Thread: Market turmoil
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Old 02-11-2018, 09:32 AM   #50
Dave R
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Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
Neither side is any better here... How about idiots like Weiner? Slick Willy and his love for cigars, blue dresses and interns? Or maybe all of the trips on Epstein plane- the "Lolita express" to predator island?
I was not taking political sides, just stating facts about Donald *****. I totally understand why people voted for him given the choices we had. Despicable behavior is not limited to any political party. FWIW, I despise HRC too...

What astounds me is the support ***** still has today. Regardless of all the political and economic policies, there is a very simple dividing line that is derived from absolute core human values:

You support a man that has bragged about being a sexual predator AND has endorsed an accused child molester.
You condemn a man that has bragged about being a sexual predator AND has endorsed an accused child molester.

Even if I was able to overlook (I'm not...) the sexual predation because all involved were likely adults and most of the victims probably knew what they were getting into, I could never support anyone that endorsed an accused child molester; I think that sort of thing is really sick.
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