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Old 05-09-2011, 07:04 AM   #11
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Default Great news (not)

This is great news if your idea of fun is...

- grabbing a case of beer and ripping up the lake with your loud, obnoxious buddies,
- disregarding safe passage laws,
- disregarding speed limits, day and night,
- disregarding NWZ's,
- disregarding safe distances to kids swimming and playing,
- disregarding safe distances for tubers and skiers,
- disregarding spacing and anchoring rules at NRZ's and sandbars,
- disregarding the ques at launches and docks,
- disregarding DUI laws,
- disregarding safety equipment
- disregarding any knowledge of safe, respectful boating,
- jumping off the back of a moving boat with a few friends in the busy, tight West Alton channel by sleepers, and then swimming to the sand bar (yes I actually saw this), drunk. Jumped in right in front of a large cruiser leaving the marina. Their boat left them there to go pick up more drunk friends and presumably, more beer.

- waiting longer for help in an emergency, which is now more likely than before,

Of course, your life is getting more complicated if you just want to spend some safe, respectful and law abiding time on the big lake with your family. I have spent many days on the lake watching one infraction after another without ever seeing a patrol boat. Looks like I am in store for even more of these days.
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