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Old 12-01-2020, 08:13 AM   #8
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Default ....... pray for snow!

Tuesday, December 1, 2020: 58-degrees and it has been raining very heavy throughout the last 18-hours with something like two or three inches of rainfall.

Enough rain so the 7-acre Corcoran's Pond, owned by the town, had three 4x8' sheets of heavy plywood held in place by about 5 steel pipes-each, five foot length, get knocked over by the over-full lake water. The four or five 2" or 3" steel pipes were all bent over 90-degrees+ by the water. It's a type of safety dam water release buffer on the top of the concrete dam so the plywood atop the dam will break out before the concrete dam itself suffers concrete failure damage, and it did what it is supposed to do. Is highly unusual, like a 5-10-15 year event for this to happen because usually someone will remove the 4x4" outflow wood blocks when a big rainfall is imminent. The wood blocks were apparently not removed by someone, and the plywood sheets and steel pipes broke out, releasing what had to be a whole heck of a lot of water going down Snow's Brook ...... water over the dam!

There is absolutely no natural snow cover on the ground anywhere, around here, and this is what it looks like after what was probably the warmest, no-snow-month of November for the last 11,000-years.
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Saturday, Dec 5: Way-to-go Waterville Valley DPW ...... am very surprised to see the three washed-out upper dam panels have been totally repaired, and a dam good repair job it is, too ..... w/ same plywood, new plastic and new pipes. Was expecting the pond to be three feet below level for the entire winter but the water level is already pretty much back to where it should be. A ready to work dpw is a BIG IMPORTANT SERVICE for any town.
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Everybody ......... Pray for Snow! ...... so the Waterville parking lots will become filled with BMW's w/ Massachusetts license plates ....... Massachusetts - BMW big money ....... bring it here! ....... the skiing will soon be "totally excellent!"

Friday, Dec 4, 2020; 8:48-am, 38-degrees and overcast dark gray sky: Waterville opens, first day of the ski season, am seeing a few people with skis walking around and riding the chairlift in the moving webcam shot. The snow report from the ski area shows the temperature as 29-degrees and partly sunny while my thermometer, a mercury outside window mount about 1.5-miles from the ski area shows it as 38-degrees and very gray, total cloudy sky above Mt Tecumseh ..... so's who you gonna believe, here!
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 12-06-2020 at 07:53 AM.
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