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Old 07-29-2010, 12:07 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by sunset on the dock View Post
We seem to be oversimplifying here.
We've heard it said on this forum that if you want to see the results of a country with minimal laws one can go to Somalia. And you can see what happens there when people take "matters into their own hands".

Our government in Concord is elected by the people. The people do choose.

Some people's idea of common sense can be at the far end of the bell curve. Someone may feel its OK to leave their stereo up all night...glad there are laws against disturbing the peace. We heard from Shreddy of how he likes all his toys loud (and from a few of his critics about how he ruins snowmobiling for everyone). And yes, we all do pay a price for a few (really) bad apples ...I'm not a terrorist but have to take off my shoes at the airport for example.
This is exactly what I am talking about, Jumping to extremes. Looking at Somalia, yeah you have to take into consideration the quality of life and also the quality of people you are dealing with before you jump to an extreme example of all day warfare because of corrupt lawless-ness. I would harbor a guess that people of the United States would not alllow themselves to fall into that type of lifestyle.

Now onto the people choosing, youa re correct in the fact that they choose but most ideas for politicans coem from their constiuates and they decide to ride that wave or not

Again jumping to extremes about people taking matters into thier own hands, does not mean going out there with a gun, knife, or anything else it SIMPLY means feel out the others involved and then react, not just simply go crying because someone spilled your milk, while not going over and shooting someone because they spilled your milk. It means making educated and sometimes calculated decisions on how to handle the situation infront of you instead of having someone else handle it for you

Life can be simple, and I have no problem taking my shoes off at the airport as well, safety - which falls under my common sense theory, is common sense
Capt. of the "No Worries"
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