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Old 02-26-2023, 06:59 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Biggd View Post
What happened to "live Free or Die"?
I am all for your right to die because of your own decisions. And, I think in most cases the less regulation the better. But please explain why people who wear their seat belts should pay higher insurance rates to cover for the injuries and deaths of those who don't. Please explain why it is fine for first responders to contend with additional carnage at motor vehicle accidents when the occupants of the vehicle did not wear their seat belts.

Would you be OK with higher insurance rates for people who don't wear their seat belts?

Young drivers already pay higher insurance rates because their accident risk is higher. The life insurance industry already has it figured out so that smokers pay higher premiums than non-smokers. Why not apply the same logic to unbelted drivers?
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