on the lake that are more private. I would think a boater would want his privacy just as I want mine.

rick35 we were not next to his dock we were 300 yards away we weren't invading his privacy or his space. DOES THE WORD DANGEROUS ENTER YOUR MIND? Did you read the original post HE WAS 25 FT. AWAY MAX WAKE SPEED.The law is 150 ft. is it not. What if someone was in the water or does privacy rights cover that?

KDL 06-04-2009 05:56 PM

Hi All,
Thought I could add another perspective to this topic. I was one of the three boats with hoytglp last Saturday. We were at least 800' from Captain Pieces island property. We were not invading his privacy or impeding his access to his dock. The last thing we want to do is spoil someone else's enjoyment of the lake, be it land owner or another boater, that is why we anchored by the uninhabited islands. Five days later I'm still trying to figure out what would possess a boat operator to pass between two boats anchored less than 50' apart, at more than no wake speed, when an open, empty lake is available 200' to the left. We are thankful this didn't happen in July or August when swimmers would likely have been in the water. But hey, it'll give us something to talk about all summer! Safe boating to all.

VtSteve 06-04-2009 07:15 PM

It's called arrogance. I think you'll find that while many will look closely at "some" laws being enforced, they rarely, if ever, think of the ones they break routinely. What "Pieces" did that day is one of my pet peeves, maybe number one on the list. They violated the distance rule, the safe and prudent rule, speed rule, pretty much all of them.

But the thread immediately gravitated to landowner's and boater's rights. Can you possibly imagine any other thread from last year developing this way? The hypocrisy is overwhelming. But at any rate, it just goes to show how far away from reality some people are. Just think of the tickets Pieces' skipper should have been given had an MP been there to witness it. But look at the outcome.

BroadHopper 06-04-2009 07:51 PM

"Other" problem

Originally Posted by Formula260SS (Post 96439)
Maybe there is no work to do.......and that my friends is the "other" problem

Retirement maybe????? :D

Merrymeeting 06-04-2009 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by BroadHopper (Post 96465)
Originally Posted by Formula260SS
Maybe there is no work to do.......and that my friends is the "other" problem
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset" class=alt2>Originally Posted by Formula260SS
Maybe there is no work to do.......and that my friends is the "other" problem

Retirement maybe????? :D

Or perhaps the old 9-5 model no longer works. With meetings with people in Asia, Europe, and the West coast, my day often starts at 6AM and ends at 11 PM. No such thing as a 9-5 day anymore.

But, this is a topic for another thread...back to the point of water rights, use, and abuse...

hazelnut 06-04-2009 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by VtSteve (Post 96464)
It's called arrogance. I think you'll find that while many will look closely at "some" laws being enforced, they rarely, if ever, think of the ones they break routinely. What "Pieces" did that day is one of my pet peeves, maybe number one on the list. They violated the distance rule, the safe and prudent rule, speed rule, pretty much all of them.

But the thread immediately gravitated to landowner's and boater's rights. Can you possibly imagine any other thread from last year developing this way? The hypocrisy is overwhelming. But at any rate, it just goes to show how far away from reality some people are. Just think of the tickets Pieces' skipper should have been given had an MP been there to witness it. But look at the outcome.

GREAT POST. Lost in all of this banter, some of it my own, :emb: the real point was the absolute dangerous behavior by captain knucklehead and his wife "Lovey." If I were one of the anchored boats I am not sure I could have kept my composure in that situation. I'm thinking it may have escalated and Marine Patrol would have been called. These people need a reality slap for sure.

KDL 06-04-2009 08:40 PM

Saturday just had to be the day I left my camera at home. A video clip of the event as it happened would have been priceless.

rick35 06-04-2009 09:08 PM

hoytglp you misunderstood my post. I was talking about someone anchoring off my property, not what happened to you.

RC246 06-04-2009 09:24 PM

Ok, as an observer I'll put in my 2 cents of what happened that beautiful day.
The boats anchored, were NO WHERE near the loon area or the shoreline of that island.
In fact, you could have navigated a barge with room to spare to the dock where these older folks where headed without doing what they did. If there had been people in the water it would have been more serious than it was.
Picture yourself and YOUR family in your boat and another boat on a heading right for the transom of your boat faster than max wake speed.
What do you do besides use your horn, yell, and wave or get ready to jump off your boat before the collision occurred.
Needless to say the whole incident would have left a nasty package in the seat of your pants!!

This couple was flat out WRONG, PERIOD.

