Thread: Fish Nests
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Old 07-25-2022, 06:43 PM   #1
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Default Fish Nests

We have a relatively small swim area - maybe 14' x 20' - before we drop off into deep water. Most of this space is relatively sandy/pebbly...comfortable for kids and adults. Every year fish build a fish nest within this area though always in the past it's been 15 or so feet away from the prime swim area. This year however one fish built her nest right smack dab in the center of this area. The nerve. So, it seems for two months +/-, there the nest has sat with Mommy fish hovering above it.

Mommy fish is pretty protective so sure enough, when we get anywhere near the nest, she comes swimming over to bump or nibble our legs/feet. Mommy and Daddy humans don't really like the feel of that and we can't blame visiting friends and family from not liking it either. It might as well be a great white shark. So, until the baby fishies hatch and fledge their pebbly nest, we generally swim off the dock.

Having that nest there is also annoying since I like to rake the bottom early in the year. Of course, Mommy human won't let me get anywhere near the poor little Mommy fish. My wife is also protective.

What to do? We'll wait it out but it seems to me that in the past, the fishies have hatched and left their nests well before now. I mean, we're nearly half way through the swimming season for Pete's sake. In a comical moment, I considered that Mommy fish had her eggs eaten but doesn't know it and there she'll hover for years on end waiting for her little fishies to hatch.

My questions for the forum:

1. Is anyone else out there similarly obsessed with a situation like this? I admit, it seems to be rather innocuous. It is a lake after all.
2. When do these fish build their nests? I can't recall when I first saw it.
3. When will these babies finally hatch and fledge? I mean, they're missing the summer season. Sorry, not being a fisherman, I haven't a clue what type of fish this is other than it looks to be about five/six inches long.
4. Is there anything that can be done to prevent the Mommy fishies of the future from building their nests right in our little swim area?

Thanks for your feedback.
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