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Old 04-11-2024, 10:12 PM   #45
John Mercier
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You'd have to be bigger than poobah of Laconia.

1) State requires the local municipality to pay for shelter
3) State requires each municipality to have a Welfare Administrator
4) What vagrancy law?
5) Violation of constitutional protections of the 4th Amendment.

The problem is our ''working poor'', and I know that they don't like that term, make zero attempts to move into the middle class.

I can understand someone fresh out of school and starting their career not to have emergency funds and retirement savings... but not all of these are young people.

We have also, through our voting and support of certain economic venues, restricted housing to the point that once lost, acquiring new... even for someone of means... can be quite daunting.

Gone are the days were renters look for a small apartment to save money for the down payment and closing costs on a home. And long gone are the days were we support homes that our GIs from the Greatest Generation used to Make America Great during the 50s. Levittown size lots and houses are simply no longer available in most cases... especially for young middle class families.

We chose this path... and though we are unhappy with some of the outcome... just keep trudging along.
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