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Old 04-22-2016, 09:33 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by PaugusBayFireFighter View Post
Updated death toll from fatal marijuana overdose: It's still ZERO!
Not quite true PBFF...How many of those alcohol related deaths and accidents also had marijuana in their system??... If a person is arrested for alcohol DWI they do not test for marijuana. Just because they don't test for it doesn't mean its not there.

This state as well as the entire country certainly does not have alcohol DWI under control and it IS a big issue. Now the state should legalize another impairment drug when they cant control the one that's legal already??...I'm not sure I agree with that.

You and I both know that smoking a joint while drinking increases impairment ten fold or do you stop the MANY irresponsible people who will smoke weed and drink then get behind the wheel of a car??

Hey, I have nothing against the responsible use of marijuana. Unfortunately our society is very irresponsible and making it legal will only give easier access to those who are not responsible.

I'll be honest, I'm on the fence on this issue but I do see and understand both sides of the argument...

Enjoy the weekend!!

It's Always Sunny On Welch Island!!
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