Thread: Golden breeder
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Old 04-01-2020, 01:57 PM   #11
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So I just took a look at a couple of the breeders referenced in this thread.... You have got to be kidding me... 1,800$ for a Golden? I love dogs, and have had them all my life. I have even had a golden.... But when I see breeder's fleecing people I have to point it out.

I have two pure bread Border Collies, I did my homework spent time looking around and found someone that not only breads her dogs but shows them as well. And paid 1/3 of the price that I was able to find else where. The question you should be asking your self is why? Well that is because above all else she is a breader, she has taken the time to get educated on breading and caring for her dogs.... This means she is able to give them all their shots herself, and really only needs to use the vet to do physical examinations. Most of these so called breeders with the wonderful sounding kennel names, and high prices, have to have the high prices, because they really don't care for the animals themselves.... The pay to have vets take care of all the shots, etc. I can understand this, but don't call yourself a breeder, if really your trying to make sure you line your pockets, and have to do a minimal amount of work......

Don't get me wrong, I am not say that these aren't wonderful dogs, they likely are.... But spend the time to do the research and find someone that just wants to see their dogs enjoyed by others... It took me a few months to find my breeder, but when I did the price was right, and the quality of what I got was worth so much more.
Life is about how much time you can spend relaxing... I do it on an island that isn't really an island.....
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