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Old 07-18-2009, 09:45 PM   #186
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
Come on Hazelnut, get real. You sound like the little kid who goes crying to mommy because his sibling said "something mean" to him. Don has repeatedly shown more wisdom than you give him credit for in this regard. One thing that stands out clearly to all is that since Don closed the forum to SL discussions, many of the performance boaters with agendas (your word) of their own keep trying to slip in under the radar with such topics as Speed Limits/Bad for the Economy, There Ought to be a Law, and Performance Boats, Alive and Well. Some have used these threads to taunt and ridicule those with an agenda (again your word) different from theirs or to boast about how they managed to break the law without getting caught. The nasty comment about how much the kayakers contributed to the Easter Seals is just the tip of the iceberg. Many joined in on the forum in order to follow the SL debate during its peak last year and to follow boating news in general. Don closed the SL debate last year, yet some of you can't seem to help yourselves from adding your little tweak or taunt. Then when somebody counters said tweak or taunt, some crybaby yells "troll" or the omnipresent smokescreen "agenda". Name calling is easy and names like Turtletroll or Twaddle Boy are not likely to cause me to go out and slit my wrists, no more so than if I called you Hazelcrybaby or someone else Eatabene. As pointed out earlier, I suspect there is a corrolation between those who might want to dominate/intimidate on this forum and those who might wish to do it on the lake. I sense this when somebody makes a nasty or petty comment on one of the "under the radar" threads, taunts someone to defend or reply, then yells "troll" or "agenda". And speaking of the poor worn out and tiresome word " agenda", every one of the 5 billion+ people walking on earth has an agenda. I have an agenda, you have an agenda, WINNFABS has an agenda, and the now disgraced NHRBA had an agenda. If Don were to monitor/censor something on this forum, I would vote for the word agenda. I wish, in fact, that Don would stop all of these under the radar threads like he did with the SL/Bad for the Economy one. Some of us want to still follow boating on the lake without the now customary below the belt dings already described. This might well allow us to follow boating issues without crybaby responses like " he only posts on these threads...wah, wah, wah". I've said in the past that posting on this forum is like asking 3 foxes and a chicken to vote on what they would like to have for dinner. The outcome is always predictable and never in doubt. I can handle that. And I can take solace in that it seems like civility and tranquility are now more apparent on Winni than in years earlier, for whatever reason. In that regard, some of the things occuring on this forum are not a reflection of the reality on the lake.

Anyone have any "Deepwoods Off" Actually I think "SKin So Soft" would actually work here with this one!

Gimme a "T" Gimme an "R" Gimme an "O" Gimme an "L" Gimme another "L" what does it spell?
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