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Old 09-20-2023, 04:42 PM   #10
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I just upgraded my OLD Davis Vantage Pro system (well over 13 years old, that was starting to fail) to a new Davis Vantage Pro2 sensor suite and a Weatherlink Console. I was looking at the Tempest as well but they don't provide an indoor console.

The new Weatherlink Console is a digital display that is highly configurable. It displays numerous datum from the outside sensor suite PLUS indoor conditions.

Further, it has numerous screens with graphs, forecasts, historical data, and even a Satellite map with weather stations that you can tap to get their reported info. Davis had a nice console but it was limited in capability. The new WeatherLink Console SOLD me on getting Davis again. Very slick.

PLUS the Console downloads and stores information from the sensor suite. It can hook into your WiFi and upload the data to WeatherLink, Davis' site. You can navigate to the WeatherLink website and see all sorts of information from your station, as well as other public stations (going public is YOUR choice).

Finally, I have hooked my uploads into WeatherUnderground. It was easy to do but some of the process is NOT well documented or clear. Once I figured out where to go on the WeatherLink website, it was trivial. You get a Station ID and key from Weather Underground, then enter the information into WeatherLink.

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