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Old 08-16-2022, 10:28 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Major View Post
From Robert Kennedy's book.

Dr. Fauci has been in bed with vaccine manufacturers for decades. Here are six strategies that Dr. Fauci employed with the assistance of drug companies to greenlight new vaccines.

1. To abort the three-year clinical trials at six months and then vaccinate the controls - a preemption that would prevent detection of long-term injuries.

2. To refuse to fix HHS's designated-to-fail vaccine injury surveillance system (VAERS), which systematically suppresses reporting of most vaccine injuries.

3. To enlist mainstream and social media companies to make reporting of injuries and deaths disappear from the airwaves, newspapers, and the Internet, and therefore from public consciousness.

4. To discourage autopsies in deaths following vaccination.

5. To populate key FDA and CDC committees with NIAID, NIH, and Gates Foundation grantees and loyalists to insure rubber-stamp approvals of the mRNA vaccines, without any long-term studies.

6. To eliminate the control group to hid vaccine injuries by striving to vaccinate the entire population.

Kennedy uses the Pfizer vaccine as an example. "At this book's November 2021 publication date, only Phizer's COVID vaccine, known as Comirnaty, had won FDA approval. . . . The final summary of the Pfizer's six-month clinical trial data - the document that Pfizer submitted to the FDA to win approval - revealed one key data point that should have killed the intervention forever. Far more people died in the vaccine group than in the placebo group during Pfizer's clinical trials." Further, the Pfizer vaccine was shown to prevent a single COVID fatality among 22,000 vaccine recipients, whereas the placebo group had two deaths.

I am not an anti-vaxer. I was in the Army for 24 years and was a human pincushion for their vaccines. All I want to show is that we should have a healthy skepticism of our political and governmental leaders, and look to see what other motivations they have to justify what they are doing. Dr. Fauci has a long history in partnering with big Pharma and the Gates foundation, and as a result has achieved phenomenal personal wealth.
You're not an anti-vaxer? Hahaha--stop making me laugh. This is your fourth or fifth post promoting the country's number one anti-vaxer. Robert Kennedy,as I've posted before, is an absolute nut who is opposed to all vaccines.

But to your other misleading points--Fauci does not "greenlight" vaccines. That is the FDA's job based on rigorous clinical trials. This and throwing in Gates is only fear mongering.

The Pharma industry is not perfect, and is often incredibly greedy. But has produced amazing results, and is keeping many of us alive, likely including your family members. This is the source of the vaccines.

For folks who do not trust Pharma to produce great drugs, the approval process, or the system in general--I encourage you to also stay away from your blood pressure medication, your statins, your insulin, your reflux meds, your's all coming from the same place

Last edited by FlyingScot; 08-16-2022 at 10:28 AM. Reason: typo
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