TomC 06-05-2009 03:20 AM

if it happened once, it'll happen again
set up the same scenario - this time with a video camera at the ready...

As far as the waterfront/boater rights, if you replace "in the lake, right in front of my beach" with "on the sidewalk, right in front of my house" - it may give a different perspective on the use of public property for recreation and how it impacts the landowner immediately adjacent to it...

OCDACTIVE 06-05-2009 05:10 AM

Tomc, I think you definately put a very good perspective on the situation. I also feel that there has to be a compromise. If I were coming home and a family had set up a picnic in front of my house by the sidewalk, although I do not own the land and have no "rights" to it, I would still be a bit upset.

Now with that said, while your description has merit, you can not draw a direct comparrison from the sidewalk in front of your house to the lake. People come into coves to get out of the wind / stay out of channels and areas of traveling boat traffic.

In the situation that sparked this thread, it wasn't a group of noisy, littering, annoying boats anchored right off their dock (from the sounds of it). They were not impeding access to the docks. In this case I would totally agree with RC246.. TOTALLY WRONG. While the home owners may not like where they were rafting, they had no right to do what they did.

Even if they thought that the rafters were breaking the law anchoring where they were positioned, it doesn't give them the right to drive that close above no wake speed, plain and simple.

Just my 2 cents. Play on.

Lakegeezer 06-05-2009 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by TomC (Post 96491)
set up the same scenario - this time with a video camera at the ready...

As far as the waterfront/boater rights, if you replace "in the lake, right in front of my beach" with "on the sidewalk, right in front of my house" - it may give a different perspective on the use of public property for recreation and how it impacts the landowner immediately adjacent to it...

The analogy of a sidewalk doesn't seem quite right. It is as if you bought a home next to a public park and then objected when people showed up on Saturday to play a game of baseball or have a picnic. When someone buys a house in a nice quiet cove, they should assume that others want to enjoy it too, and will. All told, boaters will be in the cove less than 2% of the year (5 hours a day, 3 days a week, 12 weeks a year). Unfortunately, that may overlap the limited time the home owner chooses to be there too, and they can't pull anchor and move to a different cove.

Perhaps the right attitude for boaters and home owners alike to have is one of sharing. The boater is not alone and should act that way. If they are looking for privacy, they need to go somewhere else. The home owner has already chosen a spot that must occasionally be shared and must accept that.

Some of the conflict comes from the home owners who have managed to get no-rafting laws enacted in their areas. To extend the analogy, this is like having the town ban playing baseball in some parts of the public park because the neighbors complain. This causes other areas of the park to be used more frequently, so other neighbors start complaining until the point that baseball and picnics are no longer allowed in the public park.

The result of no-rafting rules causes some boaters to find other areas, and the choices have become limited. Coves that used to be rarely used are being found and have become popular. One solution is to revoke no-rafting laws and open the entire lake back up to the public. It could start with Kona!

SAMIAM 06-05-2009 06:44 AM

Thanks,Don....I rest my case.Ha ha, wife THINKS I'm working.

alsadad 06-05-2009 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Lakegeezer (Post 96501)
One solution is to revoke no-rafting laws and open the entire lake back up to the public.

Lakegeezer, I wholeheartedly agree that boaters and waterfront landowners need to be more sharing. I am both, and I suspect you are, too. But if the abutting landowners, or someone else, have told you that no-rafting areas are closed to the public then you need to set them straight. These areas are NOT closed to the public, nor are boaters prohibited from anchoring there. And, ironically enough, “no rafting” doesn’t even literally mean no rafting, it means that rafts are limited to two boats. It does seem that some waterfront landowners think the lake in front of their homes is closed to the public, but that doesn’t mean they’re right.

4Fun 06-05-2009 08:15 AM

Maybe we should have an "On the water" forum fest right in front of "Pieces" camp this summer:D

Misty Blue 06-05-2009 10:52 AM

how far is enough?
Some folks in this discussion have made a point that it's OK to anchor off of a property if they are 150 feet or more away from the dock.

Anchoring that far from shore could put the anchored boat in a area where there could cause a collision with an underrway boat.

My neighbor used to talk about a boat that used to anchor off of his place every wednesday. He said that a man and a woman on the boat would take off their clothes and do "things".

My wife noticed a telescope by his bay window. It was pointing down twards the Lake. She said "Isn't this thing supposed to be looking at the sky?"

