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Old 12-11-2023, 11:55 AM   #27
John Mercier
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Originally Posted by root1 View Post
With regards to pollution control, until India & China hop on the 'stop pollution' bandwagon, any mitigation on our (USA) part is just a fart in the wind.
True. But as I state above. I don't think the policies are really about reducing anything.

Politics in NH from the Forest Society and Timberland Owners gave us subsidized biomass. They are also strongly involved in blocking new/upgraded transmission lines - block out the competition.

So a new tax rebate credit for burning wood makes them happy... and for most of NH doesn't really make anyone sad. We close one door, but open another. I know they would rather have both... but that doesn't seem to be beneficial to the majority of residents.

The loss of lake ice, or snow cover, may be an issue for some areas... with some user groups... but they will need to adapt.

Maybe some street hockey rather than pond hockey, bob houses on pontoon boats, dog sleds using the summer training wheeled rigs, and fat bikes instead of snowmobiles?

But thinking that everyone is going to sport an EV - with the ice storm blackouts we've had - I think that may be a dream too far in a short period of just years.

Now to be honest... I don't know that I wouldn't buy a plug-in hybrid if the cost with the tax credit worked out. Just don't know what might happen if for so many short trips the gasoline went bad in the tank.

Of course an eight speed or high-efficiency CVT wouldn't be out of the question either.
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