Misty Blue

fatlazyless 06-05-2009 12:06 PM about a major film studio picking this up and creating a dramatic summer film, shot on the lake....just envision Richard Dreyfuss and Bette Midler as the nasty arrogant retired wealthy couple who summer out there, way across the bay, on Attitude Island....

a scene could go like this

Dreyfuss' character: Just look Dear, another fisherman, is here, making our little cove feel so dirty...

Midler's character: Yes, what a shame, with this whole big lake, why must they do that terrible fishing right here, so we are forced to look at them...

Dreyfuss' character: Now, couldn't they just take up drinking and leave the fishing rods at home...

Midler's character: some people, I tell you's just terrible what we have to put up with just to get to our little island...


SAMIAM 06-05-2009 04:56 PM

FLL........Couple of people in a white truck are coming to see you with a net......let them in...they are your friends

partsman 06-05-2009 07:49 PM

You guys crack me up.
While just a newbie to this forum, I have been on this lake for 60 years and in the marine business for 40 years and have seen all the scenarios you all describe.

Woodsy says it best:


Originally Posted by Woodsy (Post 96302)
The problem lies in what a waterfront property owner might think is reasonable vs. what an anchored boater might think is reasonable. The laws are on the side of the boater.

Unfortunately, those who own waterfront property abut what is essentially a state park. While its very desireable to abut such a beautiful park, it has its downfalls. Its not your "cove" or your "backyard" You have to put up with Joe Public. Joe Public can be annoyingly noisy guy. You knew that going in! If I were the sailboater mentioned in Post #5 I would have politely told the MP to leave me alone...

What I find humorous is the perception that being anchored off the shoreline is somehow inconsiderate?? I dont quite get that. The property line ends at the high water mark... PERIOD! If someone anchors thier boat off your property and proceed to enjoy themselves... lunch, swim, music, etc. Its no different than a group of people playing frisbee in a park. While Joe Public has a RIGHT to enjoy the lake/park as they see fit, the waterfront property owner/park abutter does not have ANY RIGHTS (other than the Littoral rights mentioned above) past thier property line which for the lake is the high water mark!

It is precisely the NIMBY attitude of some waterfront property owners that has resulted in the many no rafting zones... the more no rafting zones we have, the more people have to spread out into other areas of the lake.

I am a considerate boater... I have never anchored in front of someones property and certainly have never caused an annoyance. However I have a serious problem when a property onwer THINKS that he/she has RIGHTS that somehow trump mine.... that is certainly not the case or the law here in NH!


To all shorefront land owners, we locals have as much right to the waterways in NH as you do. Some of us choose to not purchase shorefront property because we don't need to own it when we can just boat from our rented docks or launch ramps; others of us can not afford to. The reality is, it is as much our lake as yours. Get over it. If the law is being broken you should absolutely contact the proper authorities. If someone is just enjoying their right to our great lake, leave them alone.

RC246 06-05-2009 07:51 PM

Thank you OCDACTIVE for seeing the REALITY of the situation.
4Fun, count me in on the forum fest (though not in front "of Pieces") BUT, in the same spot this incident occoured.

VtSteve 06-05-2009 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by partsman (Post 96559)
While just a newbie to this forum, I have been on this lake for 60 years and in the marine business for 40 years and have seen all the scenarios you all describe.

Woodsy says it best:

To all shorefront land owners, we locals have as much right to the waterways in NH as you do. Some of us choose to not purchase shorefront property because we don't need to own it when we can just boat from our rented docks or launch ramps; others of us can not afford to. The reality is, it is as much our lake as yours. Get over it. If the law is being broken you should absolutely contact the proper authorities. If someone is just enjoying their right to our great lake, leave them alone.

End of thread. Great post, says it all.

hazelnut 06-05-2009 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by partsman (Post 96559)
While just a newbie to this forum, I have been on this lake for 60 years and in the marine business for 40 years and have seen all the scenarios you all describe.

Woodsy says it best:

To all shorefront land owners, we locals have as much right to the waterways in NH as you do. Some of us choose to not purchase shorefront property because we don't need to own it when we can just boat from our rented docks or launch ramps; others of us can not afford to. The reality is, it is as much our lake as yours. Get over it. If the law is being broken you should absolutely contact the proper authorities. If someone is just enjoying their right to our great lake, leave them alone.

As a lakefront property owner (island) I concur. Well said partsman. We can all get along here and just be courteous of each other. Goes both way here by the way. This lake is big enough for all of us to enjoy!

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